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~My head was down low in a dim room where I was not living but existing. You took my face in your hands and whispered for me to smile my smile because it was worth giving. Said that I was worth living for, breathing for and worthy of smiling for. You said the word 'me' so much not even bother to utter the word 'I.' I knew you meant the words you said to me, but when I saw just how brightly you smiled I knew you had a more broken one than I.~

Dionysus Pov:

Everyone spoke at once, all except me who leaned back in the chair and carefully observed the dimwits. They would make monkeys look intelligent.

"You guys scared her!" Apollo spoke in a low yell. Who's he kidding?  With that voice I'd hear him across the cosmos.

Hermes countered: "Nuh uh."

Wow, what a good comeback. This guy should write poetry with those impeccable words.

A door creaks open. All sounds no longer exists as lips shut upon seeing her enter.

I smirk seeing her, leaning my elbow on the table and resting my cheek in my hand.

Pretty, gorgeous in a way no goddess can compare. Like her own brand, her own theme or scent. It makes her special, stand out in a room without screaming to get attention. Though that's all I can tell from the looks.

She'll be fun to mess with.

You hold quite the reputation y/n with those comments. Will you live up to the expectations? Dont disappoint me. I'm not too kind when I'm disappointed. Ask the sailors who now swim in the ocean as dolphins, they'll tell you all about it.

She strolled in, a nervous look on her practiced smile. Her h/c hair was neat yet wild as parts of it billows in the air regardless of it being put up. I along with everyone else watch her carefully, a single flutter of her eyelashes wouldn't go unnoticed under the gaze we held.

"No need to look tense angel." Eros spoke, his voice airy as the smile he wore spread to his tone and eyes.

What's up with everyone and these nicknames? Apollo calls her darling if I can recall, and Eros calls her Angel. Also I'm pretty sure I heard that statue call her a duck.

I want a nickname for the girl too...

My eyes never stray from her. I make a humming sound. Though nobody notices me as there attention is elsewhere.

They're like dogs finding their long awaited master. Not like I'm any better.

"I'm not tense. Stop looking at me like that!" The tone she spoke with contradicted her words. Is she confused or something? Her postures so stiff she's not anything but tense.

Aphrodite bats her eyes, innocence on her pouting lip. "Like what y/n?" That weasel is using her looks to get around again I suppose.

"You know damn well what you're doing."

I scoff, "Why would you let such foul words befall such a pretty mouth?"

"This 'pretty mouth' can curse if it wants to. Damn isn't even that bad a word!" She sits down at last at the only available seat which so happened to be at the head of the table. Did we do that in purpose? Oh absolutely. Her face scrunched ever so slightly in irritation.

It's kinda cute. She doesn't hide it, what she's thinking. Not for a moment. A small smile curls my lips. She's like an open book, just letting the world see what she's thinking. Naive. Adorable.

Hermes teased her with a tsk. "Theres no winning with you is there? What's got you in such a touchy mood."

"I'm not touchy. I just don't like it when I'm at the center of things." Her words were grumbled, without her sitting next to me I doubt I'd hear them.

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