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~The most fragile words we can say is 'I love you.' In these words, a transaction is made as a heart is given. Tied to the heart is a soul and mind. Something so fragile as glass is being given away with care. Trust and a bond are made, do not shatter something as sacred as love unless you plan to reap what you sow.~


Y/n's Pov:

Sweat drenched my body in the most disgusting way possible. A bath. A bath sounds like heaven right now. Ever since I've bathed for the meeting water hasn't touched my body. Meaning I smell like the ocean mixed with sweat right now. So basically I smelt putrid.

I think Ares caught on with my discomfort from my curled nose. As I was on my way out he let me know a servant would fill my tub with bathing water. It was odd hearing someone get called a servant. Like we were rich British people who had butlers and maids. I'm grateful for the bath anyway. I just hope it's not that petty chick that hates me.

I sighed, leaning my head back as I walked back to my room.

Ares worked me like I was a fucking dog. It's like whatever we did yesterday he timed it by ten. Not to mention Apollo was there and made things worse. You'd think having a lighthearted guy around made it better. But from our last interaction, I was a bit awkward. I felt embarrassed to do the simplest things knowing his eyes burned into my skin. The guy was like a hawk. And Ares was already watching me intensely. Now I have four intense eyes on me while I'm training.

A bead of sweat rolled down my forehead as I opened the door.

In a way, it's kinda nice to work hard at something again. It used to be my job but this is more intense. The satisfaction I get from it also makes it feel equally as amazing.

It's embarrassing as hell but I persist anyways. Anything to get that annoying nickname off his lips. Getting called a duck was weird at first but now it's just feeling condescending, a constant reminder I have yet to succeed.

It only works to fuel the fire in my gut.

So in a way, it's helping? I don't even know at this point.

My head is propped upright on my neck and my eyes peel open upon entering the room.

"What the fu-!" I almost jumped out of my skin when I saw a girl already in my room.

"Madam!" A girl nearly lept a mile from my sudden voice, the bucket she was holding tumbled from her grasp and collided on the floor. Her eyes looked at me franticly before returning to the mess, within seconds she was on her hands and knees cleaning the spillage. She sputters out, "S-sorry madam...."

"I. Ughm, it's alright don't apologize. Who are you exactly?" I took a step closer, watching her carefully. I knew Ares said something about sending a servant but how exactly did she get here so fast? I didn't think I was that slow walking here.

You know what? This is Olympus. Nothing is worth questioning anymore.

She looked down while cleaning, not meeting my eyes as her face was hooded by brown curls. This was not Lydia. Thank God. This woman holds herself with so much more poise and elegance giving off an air of innocence.

"I'm a servant." She said it clearly, her hands working a towel onto the wet floor.

My brows furrowed, "That's not what I meant. What is your name?" I walk closer to her, my steps light as I reach her. I reach for a nearby cloth off my dresser and join her on the floor. She didn't respond or gaze at me, only continued cleaning in a rush.

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