Restless Sleep

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~Even as I walk through the pits of hell and feel the fire burn my flesh. As I shred every dream and tear at an angel's flesh you tell me I'm good. Even though every breath I take is the agony of others you still embrace me in your steady gaze. No matter how many sins I've committed and how detached I truly am, you stay by my side ever so committed with that look in your eyes. The determination of someone who will never quit. Thank you for never quitting on me no matter how ruined I am. I may be the ashes after a flame, but you plan to rekindle the fire.~


Y/n's pov:

It's not like she can do anything to me right? I find myself unable to sleep as I toss and turn in my messy tent.

The day has passed and I found myself turning in early. Feeling both tired physically and emotionally from the day.

I haven't been able to sleep and it must have been hours. Not having a clock or phone to check the time has been screwing with me more than I'd like to admit.

Hera let me leave, so she must have told the other gods to lay off. Right? Right?! What do if she didn't? But then if she didn't why would she let me go without a fight knowing the other gods took an interest in me? This is getting way too complex for my liking.

Yeah, she won't hurt me...

At least that's what I'd like to think. I mean, why would she hurt me? We seemed to have gotten along just fine. But that doesn't mean I should let my guard down. No, I can't. Whenever I let my guard down something bad happens and I can't risk shit right now.

I'm starting to get comfortable in my new surroundings. Just knowing that two people care about me is more than I could have asked for. It's weird, to have someone worry for me. To fuss over whether I'm eating enough and if my wounds are clean.

I've never had that. I wish I could say my parents gave it to me considering it's a birthright, every kid growing up should have loving parents. The same just couldn't be said for me. I wonder what it would have been like, to grow up in a place we're love was as natural as breathing.

It turn over on the bed, tears building up in the corners of my eyes as I feel my nose sting.

Stop, you can't cry. What are you a baby? It's been so long and you're still stuck in the past. Pathetic.

"Come on y/n. You know we love you right?"

"Y-you love me?" My eyes were red and puffy as I had been crying before. My stomach is in terrible knots from hunger. The man who starved me looked down on me with a blade-sharp smile.

"Yes, baby. You know Daddy loves you. He does this for your good." He crouched down to my level, the belt still in his hands as he cupped my face. The smoothness of the leather brushes against my red tear-stained cheeks.

"...but. Dads are supposed to protect their kids if they love them." My voice quivered, not as much as my bottom lip as I looked into his eyes as they swam with pure pleasure. He loved it, the sick bastard loved seeing me broken. Like I was made of glass, he got to shatter me with a hammer.

He coed, his thumb rubbing under my eyes to dry the tears. "Darling, Daddy has a special type of love for you."

I kept my lips sealed. Knowing what would come next. It always came whenever he talked about how much he loved me. "Baby, are you going to be good for Daddy? Be a good girl?"

My eyes were unfocused as I naturally started to detach myself. I felt numb, all feeling left my body, all feeling except for the movements he made that brushed against me.

"Speak to me. I know you'll be a good girl, you don't have a choice. But how are you going to make me happy? I deserve a reward, I've been a good dad. What about me, how will you satisfy me? Don't be selfish."

His words bit like a cold wind, what they were meant to mean flew over my head at the time. That and the way his hands began to trace my jaw. His rough hands traced my flushed skin. Hands holding and gripping at my smaller waist, eyes filled with devious intent.

"I...don't want to be selfish." Being selfish is bad. That's a basic thing we're all taught, it was something I learned despite my upbringing. And I didn't want to be bad. Bad people aren't wanted. I didn't want to be unwanted.

Am I still bad? Is that why nobody wants to be with me still? Maybe that's why nobody ever wants to be with me for that long, that must be why I have no friends. Why no one will look for me because I disappeared from my time?

My body curls in on itself as I lie on the thin cushion that separates me from the ground.

Every time I blink and things go dark I can still see his smile. As if it were right there in front of me and I was back in his house. Under his roof, his command. And I was no longer my own.

His hands trialing my body so many times, feeling my skin. Ruining it, dirtying it, leaving it tattered and for me to deal with.

I sit up abruptly and slap my cheeks rather hard. "Shut it...just shut up." The awful thinking won't get me anywhere! I can't let myself spiral. No, nope, not today life. Fuck you. Things are fine, I'm here now and I now have Achilles and Patroclus.

Yeah, I do. And they're nice and sweet and look out for me! What more could I ever need? Life's dandy. Life's just peachy.

I force happy thoughts to course through my mind. Time's where I'm smiling, enjoying myself, and finding my mind worry-free and unclouded.

Now that I think about it, most of my happy memories are from these past days. Wow, that is pretty depressing. I laugh, to myself and myself only. Maybe, just maybe, it's a good thing I'm stuck here.

Artemis's pov:

"Apollo shut your mouth!" I place a hand over my brother's mouth to shut him up. The idiot will blow our cover with all his gabbering.

I couldn't let the girl go. Not after I've gotten to know her. Well, getting to know her is a bit of a fib. Rather, I got to see her and gaze into her dazzling eyes. I haven't been able to forget them, not the color and little flecks that lie in them.

"I'm just saying! You know this is wrong even if you do have rightful intentions." His gaze holds sympathy for me, though there's also a flash of mischief as I know he wants to proceed just as badly as I do.

"Let's just stick to the plan. You want to see her again just like me." I cross my arms and glare at him.

"But won't she be angry with us? For opposing and butting in on her life?" The words that roll off his tongue are soft. Not condescending with my awful plan. Wow, must seriously not want to hurt this girl.

"We'll make it work..." I'm not sure how, but things will happen with the flow. Things will turn out alright.

"Tell me I'm wrong. Go on." Ok, now his words are condescending.

"The hell you are..." I sigh and rub my temples. "I...I guess you're not." He smirks and plants his hands on his hips seeing me surrender.

"Aha! Told you so."

"Now is not the time for your idiocy!"

"You mean my facts?!"

Our heads turn to her slowly and our lips zip tight when we see rustling and a head poke out from her tent.

She blinks a few times before rubbing her eyes and looking us up and down once more. They go wide as his mouth falls open slightly. I'm still as a statue while Apollo grins ear to ear.

"Y/n! I've missed you!" Apollo practically squeals seeing the girl.

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