08 | Free Woman

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Has anyone else noticed that the story title is still just "Book 3"?  Hahaha it's about time we properly name this book.  So after some serious contemplation, zen lemur meditation and a poll to ask you... 

The book title is... Play The Part!

(Runner up title was "Player Fixes the Door" - shoutout to @rl11_2 for that genius idea)

Chapter 08: Free Woman

*Millie's POV*

It's a bit strange how often I find myself hiding in a bush.

I don't know how much the average human sits in bushes these days but, since summer camp, it's been happening frequently. I wonder what that says about me as a person?

She who sits in the bush...

They're prickly. I squatted a fly away and accidently pricked myself with some spiky branches. All that activity rocked me off my feet and I tipped into Austin who was busy collecting something from the ground.

He steadied me and, once I was back in a seating position, suddenly reached out and chucked something across the driveway.

"Austin!" I hissed, grabbing onto his shirt to pull him back into our hiding spot.

But Austin's a strong guy and, despite my best efforts, all it did was tug his shirt in my direction. The rest of him stayed very much upright.

I didn't want to admit it, but the fact that Austin hit Luke with a pebble from this distance was impressive. But they're an athletic duo.

"They're going to see you!" I hissed, trying to peer through the leaves at the scene outside Cearra's house.

So far, Luke had managed to get hold of Cearra's mom. We could hear their faint conversation, and it didn't seem to be heading in the right direction.

"Do you think dance was a bad idea?" I whispered to Austin, who was looking for more pebbles to throw at Luke.

"Definitely," Austin replied, "But I'll take any excuse to see Luke forced into a dance class."

"Wait..." I put my hand over Austin's to stop him throwing more pebbles, "She's leaving."

We both poked our head through the leaves to make sure. Cearra's mom had left, but she left the door open, and Luke wasn't leaving... so did that mean...? Were we...?

Did Luke actually pull this off?

Austin and I sat with baited breath, watching the scene unfold. My legs were hurting from this crouched position, but I didn't want to complain next to Austin. If it was Luke, I'd complain away.

If we Luke actually pulled this off, we'd enter a whole new era of fun. Cearra, Austin, Luke and I... it made me so happy to think of all the fun we could have together.

Plus Chad.

Austin spoke first, sounding surprised, "That son of a bi-"

"What?!" I jumped out of my daydream and, to my absolute shock, I saw Cearra at the doorway with her bag and jacket.

She was leaving the house, with Luke by her side and Cearra's mom waving at them from the front door.

We did it!

"He did it!" I exclaimed, jumping up from joy and relief since I couldn't take the pain of squatting anymore.

But I didn't think about how I was exposing myself to Cearra's mom, after all this effort to seem like we weren't involved.

Play The Part (Player Next Door Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now