13 | Caveman Mentality

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The last two chapters really kicked things off to a new dimension... eek

Chapter 13: Caveman Mentality

Luke called me twelve times last night.

Twelve missed calls. I didn't answer any of them.

I also didn't sleep last night. I couldn't sleep a wink and I left my window open to hear any car that came down our street, wondering which one was Luke.

How late did he stay out? What did he do after I left?

Why do I even care? I just like to torture myself apparently.

I got up at the crack of dawn. I wasn't asleep, so as soon as I saw the sun come up, I decided to get up. And I braced myself for what was undoubtedly going to be a terrible day.

I left the box of Luke's flipping texts hidden under my bed. I had skimmed them so quickly the day before, when I had been standing in front of him, that I knew I should read them properly before jumping to more conclusions but... I couldn't bring myself to.

I didn't want to see those texts or him, today.


*Millie's mom's POV*

I poured myself my third cup of coffee this morning, since I wasn't that tired.

Though Doz did keep me up late last night in a treasure hunt of bedtime activities, and because he's a night owl, he gets to sleep in. I'm the one who needs to go to work in the morning.

It's nice having a man in the house, but I'm still torn on whether he's a good influence around my girls.

He's five years younger than me, which makes me a cougar, and his occupation is hazardous. But my daughters need a father figure and, with Doz around, we all fight a little less. Millie and him especially seem to be getting along like a house on fire.

I slid my laptop into my briefcase and checked my calendar. Back-to-back meetings from 9am to 3pm, when will I have time for lunch? I guess it's the only way I stick to a diet. I need to lose a few pounds anyway.

The doorbell rang.

I walked over and briefly checked my reflection in the mirror before opening it. Who shows up here this early in the morning?

Ah, of course.

"Hey Lu- ohh my," I opened the door to find the town's most handsome seventeen year old standing there, looking... not so handsome.

Luke's hair looked unwashed and messy. Dark shadows under his blindingly blue eyes. He was in a wrinkled t-shirt and loose pants, putting no attention into his outfit choice this morning.

"Luke," I tried to hide my shock, "Rough night?"

"You can say that."

Even his voice sounded, rough.

"Can I help you?" I offered, keeping the door open, wondering whether I should invite him in or not, "Do you want to come in? Take a shower maybe?"

Normally I wouldn't hesitate, but with Doz upstairs...

"I-," Luke cleared his throat and tried again, "I was wondering if Millie wanted a ride to school this morning."

He sounded nervous. Luke was the most confident teenager I knew so this was uncomfortable to witness.

"Millie?" I asked.

Their relationship continues to confuse me and half the town. What does she do to have him wrapped around her fat little pinkie?

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