Part Three: Serena

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"Rare as is true love, true friendship is rarer."
Slowly I make my way through the opulent space, swaying slightly as I take in the scene around me. My third glass of my favorite purple Fae champagne is clutched tightly in my hand and an exquisite tingling sensation creeps up my legs, making me feel weightless. Luckily, I've been sneaking Fae wine for years so I can handle its effects... Well, for the most part. I take a deep breath as I carefully walk through the crowd of drunken Fae, trying my hardest not to bump into anyone or stumble as I scan the crowd for any sign of my friends or guardians.
Don't fall, Serena, just don't fall. There are far too many witnesses here and you would never be able to live it down. Rowena will find some way to make it all about her and ruin the whole party. You can do this, Ren. This is what you've been trained for!
I roll my eyes and chuckle at my own joke as I look around me in wonder. The normally all-white ballroom is adorned with cascading chandeliers and delicate floral arrangements of every color and a symphony of cheerful greetings fills the air as I push my way across the dance floor. Every guest, from distinguished elders to spirited youths, turned their heads in awe and delight as I walked by them, wholly focused on finding one of my guardians amidst the sea of well-wishers. My heart skips a beat when my eyes finally meet Finn's baby blues who stands in the corner surrounded by his family and friends. He's wearing a black suit with a green tie that I just want him to tie me up with and...
Spank me. Oh my goddess, he's so hot.
I shake my head, clearing my head of my dirty thoughts, and smile shyly at him. Finn's captivating smile and sparkling eyes are fixed on me, his gaze intense and unwavering. His eyes darken again as he looks me over from head to toe sending a shiver of excitement down my spine. He's at the center of attention, surrounded by Rowena's protectors which includes his elder brother Felix, who leans in and whispers something in his ear. Whatever it is, it seems to light up Finn's face as his smile widens and his eyes twinkle with delight as he continues to stare directly into my soul. I confidently stride towards the Conner brothers, only slightly stumbling when they envelop me in a warm and comforting embrace, lavishing me with compliments that I accept as graciously as I can, just as I was taught as a Princess of the Vale.
Oh, they are just the sweetest guys ever. Whoever their mates are are so lucky.
Rowena struts past us, her face contorted into a sneering expression and it's crystal clear that she's not in the best of moods. Finn rolls his eyes in her direction, clearly unimpressed by my twin's haughty attitude. Meanwhile, Felix abruptly leaves us and trails behind her like a lovesick puppy, his eyes fixed on her every move as he silently worships everything about her. Finn lets out an exasperated sigh, shaking his head while he watches his brother approach Rowena with a magnetic grin on his face and a glass of her favorite ruby red fairy champagne in hand. Despite the odds stacked against him, Felix remains ever-hopeful, determined to win Rowena's affection no matter what. Rowena throws her head back, her eyes going as frigid as a glacier and her vicious laughter bounces across the crowded ballroom loudly and then grows quiet until the room becomes silent. She turns away from Felix, dismissing him and turning her attention to our cousin, Sybil who in turn rolls her eyes at Rowena and promptly stalks away her eyes stormy with anger. The sounds of the crowd whispering and hushed laughter are heard as the band starts in on a cheerful tune and the crowd begins to dance and cavort joyously with one another.
Oooh, Sybil is furious at Rowena now. Poor girl... She's had an unrequited crush on Felix for just as long as Rowena has liked Kellan. I hope she finds her mate soon so she can just forget about Felix.
As Felix's eyes droop with sadness and his chiseled face twists into a look of utter devastation which causes me to let out a deep sigh of frustration for him, my empathetic senses are intensified by the emotions that waft through the room like the early morning mist. I breathe in and out deeply and try to focus on my own emotions. Finn, who's standing beside me, catches my eye and we exchange a knowing look of understanding. Felix slowly retreats to seek solace in the comforting embrace of Kole and Kash, Rowena's other guardians. The duo tries their very best to lift Felix's spirits and bring a smile back onto his solemn face but nothing seems to help him as the scowl remains. It had been quite evident to everyone that Felix had harbored feelings of adoration towards Rowena for almost the same amount of time that she had yearned for Kellan. It's all just a complete and utter mess of unrequited love and lust that baffles even me.
Poor guy. He tries so hard and she's just so stupidly terrible to him. I hate this. And I hate that I can feel every strong emotion in the room from lust to love.
It's quite puzzling to all of us why he continues to harbor feelings for her, even though she's always been cold and cruel towards Finn and Felix, solely because they used to belong to the Royal Werewolf Clan in Synnox and not born Fae of the Vale like the rest of us. Elise and Flynn, the parents of Felix and Finn, were very close to our parents and they were often sought out for advice and encouragement as they had experience of their own with royal duties from their home kingdom on an island off the coast of the Vale. They were considered to be among the most trustworthy advisors, second only to Molly and Kaleb, the parents of Killian and Kellan. However, they faced some challenges in being fully accepted by some of the Fae community, including my sister. Finn drops his gaze back to me, looking me over appraisingly with a wicked grin on his face. "Wow, Serena. You look stunning! I cannot fucking wait for you to figure out who your mate is." His eyes shone at me adoringly as he twirled me around and looked me up and down, winking at me when I came to stop.
A large hand tugs gently at my hair and I look up to find the same look in Killian's pale blue eyes and a devilish grin on his stunning face. I hug and kiss both Finn and Killian sweetly on the cheek and nod at Kellan in greeting who just stares back at me strangely, "Oh my goddess! You all look so incredibly handsome tonight! Who knew you guys cleaned up so well..." I breathe out in appreciation, my nerves getting the best of me as my eyes widen and my mouth goes as dry as the Desert of Desire.
Goddess, they are so insanely handsome. But what's going on with Kellan? He's looking at me so strangely...
The sound of Rowena's fake laughter echoes across the room, drawing the attention of everyone present. Her magnetic presence is undeniable, but something seems off about her. She slinks over to Kellan's side, her flirtatious gaze fixed on him but I can't help but notice that her smile lacks its usual luster as she reaches for him. There's a shadow in her eyes, a hint of sadness that belies her usual confident exterior. Rowena seems to have noticed that despite his usual indifference and stoic demeanor, the guy has never tried too hard to brush her off and she saw this as an opportunity to always persist in trying to claim and seduce him. The atmosphere was tense, and I could feel the discomfort all around me. My unease was palpable, but Kellan seemed unfazed, resolute in his determination not to allow her to spoil his evening. I attempt to shift my gaze away from the heated exchange happening in the room. However, my eyes involuntarily survey my surroundings, and I catch a glimpse of Rowena leaning toward Kellan, her face nestled in the curve of his neck.
She's relentless and he doesn't stop her! I don't understand how they can act like this in front of the Court of Valor, it goes against every tradition we have.
From the corner of my eye, I observe her whispering breathlessly, her voice bearing a husky tone. "Hey there, Kellan I can't help but notice how entirely too tempting you look tonight. Want to ditch this party and come upstairs? Join me in the hot springs? You won't regret it." She bats her fake eyelashes up at him so hard I think she might fly away. My eyes roll involuntarily to the back of my head and I hold back the urge to physically gag. After taking a deep breath I attempt to focus on anything but them, making eye contact with Felix who is gazing at Rowena with so much hurt it makes me ache.
Why does she do this to him? To me?
She knows how I feel about Kellan...
Kellan clears his throat and smiles politely down at Rowena, quickly drawing my attention back to them. "Thank you for the compliment, Rowena, but I'm enjoying the company here. Why don't we just focus on having a good time with all of us? Like old times." But then, he leans in closer, lowering his voice to say something in her ear that I can't hear. I'm floored. My mouth hangs open as I look to Rowena. She throws one arm over him possessively, dancing her fingers against his arm teasingly and he just lets her which pisses me off so badly I'm practically seeing red. "Oh, come on, baby... Why wait? Let's go up there now. Trust me, Kellan, I know exactly what you need." She purrs out, seemingly unfazed by the audience surrounding her. "Rowena, I appreciate your confidence, and your offer but I'm not interested in leaving just yet. Let's just try to enjoy the evening and keep the vibe light tonight, yeah?" He responds quickly and to the point, his tone dropping into a rumble when he notices people staring at them in wide-eyed shock, obviously just as surprised as I am at their blatant flirting.
"Why do you resist me, Kellan? You know you'll end up in my bed tonight anyway. I can offer you so much more than she ever could." Rowena retorts as a smug smile crosses her face and her gaze swings dismissively to me and then seductively back to him. Tears well in my eyes as I glare at him in disgust.
Of course, she's already got her claws into him. I have had a gut feeling that something was going on between them for a while now but I just tried to ignore it, hoping like hell it'd go away.
How could I be so fucking stupid?
Kellan tries to calmly placate us both by smiling tightly and throwing up his hands in retreat, "Hey now, no need for all that Rowena." Rowena huffs in outrage, drawing even more attention to their already too-loud conversation before quickly composing herself, "You're right. I'll see you later, baby..." She whispers before planting a kiss on his cheek and sashaying away, her guards trailing after her. No one says anything for a few moments until I clear my throat and take a deep breath, smiling shyly at Finn and then Killian, ignoring Kellan completely.
Take that, jerk-face.
"Killian, uhm, would you like to dance with me?" I say in a quiet voice as I look out at the couples twirling around us in anticipation. His chuckle does something to me as he uses his thumb and forefinger to lift my chin to look him in the eye.
Tingles. Tingles and fireworks. Goddess. What are these men doing to me?
All my rage from Rowena and Kellan's display drains out of me as the tingles climb through my body, making me hot all over. "I'd be honored, Ren," Killian says, grinning from ear to ear. We seamlessly join the other couples on the dancefloor, our coordinated and practiced dance blending elegantly with the rest of the couples. I sighed contentedly and leaned my head on Killian's chest, working up the courage to ask him a question I wasn't sure I still knew the answer to, "Killian? Do you still think you and Kellan will find your fated mates?" Killian stands there just smiling and nods at me as I continue to talk without taking a breath, "I'm kind of scared to find out who mine will be. I mean, what if it's someone I'll hate? What if it's someone you guys will hate? But... at the same time... I'm so ready to start the rest of my life." Killian breathes out a laugh his grin growing as he gazes down at me, "I can't wait for you to find out either, Angel! But don't worry about us. I'm sure whoever the fates have in store for you will be the luckiest man alive." A blush creeps across my skin and I can't help but giggle happily as we dance together gracefully, our steps in time with the surrounding couples as he spins and dips me across the floor with ease. Big hands grasp my waist tightly, easily pulling me into Finn's arms, away from Killian faster than I could think to protest. I look over my shoulder to see Finn. His cheesy grin is comforting and I melt in his embrace, holding me close to him with my back to his chest as we sway to the music, "Hey there, Princess." He dips me low and spins me away before pulling me close,
"Are you ready to find out who your mate is, beautiful?" I sigh loudly and shrug my shoulders in exaggeration which elicits a deep rumble from Finn's chest before he stops and pulls away to look me in the eye, "Ren, be honest, are you worried about finding out who your mate is?" Finn asks with a curious look in his eye and his tone turning serious. I nod solemnly, my eyes dropping to his lips as I lick my own, imagining what it would feel like to kiss him. I shake my head and clear my throat, "Yeah, I am. It's like... Well, it's a feeling I can't quite explain. I'm sure once I find my mate it will all into place though. I have faith in the Fates." Finn nods earnestly and pulls me close to him again as the music shifts to a slower tempo. I look up towards our table to see Kellan staring intently at me, an unreadable expression on his face. "I feel nervous whenever he stares at me like that. It's like he's afraid of me or something, but he doesn't seem to have the same apprehension when he looks at Rowena. It's frustrating to constantly feel like he's scrutinizing me." My words fade away, and an overwhelming emotion grips me, causing my voice to quiver and tears to well up in my eyes. Suddenly, Finn grabs me, pulls me closer to him, and presses his body against mine. His intense blue eyes lock onto mine as his hands slide up and down my back and into my hair, gently caressing and comforting me. "He's a fucking idiot, Ren. We all know that. I'm just sorry you had to see him and Rowena in action." I nod, sadness flooding my senses while I gaze about the room, looking for Finn's brother. "You need to check in on Felix. I would do it myself but I don't think I'd be as much comfort to him as you would be. He saw everything and he looked so heartbroken, Finn. I could feel it from across the room." I spot Felix and he's seated at the bar throwing back shots while Killian and Kellan's cousins, Kole and Kash cheer him on. Finn sighs and presses a tender kiss to my forehead before gathering up both sides of my face in his hands. "You're so beautiful, princess. Inside and out. He will be fine but I'll check on him just because you told me to. Want to meet me in the garden in an hour? Our usual spot?" He asks with a smile and a wink. "Of course. Bring the snacks." I giggle happily as the song ends and he dips me low before we go our separate ways. As the party came to a close, I felt a bittersweet mixture of joy and sadness wash over me. The Court of Valor had bestowed their blessings upon me, acknowledging my growth and potential as a Queens of the Vale. But amidst the farewell hugs and well wishes, my mind was consumed with excitement about the dream vision I would have tonight and the emptiness of my parent's absence. An absolute piercing sensation fills my stomach causing me to double over in pain and lose my breath until I hear the clock toll once, indicating that midnight approaches. Taking deep, heaving breaths I practically ran back to my room, the pain subsiding ever so slowly and my heels slapping against the cold stone floor, as it was nearly twelve and it was a long-standing tradition for Finn and I to meet at the wishing well in the center of the palace garden as the clock struck midnight. I rush about my room frantically, changing in a flash into the first pair of shorts and a tank top I could find. I tiptoe out of my room quietly, pulling my door shut ever so slowly until I heard a small click. I look down the hall both ways before sighing out in relief, I don't want to have to explain to anyone my comings and goings but that's rather difficult when you're heir to the Vale. I turn to head for the stairs, passing Rowena's room in the hall when I hear the sound of her door opening slowly. A feeling of dread slices through me and I turn my head toward the sound hesitantly, meeting the startled pale blue eyes of a very shirtless and sloppy-haired Kellan. He stares at me as a mixture of fear and regret flits across his features and his ice-blue eyes grow cold. I suck in a breath and put a hand over my heart as a sharp pain claws through me and my gaze roams across his exposed skin, red lipstick kisses dot his body from his neck to the V of his hips. I stumble back, grateful and resentful that the cold stone wall catches me before I can go tumbling down the stairs and break my neck, thereby putting me out of my misery. A sob escapes me as I all but glide down the stairs at the speed of light and run for my life to the garden and into Finn's open arms.

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