Part Fourteen: Serena

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"So let us run, fearless and true,
embracing the light, as darkness we pursue. With unwavering hearts and courage untold, on the run from darkness, as our story unfolds."
Goddess, it's hardly after dawn and I'm already beyond infuriated with Draco.
I gingerly slide my weary body into the steaming bath that's delicately lined with smooth, ebony stones and I immediately feel the irritation in my muscles and limbs begin to melt away. The heat of the water cocoons me as I close my eyes, allowing myself to relax for a moment in my strange but beautiful surroundings.
The tranquil silence of the room was interrupted only by the occasional sounds of the lazy waves lapping against the stone and the bubbling water from the natural spring. I took my time soaking in the pool for what felt like hours, as the warmth of the healing waters worked their natural magic through my body and soul. When I finally emerged, I felt completely refreshed and rejuvenated, my skin silky smooth from the array of exotic soaps I'd found and never seen before, but my mind was back to working overtime thinking about all of my mates. While I slowly got ready, I couldn't help but feel a bit nervous about what Draco would have in store for us today but hopefully, if he knows what's good for him and our future together, those plans would include letting me get back home to The Vale sooner rather than later. My irritation at my helplessness rises again and I blindly reach for a dress from the array of bags he's gifted me and throw it over my head, taking a look at myself in the mirror and stopping in my tracks. The black sundress hugged my curves in all the right places and came just above my knees, making me feel confident enough to deal with Draco's condescending bullshit head-on so I could negotiate my fated mate situation once and for all. Nodding to myself, I saunter out of the bathroom but I'm taken aback to find Cleo and not Draco, already seated at the table, gobbling up our breakfast like a ravenous prisoner. Despite my surprise, I'm not disappointed to see her so I try like hell to keep a cheerful smile in place for my new friend, "Well, good morning to you too," I quip, rolling my eyes and taking the seat across from her. "Where did Draco go?" I ask as casually as I can muster but Cleo's entirely too engrossed in her meal to notice my discomfort as she simply shrugs nonchalantly and resumes eating without so much as a glance in my direction. A growing sense of unease begins to gnaw at me and I shift uncomfortably in my seat, "Cleo?" I prompt, expecting some kind of response this time but she just continues to eat away, ignoring me once again. The gnawing turns to a frantic heartbeat and my panic grows with every passing moment she doesn't answer me...
With a resigned sigh, she sets down her silverware with a clatter, daintily dabs at her mouth with a napkin, and clears her throat before finally speaking, "I'm not entirely sure what goes through Draco's head, entertaining her advances for as long as he has..." She briefly glances up at me before looking back down into her lap with a sigh, "I'm sorry, Ren, I should've stopped her but as I was making my way up here, I saw Thalia slinking about your wing and she looked like she was on a mission." She looks out the window longingly and then back at me, her eyes sympathetic, "I don't know, it seemed like she was following Draco to his office..."
As soon as the words leave her lips, she lets out a groan and hastily covers her mouth, as though she had inadvertently revealed something she wasn't supposed to. I abruptly stand up from my chair, knocking it to the ground, my entire body trembling with anger at Thalia for being so brazen and Draco for being Draco and allowing it. I grab Cleo's arm tightly and give her a forceful tug towards the door, causing the tablecloth to come along with us as we make our way out into the hallway. In the commotion, plates, glasses, and utensils come crashing down to the floor, creating a loud clatter that echoes through the otherwise silent room. "Shit, I'm sorry, Cleo. I'll clean that up later." I step over the mess quickly, dragging her along with me, "Why didn't you say something sooner, Cleo? I don't trust Thalia at all and you didn't seem too keen on her either! I mean, how could he do this to me when his own silly jealousy caused him to abduct me from my other fated mates just yesterday?!" I bellow out loudly, releasing her arm as my voice fills with frustration and disbelief. I storm out of the bedroom in a fit of rage, with her following behind me closely. Abruptly halting, she collides into my back, causing our heads to collide with a thud, "Ouch... Sorry about that." I mumble apologetically as I look around in a daze. "I, uhm, have no idea where I'm going let alone where his stupid fucking office is," I admit, feeling lost and helpless in this labyrinth of a castle. Cleo, my only hope of finding my destination, seems equally confused after banging her head with mine and stares back at me blankly while swaying slightly. "Please help me and take me to his office, Cleo, I'm begging you," I plead with desperation, my eyes scanning hers for a glimmer of hope. She shakes her head roughly and lets out a heavy sigh, her shoulders slumping in defeat when her eyes lock with mine, "Ugh, Ren. You're a disaster waiting to happen but fine! I'll help you." She stares at me a moment before sucking in a deep breath and looking away, "What if we walk in on something you don't want to see?" With a deep furrow etched between her eyebrows, she raises her hand and starts rubbing at her forehead in a circular motion. Her gaze is fixed on the far end of the hallway, her lips pressed tightly together, and her eyes shining with something I can't quite place. "Please, I need to know, no matter what the outcome is," I whisper sadly, my stomach beginning to wrench with distress. Sighing in defeat, she rolls her eyes, "Alright, fine! But don't say I didn't warn you, Ren," She says loudly, gesturing for me to follow her down the dimly lit hallway. Her footsteps are slow and hesitant, and she keeps glancing back at me as if to make sure I'm still there as we make our way across the castle. I trail behind her, my heart pounding with anxiety and my gut twisting in an all-too-familiar pain as we make our way deeper into the maze-like structure. Suddenly, a high-pitched giggle breaks the silence between us, followed by Draco's deep baritone voice mumbling something in response. Cleo, who was approaching the door, stops abruptly in her tracks and turns her head slowly towards the source of the sound. She stares at the door in stunned silence, her mouth gaping open in shock and her eyes widening in surprise. "That bastard... I knew it!" Cleo mutters under her breath and quickly snaps her fingers. Following the hasty motion, the door flies open, revealing a very naked Thalia spread out on a large wooden desk and a very much still-dressed Draco who jerks away from Thalia abruptly, seemingly caught off guard by the sudden intrusion.
I stand there awkwardly while a deafening ringing begins to fill my head, rendering me unable to hear the commotion building up around me. My knees give out from under me as I catch sight of Thalia's triumphant expression and in the background, Cleo and Draco's voices grow louder as they argue with each other, but I can't make out their words. All I can focus on is Thalia's sly grin, which seems to scream, "I won." and the all-too-familiar feeling of helplessness seeps back in and the world around me fades to black as I'm consumed by the darkness. Suddenly, I find myself standing in a dimly lit room, with an eerie mist that appears to be alive, twirling and dancing around me in ghostly patterns that make me shudder. The aura was ethereal and otherworldly as if I had stepped into a dreamlike realm where anything was possible and my senses were amplified as I tried to make sense of my surroundings and the strange mist that cocooned me in its surprisingly warm embrace. A sense of familiarity settled in my heart as I gazed upon the glowing figure before me – my mother, Sasha sitting regally on her once-destroyed throne as she looked down at me, her expression peaceful and loving. Her kind and familiar eyes held a mixture of concern and determination as she spoke. "Serena," she began, her voice gentle yet filled with power, "The darkness that consumed us and threatens everything you love is so much closer than you think, Princess." My heart skips a beat at her words, what does she mean? Who could she mean? Dread fills me from within when my thoughts jump to the only logical conclusion, Draco.
Mother seemed to sense my inner turmoil and regally glided down from her perch, reaching out to gently cradle my face as I leaned greedily into her touch. "Listen closely, my daughter," she said, her voice taking on a soothing tone. "Mate bonds are not just a simple connection between fated beings. They are a reflection of purity and love, a force that holds immense power. Trust in your mates, trust in your bonds and you'll never be led astray. Even when it all seems lost." As she spoke to me, images began to flicker through my mind – glimpses of lovers throughout the ages bound together by an invisible thread, their devotion radiating like a beacon in the gloaming twilight. It was as if the very essence of their bonds held the strength to vanquish any darkness that dared to try to destroy them. While her prophetic words lingered in the air, a sense of hope began to stir within me and my thoughts were entirely consumed with images of my mates.
Finn. Killian. Kellan. Draco.
Though the path ahead seemed uncertain, I knew that I would not face it alone.
I slowly opened my eyes, my body still trembling from my dream vision and the sheer force of power I had just felt within me, and rather than being cradled protectively by my mother, it was Draco who had me in his hold, his strong arms holding me close to his chest. His piercing dark eyes are fixed on mine, conveying a sense of concern and uncertainty as he searches my face. In the background, I hear Cleo's voice, filled with anger, as she whispers something incoherent to who I assume is Thalia. I try to casually peek towards the source of the hushed murmurs, hoping that Thalia would be fully clothed by now, only to find that she remains naked as the day she was born but lying on the ground in a comically vulnerable position, her body akimbo and long hair firmly grasped in Cleo's grip. In a flash, Cleo positions herself on top of Thalia, a wide grin spread across her smug face as her butt is planted across Thalia's chest and her hands are holding her by her shins, effectively pinning Thalia down and restraining her from getting up or escaping from the situation at hand. With a surge of anger, I shove away from Draco who doesn't fight me, and scramble to my feet. My head starts spinning from the sudden movement, causing me to sway unsteadily on my feet for a beat and brace myself against the cold stone wall. As his fingers reach out to touch me, I instinctively recoil from his grasp, "Don't touch me!" I hiss at him, backing away. His eyes widen in alarm as my my eyes dart between him and Thalia, who is watching me with a mix of fear and worry as I make my way over to Cleo and Thalia, my gaze fixed on Thalia's frightened face. With a nod to Cleo, I see her smile and nod back before she rises from Thalia's chest and makes a sweeping bow at me. Thalia wastes no time in getting to her feet and standing before me, her chin held high in defiance. Smirking at her I snap my fingers and she's transported from her spot on the floor to the ceiling in an instan.  Her body is enveloped in a blinding light that shines so brightly you can't even tell she's naked anymore as she screams out in pain. I try to mind the potency of my power, only providing her a taste of what I could do, but the sound of her struggling against my entrapment of light becomes increasingly distracting. Her pained sighs and whiny voice pierces through my concentration like a knife, making it difficult to focus on anything else but her desperate pleas as I walk underneath her, studying her reaction as she pleads for my mate. "Help me, Draco! I can't move or breathe... Please." She gasps out as she continues to struggle against my magic. "Be a good girl for me, Sera, and let her go. Nothing happened. I swear it." Draco speaks softly as he moves toward me, his hands held up high with surrender and his eyes wide with worry. My body responds involuntarily to his words, my core clenching in want as my heart swells with a mixture of anger and betrayal, "Oh yeah? If nothing happened then why was I in pain on my way up here? The same pain I felt when my sister touched one of my other mates? Did she touch you, mate? Or did you touch her?" I yell out angrily, looking from Draco to Thalia and demanding answers. Thalia is close to losing consciousness, her eyes rolling to the back of her head and her pleas have died down into unintelligible cries as Draco continues to approach me slowly, "She did touch me, Sera. I came to my office to get some work done so I could spend the day with you and she followed me. I didn't ask her to meet me here and I didn't give her any reason to believe that I wanted her. I'm all yours, Serena Synn." Cleo scoffs at his words as Draco rakes a hand through his hair and looks up at a blue-faced Thalia and back to me, his eyes wide with dread, "You're going to kill her if you don't let her go, My Queen. Please. I'll make this right. I promise." Tearing my gaze from him I glance up at Thalia who seems to have completely blacked out from my suffocating hold at this point. I let out a tired sigh, snapping my fingers once again and freeing the Dark Fae woman glued to the ceiling who falls to the ground with a sickening thud. The sudden sound and sight of it prompts both Draco and Cleo to gasp in shock, glancing from me to Thalia frantically. Draco looks at Cleo and then Thalia with a quick nod, spurring Cleo to roll her eyes at him in response. Without wasting any time though, Cleo swiftly drops to the floor and moves to check on Thalia, feeling her neck for a pulse to assess the situation. "She's fine, Draco." She breathes, her shoulders dropping in relief as she looks at me sympathetically.
I hate that pitiful look. I need to get out of here. I need to get away from them.
I try to make a quick escape from Draco and Cleo, my heart racing with adrenaline and anger and I suddenly feel an eerie sensation rushing through my body. Looking down, I catch Draco's dark green magic tentacles working their way up my body and wrapping themselves tightly around my ankles and wrists, ensnaring me in their vice-like grip. Despite my desperate struggles, I am completely immobilized, trapped like helpless prey in the grasp of my very own predator, Draco. "Seriously? Your vines? Again? This can't be your answer every time we fight, Draco. I need my space and I need it far away from you!" I let out a deep cry of frustration, feeling utterly defeated in his presence. I can't bring myself to meet his gaze, knowing all too well the power he holds over me with his enchanting aura along with the pull of our mate bond.
Goddess be damned for these torturous feelings of devotion and loyalty to a man I barely know. It's as if he's as vital to me as my other mates but it seems it's far more likely that he's the one who's responsible for whatever happened to my parents. I swear, it's like his magic has woven a spell around me, leaving me trapped and helpless in his grasp.
"Oh, it's most certainly going to be my answer any time you try to fight me too hard or try to walk away from me." He stops in front of me, grasping my chin in his hand, forcing me to meet his chocolate gaze. "Nothing happened with her, Sera. I swear it on our bond." He declares loudly, staring deeply into my eyes before dipping down to look at my lips and back up to meet my gaze, his eyes shining with hope and his tone sincere.
Oh, goddess. What is he doing to me?
"How am I supposed to believe anything you say to me, Draco? You have the audacity to practically steal me and keep me captive from my other mates while you get to screw around with her?" I yell in his face, attempting to point at Thalia accusingly but being prevented from doing so by the vines that are still wrapped around my limbs firmly, inciting an involuntary growl of frustration, "Let. Me. Go." I hiss out, staring daggers in his direction. With a broken look, Draco lets out a mournful sigh as he snaps his fingers, causing the smoke to vanish as he reaches for me again. I take the opportunity to move forward, freeing myself from his grasp, and in a fit of anger, I slap his hands away from me as I skillfully maneuver around him, attempting to make my way back to the bedroom we shared. "Sera, stop. Please." There was something so broken in his tone that it made me stop in my tracks. I close my eyes and take a deep, steadying breath before turning back to see a defeated looking Draco looking at me adoringly, "I've been waiting for you for so long, My Queen. I would never, ever, do anything to jeopardize our bond. Thalia has tried for decades to seduce me and while I'm no saint and I've given into temptation more than I'd like to admit, I am fully in this relationship with you. You are mine and I am yours." He says fiercely, striding to me in two short steps and pulling my body to his, his cock already hard against my stomach. "Let me show you how much you mean to me, My Queen. Right now." He whispers in my ear just before he spins me around and shoves me against the wall, using his hand to brace the impact of my head as he uses the other to bunch up the skirt of my dress, slowly lifting my dress off up and off my body effortlessly, leaving me completely naked and exposed in the dark hallway. He throws my dress in Thalia's direction and it lands with a soft thud on the floor near the two women. Cleo lets out a sudden gasp and springs up, distancing herself from me and Draco in a hurry. She shields her eyes with her hands, blocking her view of us, "Goddess damn it, Draco! Please warn a girl before you start manhandling your mate in front of her!" She frantically nudges Thalia with her foot before heading off in the opposite direction, "Well, I'll be by later to take you to Aria for afternoon tea, Ren. Be ready!" She yells over her shoulder as she sprints up the hallway away from us. Draco trails kisses down my neck and back, sliding my lingerie down to my ankles and caressing my legs, thighs, and ass as he works his way back up. Thalia begins to stir, her eyes searching the room before she zeroes in on Draco who is too busy working my body up into a frenzy to notice that she'd regained consciousness. "Dr-Draco..." Thalia whines out, her voice shrill and desperate as it echoes throughout the hallway. His body stiffens and he stops to look me in the eye, using his hand to grip my chin tightly once again as he gives me a tender but deviant look, "How about if I just simply take you in front of her, Sera? Now, I'm sure that will send her the message we want..." My body responds to his words and I can feel how wet I've instantly become when his touch alone is sending me spiraling into ecstasy. All I can manage to do is merely nod and look back at him, my eyes mirroring his as they fill with desire and he flashes me a wicked grin. He SNAPS! his fingers and his clothes disappear and he presses his already hard cock against my wet pussy, teasing me relentlessly and causing me to whimper loudly as Thalia stares on in utter shock.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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