Part Thirteen: Kellan & Draco

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"For in the depths of darkness, we pursue the light, an ember that burns eternal and bright. With every step, closer to our goal, to reclaim our mate, restoring our souls."
The first rays of the sun peeked through the small window of the cozy tavern and I sprang out of bed, hope hanging over me like a cloud from the feeling of adrenaline coursing through my veins at the mere thought of seeing Serena again and it fuels me to keep moving forward. With my heart racing, I woke up my twin and best friends, Killian and Finn, who probably slept just as fitfully as I did but were more than ready to get a move on. We ambled out of the tavern with haste, the crisp morning air filled our lungs as we made our way to the stables next to the Inn. The moment we arrived, the sweet aroma of hay and the gentle sounds of the whinnies of horses greeted us, like an old friend. Isla, our guide, was already there, mounted on her magnificent brown horse, and ready to aid us as we embarked on our journey. Without wasting any time, we began grooming and saddling our horses, preparing them for the long and arduous trip that lay ahead of us in the Desert of Desire. After the first light of dawn peered lazily over the horizon, we set out on our journey to get Ren back from Draco Synn. The peaceful chirping of the songbirds provided a harmonious background to our quest while the morning chatter of the village gave us a sense of normalcy for an otherwise unusual beginning of the day. Usually, we would be training Serena or escorting her while she attended her duties around the Court about this time but the birthday festivities and of course, her being abducted did not help things so nothing is as it should be. With each step we took leading us out of the village, my heart aches for her blissful laugh and her stormy eyes as the sun's warm rays greeted us, casting a vivid light of hope upon our path. Our trek led us through the outer edges of Swansynn towards the desolate road that leads to the Desert of Desire, where the sand was as soft as silk and the heat was nearly suffocating, making every breath we took felt like a challenge. The bright sun beat down on us harshly as we trudged forward through the merciless expanse of the scorching desert, where the howling wind was ceaseless, assaulting our ears and flinging searing sand and dust into our eyes and mouths. Isla leads the way, her hair and clothes fluttering wildly in the tumultuous wind as her horse pushes on ahead of us. Between gasps of breath, she shouts behind her, "I know it's difficult to breathe, let alone see ten feet in front of us, but let's just keep moving forward. No matter what happens, don't look back!" Despite the all-consuming urge to turn around and flee, we grind our teeth and follow behind her, determined to brave the burning heat and blinding sandstorm no matter what. "Wha-?!" Finn, with a resolute expression on his face, opens his mouth to answer her, but a sudden gust of wind carries a mound of sand straight into his mouth. His face twists in revulsion as he instinctively coughs and splutters, trying to expel the gritty particles from his mouth. Killian and I can't help but burst into fits of laughter at the sight, which only deepens Finn's mounting annoyance with our situation as evidenced by the scowl on his face. "Try not to open your big mouth, Finn!" I yell out in between chuckles as he spurs his horse ahead of me and Killian, giving us some sassy side eye before catching up with Isla and saying something that instantly makes her giggle out loud. Killian and I look at each other and shake our heads in solidarity as we urge our horses forward to catch up with them. Our journey was going to be harder than anything we've ever done before but if we can trust in one another and follow our guide, Isla, I think we will succeed in our mission and have Serena back in our arms very soon. Amidst the relentless sandstorm, Isla seems to take notice of Finn who is struggling to cope with the less-than-ideal conditions. "You didn't bring the proper gear for this kind of sandstorm, Wolf!" She shouts over the wind at him. Despite the deafening howl of the wind, Isla expertly tosses a piece of cloth over her shoulder, without even looking, and it lands directly in Finn's lap. He eagerly seizes the cloth and deftly fastens it around his head, feeling an obvious sense of relief from the biting sand. Finn yells out a grateful "Thanks!" as he spurs his horse forward, eager to keep moving and eager to get to Ren. Isla responds with a much softer and breathy voice than I've heard from her before, her cheeks turning pink with shyness as she acknowledges Finn's gratitude. Despite her obvious nervousness, she seems to remain calm and composed, her steady hand guiding her horse at a steady pace. Finn merely shrugs his shoulders and easily falls back in line with me and Killian. He leans in and tries to whisper yells over the sound of the sandstorm that continues to rage all around us, his voice tinged with concern, "Is she alright? She turned real red for a moment there." Meanwhile, Killian rolled his eyes at Finn and spurred his horse forward to catch up with Isla, probably to get a better understanding of her plans as we continued our trek through the desert.
With a chuckle, I give him a blank stare and raise an eyebrow in disbelief. "Are you serious?" I ask incredulously. "You have no idea why she's acting like that?" His eyes widen and he looks back at me with a perplexed expression. "No," he says, shaking his head. I shake my head and chuckle again, enjoying the opportunity to tease him a bit. "Well, my friend," I say amusedly, "It seems obvious to me but I'm pretty sure she has a thing for you. Did you not see how she looked at you last night?" It was his turn to chuckle when he dissolved into a fit of laughter, catching both Killian and Isla's attention who promptly turned red all over again before quickly turning away from us. Killian nods at her before falling back with us and leveling us both a scathing look, "We could hear you, jackass." Finn's eyes widen to an almost comical size and I feel a wave of shame flowing through me, realizing that I might have gone too far. I urge Ruby ahead, hoping to catch up with Isla, who keeps her gaze focused on the terrain in front of us, trying to avoid my presence. After a moment of silence, I break it, apologizing for my behavior. "Sorry about that. I know I tend to give Finn a hard time, but I didn't mean to be callous and embarrass you," I say honestly, staring off into the distance in front of us, feeling a sense of guilt weighing heavily on my chest for insulting our newly acquired guide. She shrugs, never looking my way. "Don't worry about it. The mission is to save your shared mate, anyway. A stupid crush means nothing." I nod in acceptance and fall back in line with the guys, keeping my eyes forward as the sandstorm rages on.
The early morning rays of the sun pierce through the sheer curtains, casting a tranquil glow in our otherwise dimly lit bedroom. Serena is snuggled in my embrace, cocooned in the plush velvet sheets, as the warmth of the sun embraces her exposed skin. Her rhythmic snoring fills the room, a testament to her peaceful slumber. The gentle breeze from the balcony carries the honking of a Vale Swan and the distant hum of chatter of the court down below, creating a soothing ambiance. I gaze down at Serena's calm expression and I can't help but admire her natural beauty. Her full lips are slightly parted, forming a gentle smile that accentuates her angelic features. The soft, rosy hue that tinges on her porcelain skin only adds to her charm. I feel a sense of peace and contentment wash over me as I watch her sleep. Suddenly, she stirs, as if sensing my stare. Her ocean eyes flutter open slowly and she begins to pull away from me. When she does this and I tighten my hold on her, her eyes widen in surprise and she looks up at me in a challenging manner, as if daring me to make another move. Despite the sudden shift in her demeanor, I stare brazenly into her eyes and I am mesmerized by the deep shade of green that reminds me of the ocean during a storm - so intense and full of life. The way her pupils dilate and constrict with each passing emotion is a sight to behold. They convey such raw and untamed passion as if they hold secrets and mysteries waiting to be uncovered. I find myself lost in their depths, unable to look away, completely captivated by the stormy and wild energy they exude. "Good morning, Sera. You are stunning." I lean forward and plant a lingering kiss on her forehead before dropping my lips to her ears and whispering. "You were such a good girl for me last night, Serena. You deserve to be rewarded." I pull away from her to meet her gaze, hoping to find some sign of tenderness or submission in her expression. She appears to relax slightly, her eyes softening and a small, satisfied smile spreading across her face as she responds to my words. "Oh really? And what might that be?" she murmurs, clearly still half asleep, as she stretches herself out across the bed. Her eyes remain heavy-lidded and evasive as she gazes up at me with apparent innocence. As I spoke the words, "How about a tour of your new kingdom, My Queen?" I watched her closely. Her eyes became charged with anger, and she suddenly sprang up from the bed, staring at me intensely as she stood there in all of her naked glory. The air around us seemed to grow heavy with tension, and I realized that my innocent suggestion had set her off while also setting me off.
With a sarcastic tone and a gesture of crossing her arms, she rolls her eyes at me and utters, "Why don't you just let me go back home? To my actual kingdom."
I let out a dark chuckle and stared into her eyes seriously, "Never. I already told you, you are mine, My Queen."
As soon as I finish speaking, she gives me a disapproving look and lets out a contemptuous scoff. However, she manages to maintain a fake smile, as if she's trying to hide her true emotions. But before I can say anything else, she rolls her eyes and stomps toward the bathroom, implying that she's extremely irritated. She slams the door shut and locks it hastily, making it clear that she wants to be left alone. A sense of dread washes over me as I realize that this is just the beginning of what's going to be a long and difficult day. I let out a deep sigh of exhaustion as I slowly rose from the table, feeling the weight of the world on my shoulders. I begin to dress myself quickly, knowing that I have a lot to accomplish before the day is over and Serena tries to escape me for real. As I make my way to the bedroom door, I pick up my pace, feeling a sense of urgency. Suddenly, I nearly collided with my cousin, Cleo, who had been walking in the door I was leaving. She manages to steady herself, but her expression quickly turns to one of annoyance as she stares at me.
"Watch yourself, My King. Actions have consequences." Cleopatra mutters under her breath as she moves aside reluctantly, allowing just enough space for me to pass through. I shoot her a puzzled look, regarding her as a younger sibling. "What's the matter, Cleo? Why are you acting like a brat lately?" I ask, trying to understand her recent behavior. Cleopatra simply rolls her eyes and slips past me, making a beeline for the table where she claims the seat I just vacated.
I shut the door behind me and make my way down the seemingly endless hallway towards my office, my thoughts are consumed by one thing: my beloved queen. I quicken my pace, eager to finish the pile of paperwork that lies ahead of me so that I can finally spend some quality time with her. Finally, I reach my destination and swing open the door, ready to dive into my work. However, I am immediately halted by a striking sight that greets me as soon as I step inside: Thalia is lying across my desk, her legs spread wide as her grin and her body completely naked, flushed, and ready for me to take.

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