Part Five: Serena

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"If you love something set it free, if they come back they're yours.
If they don't, they never were."
As I drifted into a deep sleep, I felt an unfamiliar sense of foreboding envelop me as I tumbled through my dreamscape. The dream vision had arrived, transporting me into a world of wonder and excitement. As the mist cleared, I found myself standing in a beautifully serene landscape identical to the river that surrounded the castle, shrouded by towering trees and blooming flowers of every kind. I make my way along the river bank, moving with a sense of grace and quiet perseverance. The path ahead is a familiar one, etched into my memory over many years. I walk without hesitation, my eyes fixed on the distant horizon, and my mind lost in thought. Soon, I arrived at the tree swing, a treasured childhood gift from my father that still stands to this day. It hangs there, swaying gently in the breeze, inviting me to take a seat and relive those happy memories once more.
I look down and I'm in a shimmering white dress, nearly see-through and as light as a cloud. Sighing contentedly, I sink into the worn-out swing, gently pushing myself with my legs, feeling the creaking chains sway back and forth. The rushing river in front of me sings a soothing melody, and the gentle breeze dances through the air, playfully teasing my hair across my face and shoulders. The sweet scent of blooming flowers mingles with the crispness of the air, and the occasional chirping of birds adds to the symphony of nature. I feel my senses heighten, becoming all too aware that I'm no longer alone in this tranquil dreamscape. Suddenly, a large, dark figure emerges from behind me in the shadows, prowling towards me slowly, their presence sending a surge of anticipation and excitement through me. He presses his body to my back as he gently pushes me to and fro. I feel who it is before I turn to look, his commanding touch dancing across my neck as I look up at him slowly, his piercing gaze zeroed in on me. He looked at me with such intensity, his voice filled with certainty as he spoke, "Serena, there is no doubt in my mind that we are fated mates. Our connection is undeniable, and I am ready to embrace this bond fully." His confident words struck a chord within me, a comforting assurance that set my heart ablaze with desire. Killian was resolute, his unwavering determination igniting a fire deep within my soul. I'm staring at him, waiting for him to kiss me when to my complete shock, Finn stalks forward from the shadows, coming up from behind Killian. He kneels in front of me with a naughty smile that makes my brain short-circuit and melts away any lingering doubt that this man is mine too. His eyes sparkle up at me with adoration as he takes my face in his large hands, gentle yet possessive. "Serena, my love, I've known since we were children that you were the only one meant for me. I want to cherish every moment with you, to protect and adore you with all that I am." Finn's sweet and loving admission overwhelmed me with tenderness. His unconditional affection made me feel safe and cherished as if we were destined to be intertwined forever. His possessiveness, though gentle, reassured me of his commitment and unwavering devotion. He gently releases me as another figure emerges from behind me, his white-blonde head bowed down as he kneels beside Finn. Finally, Kellan looks up at me, cautiously making eye contact, his expression a mixture of fear and love. He spoke softly, his voice filled with vulnerability as I stared down at him with an eyebrow raised at him. "Serena, I've been afraid to admit this, terrified of what it might mean for me... For us. But deep down, I always knew I couldn't deny the love that has blossomed for you. No matter how I've tried to avoid it. But I'm done with all of that now and I'm ready to take a leap of faith, to be by your side and discover what our fated bond holds for our future." Kellan's hesitant yet loving confession touched my heart profoundly, cracking the wall I had thrown up between us ever so slightly. His raw vulnerability spoke volumes about his dedication and the depth of his feelings for me but a lingering sense of doubt left behind an undeniable feeling of uncertainty between us. As I stood there, surrounded by these three incredible men, I felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude and devotion as tears ran down my face. Their hungry gazes met mine, time seemed to slow down, and the air crackled with electricity. A symphony of emotions danced across their faces, mirroring the unspoken desire that pulsated through my veins. Without words, an understanding passed between us, and we moved closer, drawn together by an irresistible force. First, it was Kellan who stepped forward, his fingertips grazing my cheek before his lips met mine in a tentative kiss that made my walls fracture even more. His kiss was unhurried and passionate, fueled by a raw intensity to prove his love that ignited every nerve ending in my body. At that moment, the world around us faded away, leaving only the sensation of his touch and the taste of his desire on my lips. Then, as if choreographed, Killian took his turn, his arms encircling me gently. His kiss was like a delicate melody, soft and sweet, promising a love as deep as the ocean. I could feel the tenderness behind his actions, a silent declaration of affection that left me breathless and yearning for more. Finally, Finn approached, his hands cradling my face with a tenderness I didn't know he was capable of. His kiss was a balm to my soul, a connection that transcended words and forged a deep emotional bond. It carried a sense of safety and understanding as if he knew the depths of my heart and cherished every part of me. I pull away from the kiss, my chest heaving with each gasp for air. My vision blurs for a moment before I see a shadowy figure standing amidst the trees. He is tall, with a dark and mysterious aura that seems to pull me towards him. I stood there, utterly captivated by his presence as he called out to me, "Serena..." His voice resounded through the dream like a siren call. My name rolled off of his tongue with a velvety smoothness that sent shivers down my spine, making my heart start beating erratically and my legs move involuntarily towards the figure. I walk slowly through the mist, the figure getting closer and closer and his arms spread wide before I collapse into a hard, too warm body. He hauls me up to his chest and wraps my legs around his waist, the height difference is staggering and exciting as he nuzzles into my hair and trails kisses down my neck and back up to my face, his lips catching mine in an earth-shattering kiss. My hands cradle his devastatingly handsome face as his hands roam my body, touching me everywhere as if committing my body to his memory. He breaks our kisses to kiss down my chest, pushing the straps of my tank top off my shoulders, freeing my breasts as his head dips down and seizes a nipple in his mouth as I let out a gasp. His other hand kneads my other breast as I grind against him. We're lost in each other for a moment and my voice comes out shaky, "Who... who are you?" I question before he pulls himself away from me reluctantly to look me directly in my eyes. His smoldering gaze has me mesmerized before he leans in and whispers in my ear "I'm coming for you, Sera." He states so bluntly as if it was already a known fact.
I stare at him in bewilderment, who the hell was this guy? What the... I open my mouth to ask him another question when he presses his finger to my lips. I raised an eyebrow in question and his response was simple yet enigmatic. With a single word, he uttered, "Mate." And disappeared back into the abyss. Confusion and desire render me speechless as I stumble backward. Three sets of hands shoot out, exploring my body as I let out a sigh, one of contentment and unspoken desire when Killian presses his body to my back, his hands grabbing and caressing my butt as his mouth dips to my shoulder, kissing his way down my chest. Finn holds my waist and threads a hand through my hair as he kisses, nips, and sucks at the place on my neck where his mark will no doubt go. Kellan stands to the side, one hand roaming my chest, pushing the flimsy fabric of my sheer dress away to tease my nipples and cup my breasts as he pulls my face close with the other, pressing his body into my side. I surrender to my men and let them command my mind, body, and soul. Kellan, the most demanding of my boys jerks his mouth away and grabs my chin roughly to look him in the eye, "Lay down, Baby Girl. We're going to take care of you." He demands looking from my kiss-bruised lips to my eyes, lids heavy with desire, the look mirrored in his stare. "Yes, Sir." My voice comes out husky as I obediently do as he says, laying down and spreading my legs wide on the bed for my guardians. Killian shuffles to meet my mouth in a searing kiss, pouring all his love and want into it as Finn moves to my breasts and takes a nipple in his mouth and cupping both breasts, kneading them just the way I like it which causes my back to arch into him and gasp into Killian's mouth. The constant stimulation is making me feel wetter than I've ever been as they work together as if in tandem. Finn moves to my other nipple just in time for me to feel Kellan part my legs and lick me from clit to slit, devouring my pussy as my body grinds against his face. He licks me up and down expertly then pays special attention to my clit, sucking and rolling his tongue in circles as he works one finger in, then two. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!" I scream as I smash into a million pieces, my boys never stopping putting me back together each time I fall apart. In this dreamscape where reality is blurred, I surrendered myself to the intoxicating experience of the three remarkable men I grew up with. The realization that I had somehow always known I was somehow destined to be with all of them branded on my soul.
I woke up to the soft rays of sunlight streaming brightly through my stained glass windows, I stretched my body out across my bed and yawned. Images from my dream vision fill my head and it takes me a few moments to fully gather my senses but once I do, I smile to myself in satisfaction and then perplexity and disbelief as I slide out of bed, as ready as I could be to face the day head-on. I make my way to the bathroom, turning on the shower, and allowing the warm water to cascade over my body for far too long. The sensation was both invigorating and soothing, washing away any lingering traces of sleep. As I lather myself with my water lily-scented body wash, I can't help but feel a sense of anticipation and dread over Rowena's most likely bad reaction to the realization that Kellan is my mate and and not hers... But most importantly, who in the hell was the other guy in my dream? Clearly, he's another one of my fated mates but who is he?
Gods, why does my life have to be so damn complicated? I couldn't just have one mate, noooo. I had to go and be difficult and have multiple mates so now Rowena's going to go nuclear on my ass and make life harder than I had to be.
I'm either extremely blessed by the Goddess or I've been cursed by her.
A small smile creeps up on my face as I recall the events of my dream and I decide that I'm probably on the luckier side of things. Once I stepped out of the shower and swathed my fluffy towel around myself, I caught sight of my reflection in the mirror. My bright ocean eyes reflected with trepidation and I steel myself, ready to embark on whatever life throws at me. "Ugh." I groan as I think of what lies ahead of me today and quickly get dressed in a simple pink dress. Just as I was pulling my long red hair into a bun, adding the newly fixed Swan clip at the top, there was a brisk knock at my door. Startled, I paused for a moment, considering whether I should answer it right away or finish preparing myself. Deciding that whoever it was could wait a few more moments, I ignored the persistent knocking and focused on perfecting my hair. I let out a heavy sigh, feeling the weight of the day ahead bearing down on me and the pull of my mates outside of my bedroom door. With a sense of resignation, I rise from my bed and make my way to the door, bracing myself for whatever challenges lay ahead. As I stood by the door, my eyes met the gaze of Killian, Finn, and Kellan, who stood towering over me. Their eyes were filled with an intense yearning that seemed to pierce through my very soul, leaving me feeling a deep and fierce craving for more inside of myself. I couldn't help but feel drawn to them as if they held the key to some deep and hidden part of myself that I had yet to discover. My cheeks flush with a deep shade of red, as I catch myself staring and I try to inhale deeply as I struggle to find the courage to speak.
Goddess. They all look so good... This strange feeling must be the mate bond, right? It's so excruciatingly beautiful...
But eventually, the words spilled out of my mouth in a sudden rush, leaving me breathless and exposed. "Hey, guys. Look, I know what all of this means for us but I don't think we have time this morning to explore this. And to be honest, I'm not sure I'm ready to accept Kellan as my mate. I just really need to talk to Sora before I make any decisions." Killian and Finn turn to glare at Kellan before looking back at each other and shaking their heads. Killian's eyes zero in on me as he catches my chin in his hand, rubbing his thumb across my lips and sending sparks coursing through my body, "Serena, we understand this may seem like a lot to ask right now, but we've been waiting a while for the opportunity to finally be yours. It's important to us to be able to support you in everything you do and strengthen our bond. Kellan's behavior has been unacceptable, and we all know it. But please just consider letting us join you. We promise to make it worth your while." He quickly lets go of my hand and runs his fingers through his immaculate blonde locks, a gesture that he tends to do whenever he's feeling agitated or concerned about something important to him. Kellan reacts with a mixture of disbelief and disdain towards his brother's remark but chooses to remain silent, rolling his eyes before he averts his gaze and avoids making eye contact with everyone present as if he's trying to camouflage his true emotions. Finn grabs my hands in his, pulling me to him, and softly whispers in my ear, "Princess, please. I've known I was your mate since we were kids and Killian has known for months now. We want to be with you always. Don't push us away. Ever. This is the one and only time I'll ever beg you for anything, I swear." He pleads as he nuzzles lovingly into my neck, sending heat directly to my core. "Ren, we understand this might be overwhelming but avoiding it doesn't change anything. Let's just move forward together, with the three of us if that's what you want. Please." Killian begs, his dark blue eyes shining with panic. "Look, I know you guys mean well, but Rowena is going lose her shit. Especially since whatever happened between you two last night happened." I can feel my eyes rolling in exasperation as I shoot a glance toward Kellan, who finally looks up from the floor and levels his gaze at me with a dark expression. "I get it, Serena, but she has to know the truth now. She had her dream vision just like you did and I know that I wasn't in it because I was in yours, with you. She's probably already raising hell with Sira and the Court. We are going with you so we can try to calmly explain everything to her." Kellan, who had been silent and still throughout the conversation, finally speaks up. Finn let out a disdainful scoff before he leans in towards my neck, taking a deep breath in as if trying to capture my scent. "My love, we've got your back, no matter what." His breath tickles my ear as he leans in close, his voice low and intense. His words carry a weight that I can't ignore, and despite my best efforts, I find myself believing every syllable he utters. I pause to contemplate their words and weigh the pros and cons. I'm completely lost in my thoughts and my mind wanders to the mysterious man that I saw in my dream last night. Lost in my reverie, I must have been staring into space for a bit too long, because I am suddenly brought back to reality when Killian appears in my line of sight. With a start, I am pulled out of my daze as he snaps his fingers to get my attention. Looking down at me with a hopeful expression on his chiseled and handsome face as he seems to be waiting patiently for me to respond. "Fuck it. Okay... I understand where you're all coming from... Well, at least Finn and Killian. Let's go then."
I hesitate for a moment before reluctantly pulling away from Finn and turning to head down the hallway. "Thank you, guys, for always being here for me. I appreciate it." As I stand on my tiptoes to peck Finn and Killian on their lips, I can feel my heart racing with excitement. I move around them and sashay down the corridor, feeling confident and carefree. Kellan's eyes are fixed on me, but I ignore his stare and continue to strut down the hallway, relishing in the feeling of being the center of their universe.

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