Part Six: Serena

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"You are not yet mine, but I pretend that you are and that it is written in the stars. I've hurt you more than you could ever deserve, your depth of mind and curves my sweet demise. But do not forget, Ren. You are MINE."
We made our way across the vast expanse of the castle, a hush of stillness enveloped us, broken only by the voices of Rowena and Sora in a heated argument in the distance. My mind wandered, lost in thoughts of the Court's reaction to Rowena's temper, and as we approached the grand entrance of the throne room I had to stop for a moment to gather myself. The towering doors stood before us, radiating an air of regal authority and power that always left me in awe. I take a deep breath to prepare myself and steal a glance at my guardians to find all three pairs of eyes locked on me like I'm their sun and I about melt into a puddle of want right there. My steps are loud as I walk into the Court of Valor with my head held high with Killian, Finn, and Kellan trailing close behind me and I feel a mix of tension and hope at what lay ahead while I focus on making small, measured steps. As soon as we stepped into the room. Rowena shifts her gaze away from Sora and fixes her stormy eyes on me as she levels me with a look of pure and unadulterated contempt. I could see the blaze of bitterness burning just below the surface as she tried like hell to contain herself in front of the Court of Valor. She stood there in all of her enraged glory with Felix, Kole, and Kash standing behind her and each of their faces were etched with mirrored looks of hopelessness and despair as they gazed hard into the ground. It was clear that they were all unhappy, and the tension in the air was palpable. "Finally! Took you long enough, sister. Of course, the fates would give you Kellan. You've already been given everything else!" Rowena yells just before she commences to scream uncontrollably about how she felt that I was always handed everything in life. Her words were full of resentment and heartbreaking accusations of favoritism over the years that she'd felt that I had garnered for no reason. However, I thought that it was always Rowena that has felt entitled to everything as long as I can remember and her latest woes varied from the swan trinket Sora just gave me to laying claim to my mate, Kellan as if he were a mere possession that I could trade on a whim. Regardless, I tried my damndest to remain calm and composed, understanding that her anger was not directed toward me but rather a reflection of her insecurities and fears. I gazed adoringly upon the most loyal of my guardians, Killian and Finn and I couldn't help but notice the affectionate gleam in their eyes. But when my gaze fell upon Kellan, I sensed a tinge of remorse in his expression that left me feeling empty and bereft. Inhaling deeply to calm my nerves, I spoke with a firm yet gentle tone, addressing the situation at hand, "Rowena, I truly understand that you want to be with Kellan. You are my sister and I've known since we were kids how you feel about him... But how could you want to claim him as your mate when you know he's mine? Nevertheless, you do understand how important it is to respect his wishes and not force him into a bond against his will. As his fated mate, I believe it's important to try to deal with this situation with consideration for everyone involved." Her lips curled up into a self-satisfied grin as she shifted her gaze toward Kellan, winking at him openly in front of the Court. "Oh, I didn't do anything against his will last night. Just ask him." She says spitefully, blowing a kiss in his direction and shrugging her shoulders casually. The Court gasps and dissolves into hushed whispers as my eyes widen and I double over in pain, holding my chest as the same pang from last night tears through me unexpectedly. Felix's face contorts with anger as he emits a low, guttural growl from behind Rowena and he charges forward, lunging at Kellan with a ferocity that nearly pulls Kole and Kash off their feet as they struggle to hold onto Felix, preventing him from causing any damage. The tension in the room reaches new heights as the violent outburst threatens to escalate into something even more dangerous and shouting from all around me becomes deafening as the crowd breaks out in protest. I inhale deeply, my eyes darting back and forth between Kellan and Rowena, trying to gauge their reactions to the Court of Valor's fury. After a few moments, the crowd dies back down into a whisper and my gaze comes to rest on Kellan, whose expression remains unreadable as he stares back at me with a blank expression. "If you want to be with Rowena then fine, go and be with her. I'm not going to try to stop you or even attempt to fight either of you over what the fates have already decided." Felix, with tears streaming down his face, lets out a primal and heart-wrenching roar in response to my words, shaking the entire room for a few moments as he begins to howl in despair. Killian beams at me with pride, his smile reaching his kind eyes, while Finn pulls me close to him, enveloping me in a tight embrace while he casts a disdainful glance toward Kellan. A polite cough diverts my attention as Sora's heels stop beside me and she takes my hand. "Well said, dear girl. Rowena, you disrespect yourself and the Court of Valor with your blatant disregard for the all-knowing fates." Sora's regal voice booms across the room, echoing across the large chamber. Her voice lowers and she turns to me to whisper in my ear, "Rowena's mates are Felix, Kole, and Kash but she refuses to acknowledge their bond. As you can see, it's making Felix's Wolf nearly feral." I gasp, drawing the attention of the Court who all look at me curiously as more whispers sound throughout the crowd. I manage to conjure a congenial smile for the masses, bowing my head demurely as we try to bob and weave back through the mob of nobles to the exit. I am caught in the middle of the bustling crowd, colors of every kind swirling all about me with Sora and Finn tugging me in opposite directions. Killian swiftly comes to my rescue, gently pushing me forward with his massive hands wrapped securely around my waist. Despite the chaos around us, his touch feels comforting and reassuring, allowing me to breathe if only for a moment. "Oh my Goddess, ow!" I scream as a sharp, searing pain shoots straight through my chest, my knees spasm and begin to give way beneath me, and I nearly collapse onto the ground. Fortunately, Killian is there to support me and keep me from falling as his big hands stay tightly wrapped around my waist.
I can't fucking breathe. It's just all too much. Why doesn't he want me?
Shallow pants shakily escape from me and panic builds in my chest as the feeling of rejection grips my soul and I'm not sure how much more of this I can handle.
I need air.
I know. I'm trying to get you out of here, Princess. Hold on.
Finn's lips curl into a sly smirk as his grip on my arm tightens, pulling me and Sora towards the glass door that leads to the lush garden outside. The weight of his hand feels heavy, like a shackle, and I can feel the faintest hint of his fingernails digging into my skin as he leads us forward with determined steps. The greenery beyond the glass shimmers in the sunlight like a beacon of hope but the realization that Finn heard my thoughts hits me like a ton of bricks.
What the fuck?
Finn?! You can hear what I'm thinking?! Have you always been able to hear me?
Dread grips me and I begin to breathe even harder as my panic bubbles to the surface and all I think of every indecent thought I've ever had about my best friend, and my body flushes as crimson as a rose. We burst out of the back door and into the massive garden and I fall to my knees instantly, clutching the dense grass in my hands as I greedily take in deep, heaving breaths of the fresh, floral air.
Oh, baby, please don't worry. I've got you and everything is okay. Just breathe for me, baby. Breathe.
My breathing starts to become more even as the tension slowly fades away when I hear his deep voice purring in my mind once again. His words are like a salve for my soul, calming me down and making me feel safe all at once while a storm rages on in my mind. Meanwhile, both he and Killian rub my back with gentle, circular motions, their touch both soothing and reassuring. "Are you okay, Ren?" As I gaze out, lost in my thoughts, Killian steps into my line of vision. His voice was laced with concern, drawing my attention to him. He gently clasps my face with his hands, his thumb tracing a path over my lips. His touch is tender, and I feel a pleasurable warmth spread through me as I lean further into Finn. I am certain that my face is now a deep shade of red, flushed with embarrassment, anger, and confusion. I feel as though a million emotions are swirling inside me, but I cannot muster the courage to look at him directly in the eyes. Sora is kneeling beside me still holding my arm while she sings "Far Longer Than Forever" in a voice so close to my mothers that it hurts.
I lean back on my legs, jerking my face away from Killian's grip. I close my eyes and drop my face in my hands, tears flowing down my face freely.
I can't Finn. I can't do this. I thought he would want me like the fates determined. I just don't have the strength or desire to compete with Rowena for my fated mate.
My body shakes with sobs as the dam finally breaks. Sinking into the comforting warmth of Finn's embrace, my body folding perfectly into his and a deep weariness fills my aching body.
You can do this, Ren. You're the strongest person I know and we don't need him. We will get through this, together. Just please don't push me or Killian away. He needs you. I need you. You are it for us and nothing can change that.
I pry my eyes open to see Killian staring at me with hurt carved across his captivating face, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." My voice comes out in a broken croak as I reach for Killian, who smiles at me softly before taking my face in his hands again and pressing a lingering kiss to my lips, leaving me wanting more. A small groan escapes me when Killian pulls away which makes both of my guardians groan in response. "Well, on that note, I'll leave you guys to it. We will speak later, darling. I feel we have much to discuss." My aunt's amused voice pulls me back to reality but I just manage a weak nod in her direction. Killian gathers me up in his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist, his lips barely brushing mine. "Come on, let's go to your room, Angel." Heat pools between my legs and electricity shoots through me when they both start pressing kisses along my face and neck, causing me to writhe between them in pleasure. Killian gasps in my ear when I start rolling my hips back and forth and Finn responds by grinding his rock-hard cock into my ass. I whine desperately as they continue to touch, grope, and tease me relentlessly. Finn throws his head back and chuckles, looking over me in between them at Killian. "Snap us to her room, Kill. She's begging me through our link."
A devilish grin spreads across Killian's face when he SNAPS! I'm jerked through the veil, floating through the abyss for a fraction of a moment then popped back through and plopped on my bed like no time had passed. My mouth runs dry and I try to swallow but I fucking can't.
Oh. My. Gods.
My eyes dart between my stunning mates, both of them are standing in front of me with their shirts off, the perfect shape of their abs trails down to the V that's peeking from their pants and it makes them look so godsdamn sexy I can't help but bite my lips and clench my thighs tightly together in hopes to prevent the building wetness between my legs. An agonized groan leaves Finn and he prowls towards me, "Ren," he growls my name lowly, eyes glued to mine. He sniffs the air and his light azure eyes turn dark as obsidian. "Fuck, Princess. You smell so damned good. I mean, look at her, Killian." He says darkly, nodding in my direction, "She's so fucking ready and wet for us. We should do something about that." Finn chuckles deeply, his whole demeanor turning almost feral as he looks at me like he's the hunter and I'm his prey.
Oh fuck. I can't believe this is happening.
"Mm, lilies and rain, you always smell so damn delicious, baby, like a cooling rain on a hot summer day," Finn growls out, his eyes switching between his normal sky blue and the dark blue they become when he shifts. Killian grins widely and stalks closer to me, mimicking Finn.
Shit, I'm in trouble. I'm in so much fuvking trouble right now.
Yes, you are, Princess.
A giggle escapes me before I can stop it, causing Finn to raise his eyebrow at me and smile at me deviously. "Mm, so fucking perfect. We've waited for you so long, Ren and we are going to take our sweet time making you ours," Killian says darkly, seizing my attention when he prowls towards me slowly and carefully as if he's afraid I'll run away. I stare from man to man and gauge my options;
1. I could run but they would probably like that, especially Finn. Those damned Werewolf instincts are next level and clearly, he's already struggling.
2. I can fight back and kick their asses but they'd probably like that too much. Like, for real, play fighting is like their love language.
3. I can give in and let them please me... OR... I can take control of the situation and try my hardest to please them.
Finn lets out another agonizingly feral groan, "You know that I can hear what you're thinking about, Serena..." His voice drifts off as I lift my chin and stand up to stretch out, bending over and giving them a good look at my ass. Satisfied I'd gained their full attention, I roll my neck and shoulders, moaning loudly for good measure. It had the effect that I wanted because both guys' pants seemed to get VERY tight around the crotch region and honestly, I can't bring myself to look away. Finn's enormous cock stands at attention, thickening by the second. Killian's just as big cock begs for me to touch it as it bobs in his pants. I don't know what I'm thinking, I've never done this before but they make me feel so...Wanted. Needed. Desired. Feeling a rush of confidence, I decide to take matters into my own hands, literally. "Take off your clothes," I demand confidently, raising an eyebrow at them in a challenge. They both look at each other quickly then stare back at me baffled for just a second then swiftly do as I say, throwing off their underwear and pants as if they were on fire. I walk over, a bit tentative at first, and grab both of their too-big cocks and start slowly pumping. Letting my instincts take over. Both boys groan in pleasure and I decide to try to take Finn in my mouth while I pump Killian faster with my hands. My lips and tongue explore the size and feel of my mate and he caresses my face lovingly as I bob my head up and down his exceptional length at a steady pace. He growls when I swirl my tongue around the tip of his cock when I pull him from my mouth and lick him back down to the base. What I lacked in experience I must have made up for in enthusiasm because it doesn't take long before Finn grabs the back of my head and gently tugs me closer to him impatiently, pulling my mouth back down on his cock while he uses the other hand to knead my breasts. I moan from his touch and his hips thrust wildly, he pulls me by my hair so my mouth slides up and down him in brutal strokes. He slows down and his body begins to stiffen before he explodes down my throat. I swallow all of his come as he grabs me by the hair and slams me down to his base, choking me slightly. I swallow him up and slide my lips off with a POP! "FUCK!" Finn exclaims as I reach for Killian to finish him off, I give Finn a silly grin and turn to Killian's enormous cock, licking my lips in anticipation. Killian is far more gentle and eases me down slowly, pumping in and out of my mouth sensually, thrusting into my face carefully as if he's afraid it's too much for me. "Gods, Ren. You're so perfect for us." I hear Finn growl beside me as Killian explodes in my mouth with a groan. I try to swallow all of it but some leaks from my mouth and down my chin and I scramble to clean myself. Finn beats me to it and grabs a towel from my bathroom, gently cleaning my face before they tuck in on each side of me, lying together on my bed. Finn is playing with my nipple with one hand while the other hand grips my hair by the roots, exposing my neck where his mark will go, kissing and biting me, causing me to squirm. Killian has his mouth on my other nipple, both hands roaming my body as he uses his elemental magic to pin my hands above my head and my legs to the bed, several hands tease between my legs... Touching me everywhere except where I want them to. I'm pulled out of my thoughts by Killian growling "Sit on my face. Now." I sit up on my knees and turn beet red from embarrassment, unsure of what to do. Finn chuckles and slaps my ass which gives me all the motivation I need. I do as I'm told and climb on top of Killian, tentatively straddling his face. Killian grabs my hips and pulls me closer to him, so much closer I'm sure I'm suffocating him but I'm not complaining. While he works from under me, licking me from front to back and his tongue darting in and out of my already soaking wet pussy, Finn comes to my side and kisses me deeply, swallowing my probably too loud moans and screams. Finn continues down my neck to my chest where he can't resist nipping at me and leaving little marks to show that I am his too.
I need more. Oh gods, they feel so good. I should've done this a long time ago.
Finn's growl vibrates through me and he smirks over at Killian, "I love that I can hear what she's thinking. She's so needy and ready for us, Killian." Killian simply answers back with a chuckle from underneath me, causing my body to jerk from the sensation. All too soon we're pulled out of ecstasy by a BANG! And my door is nearly thrown off the hinges when Kellan bursts in, "What. The. Fuck." He growls as he takes in the scene. And it must be a scene straight out of a porno with the way he's looking at me... "Oh shit," I barely manage to whisper, stunned and still, not completely down from the high I was riding by being worshipped by Finn and Killian. (And from riding Killian's face.) Kellan lunges for his twin, his features a mixture of rage and hurt and I let out a yelp, all but flying off of Killian, falling off of the bed into a mound of blankets on the floor. "Serena! Are you okay?" Finn smoothly slides down the bed to the floor beside me and picks me up, setting me gently in his very naked lap. "Uhm..." is all I can manage as his large cock rests firmly against my ass. Finn growls lowly, dipping his head to breathe me in deeply and soothe his wolf.
Killian swiftly leaps from the bed, throwing up a shield and knocking Kellan's body back into the wall with a loud thud. Kellan crumbles down into a heap on the floor. "Fuck, Killian! That hurt!" He snarls as he gingerly picks himself up from the floor and levels all of us with a scathing glare. "Well, what the hell did you expect Kel? You looked like you were about to murder all of us!" Killian snarls back at his twin, fury pouring off of him in waves.
Our bond shakes with pain and rage and I whimper from the aftershock, my body trembling uncontrollably. Finn holds me tightly, caressing my hair and face as he rocks me back and forth. Killian rolls his eyes dramatically at his twin and snaps his fingers, making all of our clothes materialize on our bodies in an instant. "Thanks, Killian." I breathe out, standing up on wobbly legs and walking over to him, pressing my body to his. Finn is by my side in the blink of an eye and throws an arm around my waist as we face Kellan in a united front. It's Finn who speaks up first his voice dark and taunting, "What do you want, Kellan? You so rudely interrupted us so get on with it, say what you need to say, and get the fuck out of here so we can take care of our mate." He nuzzles into my neck, breathing me in again and calming himself from the high our mate bond supplies him. Killian clears his throat awkwardly and snaps his fingers, dropping the shield, allowing Kellan to move closer to me. He steps in front of me, towering over me and he stares at me for a long time, his expression unreadable.
What is his problem?
No idea, Princess. Say something. Don't let him see how much he affects you.
I shift from foot to foot and bite my lip as I look back at him in annoyance, "What, Kellan? You look like you have something you want to say to me." I finally snap when his silent judgment of me becomes too much. "How many mates do you have, Serena?" Kellan says finally, his eyes never leaving mine as his ever-present perma-scowl slashes across his handsome face. "Three?" I answer questioningly, my brows furrowing.
Why is he asking me that?
Finn doesn't answer me, his gaze swings from me to Kellan, and his brows furrow in confusion. "What are you on about, Kellan? What's with all the theatrics?" He looks to Killian who just shrugs, his face mirroring our confusion and exasperation. "I'll ask you one more time, Serena. How. Many. Mates. Do. You. Have?" He asks again, this time practically growling in between his words, his rage intensifying. "What the fuck are you talking about?! Why do you even care, Kellan?" I scream back but he just stares.
What the fuck is his problem?
Realization hits me and panic grips my soul. Visions of the mysterious man from my dream flash before my eyes and something settles inside of me. Something, no, someone new.
Oh no.
Ren? What's wrong?
Panic. Anxiety. Uncertainty. Regret. Too many emotions assault me at once and I look from man to man.
"Uhm, guys. I think I have something I need to tell you. In my dream vision I-."
Sybil comes rushing in, catching our attention and cutting me off. Her blue eyes lock with mine, her face full of curiosity at the scene in front of her. I shake my head and she nods in understanding, "Well, I'd love to know what was going on here, Ren. But tell me later. There's someone here to see you." Kellan scoffs and rudely pushes past Sybil and out of the door and goddess damn it, if my heart doesn't ache to follow him.

Court of Valor and SynnOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara