Part Seven: Kellan & Draco

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"In the labyrinth of my heart, you have become an addiction and it is both a blessing and a curse. I long to hold you, a possession I cannot release. Your every breath ignites a flame within me but also fills me with a need to own every inch of you. Yet, I fear the consequences with an overwhelming sense of unease. I fear the depths to which I would go to keep you with such intensity. For in loving you, I walk a treacherous path, teetering on the edge of ecstasy and duty as the need to protect you from any harm that may befall you fuels my obsession.
Kellan Reed
The trees sway serenely as if dancing to the melody of the wind, a stark contrast to the mayhem that filled the palace earlier.
The vibrant hues of blossoms, ranging from stunning white lilies to cheerful daisies, create a kaleidoscope of colors that captivate the eyes. At the heart of this mesmerizing garden stands a wishing well, its edges adorned with intricate carvings and delicate vines of ivy. The water within the well sparkles under the warm sunlight, casting a magical glow upon the surrounding area. Birds chirp joyfully among the branches, their melodies blending with the gentle rustle of leaves. Butterflies flutter gracefully from flower to flower, their delicate wings reflecting the vibrant colors of the garden. Rabbits and squirrels playfully dart through the underbrush, adding an adorable touch of liveliness to this otherwise tranquil paradise. I sit silently, listening to the sounds of nature by the wishing well, gazing at the menagerie of flowers Ren loves so much, and getting lost in the thought of her and how I can't help but be drawn to her like a moth to a flame. Serena Sage Swan, with her mesmerizing ocean eyes and radiant porcelain skin. But little did she know, I had a backup plan that kept me at a safe distance away from here for the past few months. Well, for the most part. It was my Jacob's Ladder, a striking feature that ran down the length of my cock and a constant reminder of my one weakness, her. I remember the day it all began, the day that I realized that she was my fated mate. It was a stormy evening last summer and the rain pouring relentlessly outside and the lake was beginning to flood, trapping us all inside the castle. As fate would have it, after a grueling day of combat training, Serena and I found ourselves alone in a gazebo in the garden due to a sudden downpour that forced us to relocate from our usual spot. I was on guard duty, and as I looked into her gentle, emerald-green eyes, I couldn't help but feel a strange pull towards her. Lightning slashed across the sky, illuminating her beautiful face while the only sound was the pitter-patter of raindrops against the tin roof. My entire world came crashing down and in that moment, I knew. I knew I had to try to stay away from her as much as I possibly could.  So I went and did something foolish that Finn and Killian said I was crazy for doing... I pierced my cock. It hurt like absolute hell but, since I kept adding bars it was basically always newly pierced and still healing up until a few weeks ago. Really, the whole process made it nearly impossible for me to be in Serena's presence without feeling myself harden and then I would have to deal with the ensuing pain by excusing myself or by thinking of her sister, Rowena. The toughest thing has been to just stand guard right outside her door and not think of her alone in her bed... All by herself... Just waiting around for her mate to claim her...
Fuck me, I'm so fucked up.
I've tried my damndest to discourage Serena from liking me by implying that I won't and haven't waited for my mate to have sex... Even going as far as to openly flirt with Rowena so she would assume the worst about us. Damn, what in the genuine hell was I thinking? I am an absolute idiot. Now I just have to succeed in winning Serena over and I have to prove to her that I am in in this and that I want her and only her. In retrospect, I should've been more like Finn and Killian. Like, so much more because it wouldn't make things with her so tricky. I truly don't know why I did it but I should not have regularly tried to bait her by talking about my many exploits, fictional or otherwise. I shouldn't have tried to repeatedly push her away... And I sure as hell shouldn't have entertained her sister's advances like I have. I've messed up so badly that I'm physically ill at the thought of her wanting my brother and my best friend more than she could ever want me. I kick at the grass and take a deep breath, breathing in the sweet floral scent of roses and willing the nausea to go away. Killian has known for sure for about a year now that Serena was his fated mate and Finn has known since early childhood, always by her side every chance he got. I, on the other hand, only knew for sure a few months ago, if that and I've tried like hell to avoid her which is easier said than done considering how close she is to Killian and Finn. They both have been there for her in ways I have never been able to. Finn is her best friend in the world and Killian is her mentor and teacher. They were endlessly pursuing her affections, teaching, teasing, and flirting while I just straight up neglected her, biding my time and trying to make sense of this whole mate bond shit. My parents' death screwed that one up royally for me and I can tell by the way she is with my brother and Finn that she's still not completely comfortable with me by any stretch of the imagination and to be honest, I don't blame the woman. She is far more intelligent than she's ever been given credit for. I've spent too long dreading my fated mate bond because of what my dad did I pushed her away. I hate that I punished both of us for his tragic decision that cost both of their lives but I did and I can't take it back.
It was during this time of my inner turmoil that the notes started. Anonymous letters from a 'SECRET ADMIRER' that expressed twisted adoration and longing for Serena. At first, I dismissed my irrational actions as harmless compliments, an outlet to express my innermost feelings for my fated mate, but as the messages became more unhinged so did my deep fixation on Serena... On what it was that made her so intrinsically her and how I could make her mine. I became so obsessed and preoccupied with Serena that Rowena caught me in the act a few months ago and she's been blackmailing me over it ever since. She was smart enough to pray on how weak I was and she's done everything she can to take advantage of me and try to hurt Serena in the process... Goddess damn it, this is going to be painful. She will never forgive me when she finds out I'm the one who's been watching her at night and every time the opportunity arose... Touching her... Sending her those completely unhinged notes that I regret with everything I have. Or worse, she's going to clap her hands and blind me in punishment like she used to when she was just a kid. The thought makes me laugh a bit out loud as I shake my head at how sassy and powerful she has always been. It makes me wonder why she's never said anything to any of us about it. Especially Killian or Finn because if they knew she was being stalked they would have burned this castle to the ground to figure out who it was. I sit silently lost in my melancholic thoughts when Sybil's soft but insistent voice suddenly interrupts me when she steps into my line of vision. Her intense green eyes filled with disapproval and something else I can't quite place but something felt off about her vibe. Sybil is closer to my age and Killian's, so we've always been on good terms for the most part growing up. She's like the sister we never had or even really wanted but she's a good friend most of the time and can be counted on to tell you the truth. I turn to face her, clearing my throat and raising an eyebrow at Ren's elder cousin. "Yes, Lady Sybil?" I ask annoyed at her intrusion, "Is there something I can help you with?" She nods and her green eyes widen as she lowers her gaze, staring at the grass between us, the uncertainty and confusion rolling off of her in waves, "Well, first off, are you seriously going to reject Ren for Rowena? Rebuke all tradition and defy the fates by taking your mates' sister as your own?" I let out an annoyed huff and let my eyes fall to the spot in the grass she seemed so fascinated with, "That's truly not any of your business, Sybil. Was there anything else that I can help you with today?" I asked offhandedly, already bored with our conversation as I rose from my perch on the well. She sighs in exasperation and lifts her eyes to mine, "Whatever, Kel. It's on you if you mess this up and you lose her." She looks at the sky and sighs again, clearly annoyed with me, "The King of the Court of Synn is here from Synnox. He says he's here for Ren." A jolt of panic zips through me at the way she says that but I ignore it, rolling my eyes and breathing out impatiently, "You know the protocol for visiting Royals, Sybil. I will let her know and she will either agree to meet him in the Grand Throne Room this evening or she will have your mother deal with it." I say hurriedly, sighing deeply, "Thank you for letting me know." I turn away, heading inside and ignoring her protests, making quick steps toward Serena's quarters. The sound of her heels clicking hastily behind me stops when she brushes my arm with her hand and stops me in my tracks as I pull away from her touch and face her, "Yes, Sybil? Was there something else you needed to say?" My voice comes out strained, my anxiety at an all-time high as I stare down at her. She visibly gulps, yanking her hand away and taking a step back, her eyes glued to the castle floor, "Yes, Kellan. Uh, he uh..." Her voice trails off and she stops, staring blankly at the floor. "Come on, Sybil, get on with it! I haven't got all day!" She jumps a little, gasping and her eyes shoot back to mine before narrowing in annoyance, "He says she's his fated mate and he's here to take her home with him!" She blurts out and then slaps her hand over her mouth, her eyes as big as saucers as she watches my reaction. Rage and jealousy explode through me as a growl tears from my chest and I turn, sprinting down the hallway to confront Serena. Sybil runs after me, struggling frantically behind me in an attempt to keep up with my long strides every step of the way. I feel the rush of lust flow through our bond before I hear the obscenely erotic noises coming from outside of her chambers. I knew what I was about to encounter would probably hurt like hell but I'll be damned if I let Ren go. My chest tightens in pain and longing and I bust through the door, knocking it off its hinges to see Finn positioned behind Ren, his hands caressing her breasts and trailing kisses down her neck and back as my mate rides my twins face with a look of utter bliss etched across her face.
                                                                                       Draco Synn
The carriage sways about to and fro continuously as I make my way toward the grand, ethereal castle nestled atop the serene and aptly named, Swan Lake. My eyes grow wide and a sense of wonder engulfs me as I stare out the window at the mesmerizing beauty that unfolds before me; Swans gracefully glide across the shimmering clear water while cranes soar in the sky, creating a harmonious dance with nature. The air is filled with the symphony of chirping birds and the fragrance of countless flowers, their vibrant colors painting a vivid picture that leaves me utterly captivated.
Approaching the massive castle of white stone, I find myself standing before its imposing ivory doors, adorned with intricate carvings of the Goddess with her mates. The craftsmanship is remarkable, hinting at the beauty that awaits within its walls. As I prepare to step inside, a warm breeze whispers against my skin, carrying with it a delicate floral scent that reminds me of home and it immediately puts me at ease. The grand doors swing open and guards step aside as I walk into the impressive space I'm warmly greeted by Lady Sora who I grew up with alongside her twin, Sasha. Her husband, Rhys has visited my court many times over the years and I've heard countless stories about the captivating but tempestuous women who rule this castle. Beside her stands her daughter, Sybil, whose striking resemblance to my fated mate Serena catches me off guard momentarily before realizing it wasn't my mate. Sybil's features mirrored Serena's beauty, evoking a bittersweet longing within me that left me feeling impatient. The castle's interior unfolds like a realm from a fairytale, with grandiose halls adorned with tapestries, intricate chandeliers casting a soft glow, and ornate furnishings that speak of a rich history. Sora and Sybil proceed to guide me through this enchanting abode, recounting stories of a bygone era and sharing tales of love, loss, and the enduring strength of family.
After what felt like hours we finally stepped into a glorious chamber, exquisitely decorated with ivory and marble, radiating an air of opulence.
"And through here, King Draco is the newly remodeled grand throne room." Sora opens her arms wide, gesturing towards the center of the room, where two colossal silver thrones are placed, one embellished with precious emeralds, and the other adorned with sparkling rubies, both gleaming with a regal aura. "The architecture used here is astounding and so close to how it looked before," I murmur as I wander around the room, taking in every intricate detail of the stunning design. "Indeed," Sora observes me with a hint of suspicion, her eyes following my every move.  "And how have you been, Sora? It's been decades since I've last seen you." I ask casually, glancing around the room. Despite their guarded demeanors, I offer a smoldering smile to both of them, hoping that my dashing good looks are enough to get me an audience with my mate. Sybil's face turns red with a blush, giving a hint of warmth to the otherwise tense air around us. Sora rolls her eyes at her daughter's reaction and regards me with a quizzical expression, "I've been well, Your Highness." She says shortly, still staring at me with her eyes narrowed in suspicion, "Forgive my candor, King Draco but what is the purpose of your visit today?" Sora inquires, her voice tinged with impatience. I subtly tilt my head and direct my attention towards the auburn-haired lady standing before me. With a self-assured grin, I confidently profess my answer, "Of course, Lady Sybil. Forgive me for just showing up unannounced but I have come to escort your niece, Serena, who is also my fated mate, back with me to Synnox." My tone is unwavering, leaving no room for doubt or hesitation, as I stand ready to take Serena back with me by any means necessary. As soon as I uttered those words, both women in front of me gasped in shock, their eyes widening. Sora leaned closer to Sybil and whispered something in her ear that I didn't bother trying to listen to, and Sybil paid attention with rapt understanding before nodding her head in agreement. The sudden movement caught me off guard as Sybil rushed off, slamming the door behind her with a loud thud. The silence that followed was deafening, and a slow, mischievous smile creeps across my lips as Sora's face paled.

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