Part Eleven: Serena

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"Through whispered secrets and hidden fears, we find solace in each other's tears.
Bound by love, united as one, we will overcome until the battle is won."
I slowly open my eyes as images of the day Molly and Kaleb died flash quickly through my mind and I'm immediately met with a wave of confusion and disorientation. My mind works overtime to piece together the events leading up to this moment and as my vision clears, I discover that I am no longer in the familiar comforts of my own home.
My surroundings are engulfed in dark opulence and extravagance, and a heavy sort of ambiance lingers within the room. The walls are adorned with dark green wallpaper, casting an eerie hue over everything, and the furniture, crafted with intricate designs, carries an unequivocal gothic ambiance. A feeling of despair settles deep within me as my mind drifts to Finn and Killian... Even Kellan. I turn my blurred gaze to the window, seeking solace in the outside world, but what I see only intensifies my unease. The skies are cocooned in darkness, creating a muggy atmosphere that echoes the chaos within my mind. It seems as if much time has passed or time itself has been distorted, leaving me trapped in an ominous dimension. I fight to overcome the disorientation, attempting to sit up and gain my bearings but find myself struggling to push myself up from my position on the soft, velvet bed, discovering my hands to be tightly bound behind my back in a similar green fabric. I let out a wry chuckle, shaking my head in dismay and rolling my eyes at my current predicament. I test out the binding, flexing my hands and activating my light to find it stronger than I thought it would be and possibly enchanted. "I can't believe this is the first time I've ever been tied up and it's not even for something sexy." I think out loud, my tone filled with annoyance. With a sudden twist of my body, I attempt to sit up, but before I can steady myself, I lose balance and topple over with a loud thud. The force of the fall sends jolts of pain through my body, causing me to groan in agony. Slowly, I gingerly push myself up to a kneeling position, wincing with every movement. Finally, I manage to stand on my feet, but the pain lingers. "Ugh..." The room feels suffocating as if it holds more secrets than it is willing to reveal. Memories of the once again ruined grand throne room and my mates mirrored looks of anguish flood my thoughts as panic intertwines with fury, fueling an urgency within me to flee. Amassing my strength, I slowly rise from the bed, my legs quivering with each step that I take. I test out my power again and find I can barely form a spark, groaning in frustration as I take in my surroundings.
Yup. Godsdammit. Clearly, it's some kind of enchanted binding.
I begin to tentatively explore the room, searching for any hints that might aid me in freeing my hands and escaping before Draco decides to come back. I anxiously rummage through the room for any sign of an exit and on my second locked door when a creaking sound pierces the silence. My heart skips a beat as I turn towards the origin of the noise, and standing there in the doorway is Draco Synn, The King of Synnox, and my new fated mate. His presence fills the room and his intense gaze is fixated upon me with a devilish glint in his eyes. I stare back at him unabashedly, my chin tilted up in challenge and my eyes hard. Now that we're not in the throes of battle I can take in his appearance, and Goddess help me, he is hot. The man in front of me has a striking appearance with his dark black-green hair swept across his forehead in a dashingly rakish fashion, while his clear complexion is notably darker than mine. A full beard frames his face, yet it does little to hide the mysterious scar that slashes along his right cheek. As he smirks, I can't help but notice his full lips, which tip up in a way that leaves me feeling weak in the knees. Conflicting emotions surge within me, intertwining fear and confusion with a lingering sense of loyalty to my other mates that remains even though I'm here alone with him. Draco's appearance is both captivating and enticing. His dark, mysterious aura fills the room, and his dusky, hooded eyes seem fixated on me. I take a step back, my gut instinct frantically urging me to distance myself from him and his face breaks into a smile that sends shivers down my spine. It's a sinful grin that suggests a deep knowledge of my vulnerability... As if he relished in the power he held over me. "Serena," he purrs, his voice laced with a devilish charm that makes my skin tingle and my core pulse with need. "I'm pleased to see you up and about. You fainted when I transported us here. How delightful it is to have you finally with me, My Queen. We have so much to celebrate." He bows to me again, his chocolate brown eyes never breaking eye contact with mine. Fear and determination intertwine deep in my soul as I struggle to find my voice, steadying myself. "Draco," I manage to say, my voice trembling slightly, "What the hell are you thinking? How could you do this to me? To my other mates?" His eyes gleam with an unsettling mix of possession and dark desire and Draco takes a step forward, closing the distance between us when he gently grips my slim throat in his large hand, his lips barely brushing against mine. I go to pull my neck away from his touch but he's too strong, holding me in place with ease and elegance that belies his intent. His tantalizing scent of bonfire and sandalwood fills my nostrils leaving me dazed while I dreamily stare up at him, lost in his dark gaze. "You're mine, Sera. I won't share you. If you fail to accept that then you will be punished." Draco says with a hint of mocking tenderness, rubbing his thumb across my lips just before he roughly releases me from his hold, causing me to gasp out loud as I tilt backward before catching myself. I take a deep breath, crossing my arms in front of me while I stare back at him in defiance. His words hang heavily in the air, leaving me with a sense of foreboding while an internal struggle between resisting my mate and submitting to his will rages in my heart. I throw my head back and begin laughing hysterically, this whole situation is just too bizarre, even for me. "Just take me back, Draco. Now." I order through clenched teeth, my eyes wild and my patience slipping with every snarky look he throws my way, "You stole me. You fucking stole me and then you tied me up!" I scream as I stomp my foot in indignation as despair fills my voice, "I need to get back to The Vale, Draco. Please. I don't want to be here." I beg hoarsly while tears slide down my cheeks, staring down at the obsidian floor in misery. "Oh, Sera. Don't cry." Draco croons lovingly, reaching for me and gripping the base of my skull, weaving my curly, copper hair through his fingers. A low chuckle rumbles from his chest while he gently tugs at my hair, sending tingles down my spine. He forces my gaze to his, his eyes shining with desire, "It won't do you any good to cry for me, My Queen. Your tears won't work on me the way you want them to." He shoots a sly wink in my direction, pivots on his heel, and saunters towards the door through which he had just entered, leaving me to ponder over his words. "W-Wait! Could you at least untie me? I can't do anything with my hands bound like this, Draco. Please!" I plead, desperate to be free from my bindings, him, and this whole clusterfuck.
His dark laughter dies just as the door shuts behind him loudly and I make a mad dash after him, a lock clicking in place just as I make it to the doorknob. Throwing my back against the door in frustration, I wince inwardly, pain shooting up my hands and wrists as I remember too late that my hands are still bound behind my back. "Get your ass back here, Draco! You can't leave me in here like this! I'm your mate!" Silence is the only answer to my pleas for freedom. I walk back over to the bed and lean up against the pillows so I can still get up if I need to, the material around my wrists vexing me to no end. I tried my best to get comfortable as Draco's scent invaded my senses. Sighing sadly I stare out the window forlornly, missing my mates terribly. I know they are on their way to save me. I can feel it. I just need to be patient and hold on a little bit longer...
I lay there in a daze and I suddenly became aware of the sound of the lock being turned. My eyes snap open, my heart racing as I scramble to my feet, bracing myself for whatever danger may be lurking in the shadows. A small, dark-haired Fae girl who bears a striking resemblance to Draco walks in carrying a small bag in one hand and a larger bag in the other. She shoots me a polite smile and cautiously sets the bags on the table by the window before opening the curtains wider, twisting around to face me, and bowing down quickly. "Pleased to meet you, My Queen. I'm Cleo, your Lady's Companion, and Draco's cousin. The King has asked me to remove your bindings and help ready you for dinner, his parents will be in attendance and they request to meet you." Scoffing loudly I stare back at her blankly.
Who the hell does this guy think he is?
"No," I say simply, returning to my perch on the bed and staring out the window, ignoring Cleo. I felt bad for punishing her for his actions but I will not be bending my will to that overgrown child who calls himself my mate. A flash of sympathy crosses her features before she shrugs her shoulders and starts for the door and panic rings throughout my brain.
Uhm, is she not going to undo my bindings before she leaves?
"Hey! Wait! Would you please untie me?" I ask sweetly, smiling brightly at the tall and friendly-looking dark Fae, turning so she has easier access to my back. She shakes her head sadly and opens the door, looking back at me, "I'm sorry, My Queen. The King said not to free you unless you agreed to join him at dinner. He said to tell you if would be your first punishment of many." I gasped loudly and huffed out in indignation, taking deep breaths, trying to calm myself enough to speak evenly, "Well, of fucking course, he did! Alright. Fine. I'll go. Now, please, untie me. I'm starting to lose all of the feeling in my fingers." I begged for what felt like the millionth time today as she set to work on untying me. She finishes quickly, setting the material on the nightstand before heading back towards the bags and rifling through the big one. "There, now that that's settled, there are a few gowns here that would look perfect on you and there are toiletries in the smaller one. Dinner is always served at eight o'clock every night. Now then, do you require my assistance in getting you ready, My Queen?" I frantically rub at my sore wrists and glance back up at Cleo to see her holding up a long, emerald green dress with a long slit up the leg. "Wow. That's... Something. But uhm, can you please call me Ren, Cleo? We're not all that formal in the Vale and I'm not used to being called a Queen. Truly, I would love for us to be friends if you don't mind." I say shooting her a smile that she reciprocates immediately,
"But no, thank you, I am more than capable of getting myself ready. I appreciate your offering though. Which door is the bathroom?" I ask as I look around the room at the many locked doors that may lead to nowhere as far as I'm concerned. She points to a door I haven't tried yet and smiles at me widely, nodding her head in understanding as she heads toward the door again. "I'll be back in an hour to bring you to the dining room. Oh and Ren?" She says staring at me intensely, her brown eyes bright, "I'd wear that dress." Pointing at the deep emerald dress she left draped across a chair, "It will compliment your coloring perfectly and it's Draco's favorite color. I don't want to alarm you but there's certain... People who have tried to stake a claim on your mate for far too long. You need to show them who they're dealing with now that his Queen is here." She winks and closes the door softly, leaving me alone with my conflicting emotions.

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