Part Nine: Killian & Finn

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"In the realm of love, a curious fate,
growing up by the side of my destined mates, a bond eternal and timing not secure with love and patience we must endure. Through childhood laughter and innocent play, our souls are entwined, guiding us every single day, But as we blossomed into adulthood's hold, a longing ignited, a fire yet untold."
She's gone. Serena's just... Fucking gone.
Dark smoke and dust cloud the air, making it difficult to see just how much damage was done to this side of the castle. Kellan's strangled coughs are nearly drowned out by Finn's distressed howls vibrating throughout the destroyed halls as his wolf frantically paces back and forth in front of us, growling and snapping his enormous jaws at me anytime I try to go near him.
He's seemed to unconsciously shift back to his wolf instantly after she vanished and has been edging himself closer and closer to becoming feral with every passing second. This is not good, not good at all. Beside me, Kellan sits on the floor with his back resting against the wall and his head buried in his hands. His body language speaks volumes and it's clear that the guilt is consuming him. Lady Sora has gone in search of her husband, Lord Rhys, so they can make an effort to find a diplomatic way to get Serena back without causing an all-out war with the kingdom of Synnox. I sigh shakily and close my eyes forcefully, trying to hold back the tears. Serena was barely able to hold him off... And she is undoubtedly the most skilled Fae of the Vale, surpassing even my own abilities. So how in the hell did we expect Sora to fare any better? Why did we think we could get away? That we could even attempt to keep Serena away from him? I let out a deep, guttural groan, my mind consumed with despair at our hopeless situation. I find myself in the company of my distraught twin and Finn's feral wolf, all the while my own heart feels shattered and my body is wracked with immense pain. I wince out loud as I drag myself up from the floor, the rubble under my feet making it difficult to stand. Taking a small step forward, my foot catches on a loose rock and I lose my balance. My body tilts backward, and I feel myself falling. Suddenly, Kel's hand shoots out and grabs hold of my arm, pulling me towards him. His quick reflexes keep me from crashing onto the ground, and I find myself standing upright. "Thanks," I mumble, slowly walking away from him, anguish with every step as I start towards Finn who's now lying down on the destroyed marble floor and growling in between mournful whimpers. Sunlight streams through the broken stained glass windows, illuminating Finn's massive wolf. He's a dark black color, about the size of a large bear but his sky-blue eyes are too human and wild with panic and desperation. I slowly and cautiously approach, trying not to startle him, "Finn, listen to me. I know you're worried about Ren, but we need to stay focused." Finn grunts and raises back up, pacing back and forth while his growls echo throughout the hall. I take a step closer still maintaining eye contact to show I mean no harm, "We can find her. We will find her. But I need you to calm down. Take deep breaths, like we practiced." Finn continues to pace, agitated and restless. His claws scrape on the concrete, leaving deep marks on the already shattered floor. I slowly reach out my hands, palms up, signaling vulnerability. "Finn, I'm right here with you, buddy. Look at me. Focus on my voice." As if finally recognizing the friendly voice of his best friend, Finn pauses and locks eyes with me. The anguish and fear are still present, but a flicker of trust shines in his eyes. "We all know where he has taken Ren but it's imperative that we quickly devise a plan to get her back. The longer we are away from her the more fragile our mate bonds with her will become. None of us have had the opportunity to complete the bonding ritual with Serena so we can't sense her or mind link with her but you can track her, Finn. The forest and desert are perilous terrains, hence why we need to gather information, strategize, and act accordingly. But we will get Ren back, Finn. She's ours." I declare confidently as Finn's breathing starts to even out and slow down. His savage growls begin to subside, replaced by large, huffing breaths. "Good, Finn. Good. Stay focused. For Ren. We're going to find her and bring her back home. You know we will." Finn nods his massive head, a look of determination visible in his eyes. He lets out a low, mournful howl - a call to action. I take a tentative step closer to Finn, extending my hand and calling for him to shift. "Let's go get her back, buddy. We're in this together," Finn shifts back to his human form, his bones snapping and cracking into place, and nods at me in gratitude before turning to stare at Kellan, his eyes blazing with fury. "So? What's it going to be? Are you going to stay here and do nothing? Or are you going to be the mate you're supposed to be and help us get Ren back?" Kellan scoffs and stands up, shaking off the dust and rubble as he levels an equally furious gaze back at me and Finn, "Get her back? You guys were the ones who let her get abducted in the first place and then you practically destroyed the palace in the process! This is your mess. You clean it up." Finn growls at his response, lunging forward so I take a step toward him and place my hand on his chest to gently shove him behind me, facing my twin head-on, "You were right here when she disappeared, Kel. We all were. It's not just me and Finn's fault, it's yours too! You should've been with us when we met with Draco to help us protect her!" With every word, I jabbed my finger harshly into his chest. His face once filled with confidence, gradually paled as he realized the gravity of his mistake. He looked down in shame as his shoulders slumped in defeat. "I know. Godsdammit. You guys are right, I'm such a fucking idiot. I was just so angry after Sybil told me Draco was here to take her... I haven't even got to properly hold her in my arms and now she's gone." Kel's chest heaved as he let out a deep, heavy sigh. His eyes were fixed on Finn, who stood before him with a similar expression of disappointment etched on his face. The air was thick with tension as the two men silently exchanged glances, each one struggling to find the right words to say. "Look, Kellan, I know you're not an idiot," Finn said, his voice taking a firm tone. "But you sure as fuck seem to make a lot of reckless decisions. If you want to come with me and Killian, you need to answer some questions first, and you better be completely honest with us. Can you do that?" Kellan looks up to me and then Finn and silently nods his head. "What's going on with you and Rowena, man? Are you seriously going to reject Serena for her? I know you're not the most traditional guy but how could you reject someone like her?" With a look of intense discomfort etched on his face, Finn spits out the questions like they're poison on his tongue. His gaze is fixed on Kellan, waiting for an answer with an unwavering intensity. Kellan lets out a heavy sigh and runs a shaky hand through his pale hair. He looks at the floor with an expression of disgust, before finally murmuring, "There's nothing to tell. I never did anything. I just... messed up. I messed up so bad." His words are barely audible, but they're enough for both Finn and me to hear. We exchange confused glances and peer down at him, wondering what could have caused him to act like this. My energy is beginning to return and so is the rage at my brother's inability to accept our mate. Bending over, only slightly in pain now I level my gaze at him as he looks back at me with guilt all over his face, "What the hell happened, Kel?" I ask calmly, barely containing my inner demons as I wait for him to answer.
"Rowena has been blackmailing me for months. She knew... Well... She found out that I was... That I've been... S-Stalking Serena." He finally manages to say the words, stuttering out the last part while he looks from me to Finn, guilt written all over his face. I feel my heart skip a beat. Kellan - my identical fucking twin - has been stalking Serena? Our mate? The thought of it makes me feel uneasy and I begin to pace. My mind races as I wonder why she never mentioned anything to me or Finn. I turn towards Finn, hoping to find some support, but his expression mirrors my disbelief. Meanwhile, Kellan, who is now the center of attention, looks down at the ground in shame. I can't help but let out a sarcastic chuckle, feeling sorry for him but also in disbelief of his actions. "There's no reason for you to lie to us, man. Ren definitely would have told me or Finn if she was being stalked. Hell, we would've fucking noticed it!"
He shrugs his shoulders, staring down the hall toward her room as his eyes darken,
"I don't know what to tell you, Killian. I'm not sure why she didn't say anything to either of you about it. Probably because she secretly seems to like it. I've been leaving her notes and watching her at night when I'm on guard duty. It is the reason why I got all the dick piercings... It was to keep me away from her." His admission leaves me stunned, my thoughts running wild. I look to see the same look of shock and a bit of horror on Finn's tired face. Kellan did get those stupid torturous piercings with motives unknown, completely refusing to give us any legitimate reason why he would do something like that to himself.
I start down the hallway to follow the path Sybil took, determined to tell her about Rowena when Finn lets out a menacing growl, punching the wall above Kel. The deafening noise of shattered fragments and rubble plummeting onto the already ruined surface reverberates throughout the entire corridor and a large portion of the ceiling tumbles on top of him, causing him to shoot up from the floor. Brushing his clothes off, he coughs and sputters while he stares at Finn murderously, his eyes dark with rage, "Godsdamnit! Fucking stop! I'm coming with you two whether you like it or not so we need to quit fighting each other, make a plan, and find Serena!" My sigh of exasperation is heard by both of them as they turn to me in question. Glancing at Kel and then to Finn who is still staring at Kellan when I solemnly nod my head in agreement, "He's right. We do need to come up with a plan. What about going through Crane Cove and into Fernglade Forest? It's dangerous but it is the most direct route." Kel's eyes get wide and he looks to Finn who stares at me blankly, "So, sea monsters and treacherous waters followed by a humid jungle full of carnivorous plants? Yeah, no. It would take too long to get through the forest." Kellan nods quickly in agreement before turning to me with excitement, his eyes bright with determination, "Why don't we try going down Swan River? I know, I know, there's still the ill-tempered river creatures but if we go quietly and swiftly through the water we could likely avoid any bloodshed." Finn laughs heartily at Kel's idea and gives him a friendly clap on the back, "Not just no but hell no. That's just as bad as going through the Cove and the forest." Kellan sighs in defeat and shrugs his shoulders, "What's your smart idea then, Finn? You shot both of ours down ours so let's hear yours." Kellan makes a sweeping gesture with his hand indicating for Finn to proceed. Finn sighs tiredly, his brows knitting together in thought, "I think we should go through Swansynn Village. I know that we would have to go through the Desert of Desire before we could even get to Ravens Bay but I think we can do it. We know who our mate is inside and out and we can hire a guide from the Guild of Valor to help us navigate through the sands." I nearly choke on air and Kellan stares at Finn like he's lost his mind, "No way! It's too dangerous. All types of Fae never make it out of there alive and if they do they are hardly ever the same person they were before they went in." Finn rolls his eyes in disbelief, seeking my validation. I inhale deeply, closing my eyes and mentally preparing myself for the decision ahead. I run through every conceivable scenario, weighing the potential outcomes before exhaling slowly and opening my eyes. I nod in agreement with Finn, who grins in appreciation of my support. We turn to Kellan who just sighs and shrugs again before nodding in resignation, "I'll need to go tell Sora and Rhys what our plan is and see if they've figured anything out that could help us. Everyone pack your bags and be ready to leave before nightfall." Finn agrees with a slight nod and sets off down the ragged section of the hallway. Kellan turns in the opposite direction, and I follow closely behind him, taking in the eerie atmosphere of the destroyed hallway. "Hey," I yell, clapping him on the shoulder to stop him. "What?" He asks, leveling a look of annoyance at me. "I don't think we've quite finished discussing how you managed to stalk Ren without anyone noticing. It's important that you tell Sora about Rowena blackmailing you before we leave. No excuses, Kellan. We have more pressing issues at the moment but we'll have ample opportunity to delve deeper into this matter after we leave tonight." With that said, I pivot on my heel and make my way to the stables to speak with Finn's father about arranging our transportation.
We're coming for you, Angel.
Our mission to rescue Serena from Draco, The King of Synn was not an easy one, nor a quest we took lightly. We wasted little time gathering all the necessary supplies, which included water, food, and protective gear to survive the treacherous Desert of Desire. Once we were fully set to go, we strategized once more, solidifying our plan and discussing the best possible approach to reaching our destination with little incident. We also decided to consult with the Court of Valors' top advisers to get their valuable insights and suggestions on how to avoid starting a war with the Dark King. Finally, when we were confident that we had a reliable plan in place, we set out on our journey, determined to bring Serena back to us as soon as possible. We hastily make our way across the drawbridge, and the sound of our horse's hoofs on the cobbled ground reverberates through the air. Despite the noise, Killian and Kellan continue to argue, their voices rising above the clatter of our horses' hooves. It seems that the two have been at it since we left the castle, with Killian berating Kellan for stalking Ren. Meanwhile, the village of Swansynn unfurls before us in all its glory, with colorful houses and shops lining the streets. The smell of fresh bread and roasted meat wafts through the air, making our aching stomachs grumble with hunger. We quicken our pace, eager to get to the other side of the vast village. My father suggested we stop at the Swan's Inn to inquire about a woman named Isla who could help us get through the Desert of Desire quicker than we would if we tried to make it through on our own. The twins have strong magic but I'm not certain it's strong enough to get all of us through intact. I wearily rub my nose and forehead, trying to rid myself of the lingering pressure that makes me feel like my head is about to implode. My wolf paces back and forth in my mind, threatening to go feral with every passing moment that we are away from Serena, "Can you guys please just stop? This shit isn't helping anything! And you're both making my wolf jumpy as hell with your incessant bickering!" I vent my frustration, my voice boomed louder than intended, startling Kellan's horse.
The roan Vale mare immediately bolted forward in a frantic attempt to escape from the sudden commotion caused by my outburst. "Godsdammit!" Kellan roars his horse careening down the dark alleyway while he struggles to hold on. Killian breaks out in joyous laughter, spurring his grey mare, Silver forward in pursuit of his brother. Shaking my head and chuckling to myself I take off after the both of them on my black horse, Onyx, catching up quickly to a bedraggled Kellan and a red-in-the-face Killian who's bowed over in laughter at the state of his twin. "Don't you ever shout like that again! It spooks Ruby and you know it!" Kellan whisper-yells at me as he rights himself on his saddle and pats Ruby affectionately, "It's alright, girl. He didn't mean to scare you like that." Ruby lets out a loud chuff of annoyance and takes a sudden step forward, eager to start the journey. We make our way through the village, and the only sounds that break the silence are the rhythmic beating of the horses' hooves and the sound of our breathing. The night air is cool and crisp, yet filled with the distant sounds of laughter and cheers that seem to carry on the wind. Finally, the Inn comes into view and the sounds of merriment grow louder, filling the air with a lively energy.
As if on autopilot, we dismount from our horses in unison and head inside, the bustling atmosphere of the Inn engulfing us. We make our way through the crowd of patrons, eager to find Isla. The innkeeper, a stocky, gray-haired man, stands behind the bar, wiping a glass and surveying the room. Killian approaches him, asking him something I can't hear over the roar of conversation while handing the watchful man a purse of gold. The innkeeper swiftly inspects the gold before smiling widely, showing a row of gold teeth, and nodding his head toward a solitary figure sitting at the far end of the bar. A young Dark Fae woman, with striking blue-black hair, seems to be lost in thought as she takes long swigs from a bottle. With a nod from Killian, we approach the woman with caution, mindful not to startle her. She places the bottle on the bar and raises her head, her face a mask of suspicion and curiosity. Her eyes dart back and forth, assessing us as we draw nearer. The woman's voice, smooth and confident, cut through the noisy chatter of the bar. Her eyes sparkled with interest as she studied Killian, Kellan, and me. "Well, well, well. Where did you pretty boys come from?" she asked, a hint of amusement playing at the corners of her lips. Killian flashed her a charming smile, but Kellan's signature scowl only deepened further. I couldn't help but let out a short laugh. "You must be Isla," I say politely, approaching the bar. "Flynn Conner sent us to find you here." The woman's dark brows shot up in surprise as she looked me up and down. Her full lips curved into an appreciative smile. "Ah, so you're Flynn's boy," she said, her tone flirtatious. "It was so obvious once you smiled. You look just like him." Killian chuckles heartily and pulls up a stool beside Isla, gesturing for us to join him at the bar. He orders a round of mead for us, and we settle in comfortably. Isla's eyes widen as she gazes at Finn, and Killian chuckles again, "Yes, that's Finn. You should see his brother, Felix. He's the spitting image of Flynn." Killian extends his hand out towards Isla and introduces himself, "I'm Killian, it's a pleasure to meet you, Isla." She beams with joy and shakes his hand, her eyes darting nervously towards Kellan, who has yet to say a word to her.
Kellan's voice was barely above a whisper, but his words carried an undeniable urgency. He scanned the room with a sense of unease, his piercing gaze taking in every detail. Kellan was completely focused on our mission to rescue our mate. The rest of us were equally determined, but Kellan wasted no time on pleasantries. "Let's cut to the chase," he grunted. "We were told you could guide us to Synnox safely." As he spoke, the smile on Isla's face slowly faded, replaced by a look of concern. She reached for the bottle, taking a deep drink before setting it down with a thud. She looked up and met our gaze with a nod of her head, acknowledging our request. "I can be of service to you, but I must ask for payment in advance," she informed us. Her eyes scanned the group, and a chuckle escaped her lips. "Just a precaution, you understand," Kellan spoke up, his tone serious and unwavering. "We are willing to pay, but we need to be sure that we can trust you." He paused, taking a sip from his mug before continuing. "Half of the payment will be given now, and the other half once we successfully cross the desert and bring Princess Serena back from Synnox unharmed." Isla's body straightens up abruptly at the mere mention of Serena's name. She raises an eyebrow inquisitively, her eyes fixed on me. "What is a Vale Princess doing in the Court of Synn?" she questions with a hint of suspicion in her voice. Kellan rolls his eyes in response, while Killian's cheerful expression fades away. Meanwhile, I feel a low growl escaping my throat, as I struggle to contain my emotions. I can feel my heart sinking with despair as the thought of Ren crosses my mind once again, causing the ache for her to increase tenfold. "Draco Synn, your King, is the same man who is our mates' mate and he has taken her from us against her will," I explain, my voice heavy with sadness.
I notice a sudden change in her expression as her skin loses its color and her eyes widen in disbelief. "What? That's outrageous and it violates many of our customs. If the Court of Synn discovered that he brought her back without her consent, they would force him to release her," she remarks in a calm and collected tone, before downing the remainder of her whiskey and leaving some coins on the counter. As she leaves to exit the inn, Isla turns to us and advises, "We will meet at dawn and be tested to our limits and beyond. Be prepared." Killian has a brief conversation with the elderly innkeeper before returning with three keys. "We will spend the night here. Be prepared to rise early in the morning as Isla instructed." With that, we part ways for the night, readying ourselves for a night of restless slumber.

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