Chapter Three

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Raven and Robin were now in front of the mansion, waiting for Alfred to come open the door.

Alfred: Master Dick? And who is it?

Robin: Alfred this is my friend Raven and we came to see Bruce.

Alfred: It's nice to meet you, Miss Raven. Come in and take your shoes off. I'm going to tell Master Bruce that you're here to see him.

Robin: Thank you, Alfred.

Alfred nodded and left the two teammates alone.

Raven: You think he's gonna be okay with me being here?

Robin: Yes don't worry.

Raven: okay...

Suddenly, Bruce was in the hallway.

Bruce: Richard?

Robin: Morning...

Bruce: What are you doing here?

Robin: I need to talk to you...

Bruce: About?

Robin: My team... No in fact... I shouldn't have come here...

Raven understood that her friend felt weak and was freaking out about the thought of talking about his problems to his adoptive father. So, she decided to talk to Bruce.

Raven: No Robin. You need to tell him what is going on he can help you with your issues. I mean he's a member of the Justice League, he knows what it feels like to be in a team!

Bruce: Who are you?

Raven: I'm Raven and I'm a member of Robin's team, the Teen Titans. I know you are Batman and I know Dick's Robin. I know everything. Now you're going to listen to me! Understood?

Bruce: Dick what the heck is going on?

Raven: His team is bullying him!

Raven was losing her calm.

Bruce: What do you mean? Who's bullying you?

Raven: They bully him since the first day, making him feel like a joke, pranking him every day, and even making jokes about his dead parents.

Robin: It was for April's fool its fine...

Raven: Not a reason.

Bruce: Your friend's right. Making jokes about your parents isn't fine. They aren't friends, they are bullies.

Robin: But why? I'm their leader!

Bruce: Raven how's Robin as a leader?

Raven: Do I have to tell the truth?

Robin: I'm such a bad leader?

Raven: Well... Let's say that... You aren't being respected, you don't show us you are the leader and that without you, that team wouldn't even exist. You let them disrespect you.

Robin: I... I don't know what to do...

Bruce: You have to be rude. Are they mean? Then be mean too. Show them you're the leader and they have to respect you. Don't be too nice, it's your weakness.

Robin: I have to be rude?

Raven: Yes!

Bruce: Affirmative young hero.

Tears ran down Robin's cheeks, he felt at home with Bruce and Alfred. At first, the boy was scared about talking to his father but now he was reassured.

Bruce suddenly took his adopted son in his arms, showing him that he could always talk to him if things weren't going well and that they would find a way to solve his problems together.

?: Dick? Dick!

Alfred: I'm sorry master Bruce and Master Dick but I couldn't lie to this little girl when she heard her brother's voice.

Robin: Hi Lois!

Lois Grayson was Dick's biological sister, Bruce adopted her at the same time he adopted Dick.
The little girl was only a baby when her parents died so she has never known them and considers Bruce as her real father.

Raven: How old is she?

Lois: I'm 7! And you're really pretty!

Raven: Th-thanks!

Robin: It's good to see you Lois but I have to go to show some stupid kids I'm their leader and they have to respect me and stop their pranks.

Lois: Okay! But promise you'll come back!

Robin: I promise.

Lois: Oh! And you will come back with her and Wally!

Robin: Can't promise for Wally but I can promise for Raven.

The little girl smiled and hugged her brother then Raven.

Lois: I'm gonna miss you!

Raven: I'm gonna miss you too

XOXO this_writter

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