chapter sixteen

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It's been a year since the Titans East and West teamed up to rescue Robin.

Raven visited Robin twice a week every week. Speedy and Aqualad also visited Robin and Kid Flash.
The two teenagers were finally happy together.
The Titans had apologized to Robin but he didn't forgive them. He didn't want to see any of them anymore. Starfire had stopped loving Robin and had caught feelings for Speedy who didn't like her back. Poor little alien.
Best Boy and Raven had admitted their feelings and were finally together.
Cyborg was still with Jinx even if she started to avoid him after kids Flash and Robin had told her all the story about the team bullying Robin. The pink-haired girl couldn't stand her boyfriend's behavior so she had to dump his arse but they had her together again.
Batman helped Robin to find a way to make Kid Flash a hero again so they could get together without being judged by other Hero are villains.
The two kids decided to go away from Jump City and go to Washington DC so they could join a new team, the young Justice.
Raven was heartbroken when she heard from the news that her best friend went away without saying goodbye to her but she was eventually happy for him because he was finally in a healthy relationship.

Bruce was happy as well because he could see his son more often than before and go on missions with him just like in old times even if Robin was starting to ask himself if he still should be Robin or quit.

Kid Flash was leaving a dream he had his boyfriend, the man he loved since he met him, he had his friends Artemis Connor and Kadlur and was with his family and his mentor, flash, his uncle Barry Allen.

In the end, they were all happy, or practically all happy yeah because Starfire went depressed and ended up with cats in a small apartment in Jump City oh and also the Teen Titans split up to leave their own lives.

And that's the end of the fan fiction "that's enough" I hope you liked it as much as I loved to write it and maybe, I'll write another story with the same ship or another one, who knows

XOXO This_writter

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