chapter eleven

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Robin was the leader of the Teen Titans again. Cyborg, Starfire, and Beast Boy had apologized to Robin who had forgotten them. They had promised they wouldn't do any prank anymore.
Suddenly the crime alert rang, and the H.I.V.E were robbing a museum.

Robin: Looks like we have to stop a museum robbery.

Star Fire: Yes! We're gonna stop the Hive from doing a crime the again!

Raven: Looks like they're faster than usual...

Beast boy: Maybe they just want to steal one thing.

Robin: Maybe yes or maybe not. Teen Titans go!

The Titans went to the museum and saw the H.I.V.E.

Robin: Prepare yourselves criminals we're going to kick your arse and send you to jail for the rest of your life!

Cyborg: Hi Jinx.

Beast Boy: Cyborg Man! Focus!

Cyborg: Oh yeah sorry bro.

Gizmo: I don't think so. You're the ones who are going to get their arse kicked!

Billy numerous: Yes, look at our new member!

The H.I.V.E shifted to the side and let the new member.

Teen Titans: Kid Flash?!

Kid flash: Hi guys! What's up?

Beast boy: Why join them?!

Robin: Yeah why would you do that?! You're a hero!

Kid Flash: There are a few reasons but the main one is you, Robin.

Robin: Me?

Star Fire: Friend Robin hasn't done anything!

Kid Flash: Never said he had.

Raven: Why would he be the main reason? It's not his fault if you went bad.

Kid Flash: Once again I never said it was his fault.

Robin: Then why am I the main reason Kid Trash?

Kid Flash: Wanna use nicknames birdie?

Jinx: You know, Robin, when you don't have what you want, you can go really bad.

Robin: Yeah we call that frustration! And it's a good thing!

See-more: Not when it comes to love. It drives you crazy.

Teen Titans: You're in love with Starfire?!

Robin: She doesn't even like me! Why would I be the main reason?!

Kid Flash: I don't like Star Fire.

Beast boy: Hey! Raven's mine!

Kid flash: Are you dumb or something like that? I'm gay!

Star Fire: Oh! You're in love with friend Robin!

Kid Flash: Yep.

Robin: What?! Since when?!

Kid Flash: Since we met.

Robin: Then why were you mean to me?!

KidFlash: I was trying to stop loving you by avoiding you.

Raven: Looks like it worked well.

Kid Flash: Yeah I know... But anyway!

Robin: yeah anyway, we're going to beat your arse even if your a past "teammate".

Kid Flash: Come on Rob, we're best fiends.

Robin: Were best friends.

Kid Flash: Ouch, my heart...

Robin: Sorry but you deserved to hear that.

Kid Flash: Ow you're sorry.

Raven: Oh gosh he's a simp..

KidFlash: Hey! I'm not a simp!

Cyborg: Sure you are man!

Robin: Let's kick theire arses ! Teen Titans go!

The titans started to fight against the H.I.V.E and Kid Flash.

Raven against See-more.
Cyborg against Gizmo and Mammoth.
Starfire against Jinx.
Beast boy against Billy Numerous.
Robin against Kid Flash.

KidFlash: I don't want to fight against you Dick.

Robin: Why?

Kid Flash: I don't want you to get hurt.

Robin: Oh please! You're not going to hurt me! You're a One trick pony.

Kid Flash: And you an hostage.

Robin: What?

Kid Flash took Robin in his arms and ran to the H.I.V.E tower where he tied up his lover.

Robin: What the heck?!

XOXO This_writter

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