Do you want a face reveal?

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Do you want a face reveal?

Here's some information about me, so you can know me better, you can also answer questions in the comments. (so I can know you better as well)

First name?
Nelly(I hate my it sm!) what's yours?

Last name?
Can't tell sorry

14 (yours?)

Year10 (yours??)

Girl you?

sexual orientation?
I think I'm str8 but I support LGBTQIA+ (you? You're not obligated to answer if you're not comfortable with it)

French (dad) English (mom) yours?

Where do I live?
France (And you?)

my origins?
French and Italian (dad) English and Spanish (mom) yours?

the languages ​​I speak?
French and English I'm learning Italian(you?)

My hair?
My hair's brown. (And you?)

Fav Movie?
Love Actually 🤩 (and you?

Fav TV show?
DC Titans (Netflix) yours?

Fav Cartoon?
Justice League (yours?)

Fav Anime?
Tokyo revengers (yours?)

Fav animal?
Cats! (and you?)

Do I have pets?
3 cats (and you?)

Fav Movies Character?
Eddie(it the movie chapters 1 and 2) yours?

Fav TV show character?
Jason Todd (in DC Titans) don't ask me why. (Yours?)

Fav Anime character?
Erza (fairy tail) and Chifuyu (Tokio Revengers) one girl and one boy (yours?)

Eyes color?
Green? (Yours?)

Yes (and you?)

Want a face reveal?

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