Chapter thirteen

810 21 64

Young Justice Dick>>>>

Titan's POV:

Reverend flew to her friends.
They were sitting in the living room, watching TV.

Raven: Guys!

Cyborg: What?

Raven: Kid Flash kidnapped Robin!

Starfire: Before doing suggestions like that, do you have any the proof? Maybe Friend Robin just went to do a secret mission like he loves to do.

The half-demon gave Kid Flash's confession letter to her alien friend.

Star Fire: Oh my... Friend Robin must be so scared!

Raven: I don't know, they were best friends. He knows Kid Flash won't hurt him.

Beast boy: Wait! You knew they were best friends and you didn't tell us?!

Raven: No like you cared about it.

Starfire: We do care about friend Robin.

Raven: Sure.

Cyborg: Maybe we didn't care. Buy it was before. Now we have to save him from kid psycho.

Beast boy: Yes, cyborg's right, we can show Robin we changed and we do care about him now.

Raven: Then we need a plan.

Star Fire: What do you think Kid Flash's doing to him?

Raven: I don't know. I can try to cast a spell to see what they're currently doing but I don't really want to.

Beast boy: Why that?

Raven: Kid Flash's in love with Robin and Robin has had a huge crush on him for a long time. What do you think they're doing?

Star Fire: Knowing Robin, they're training!

Raven: They're making out.

Cyborg: Ew!

Raven: What disgusts you?

Cyborg: Hum hello!

Raven: Two men can love each other cyborg.

Cyborg: I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about the fact that Robin's like 12, and Kid Flash's like 16!

Raven: Robin's actually 14 and Kidflash's 16.

Cyborg: Still too young to do those things.

Raven: He can do whatever he wants. As long as he knows what he's doing.

Beast Boy: Guys! We're not here to argue about Robin's sexual life. We have to find a way to find where is Robin.

Star Fire: You're right, I suggest we ask for help.

Cyborg: To?

Star Fire: Titans East of course!

Raven: Why would they help us?

Star Fire: Because they're friends with Robin.

Cyborg: What are you talking about?

Star Fire: Haven't you seen the picture on Robin's desk? He's with Aqualad, Speedy, and Kid Flash and they look the friendly.

Beast Boy: Then what are we waiting for? Raven bring us to the Titans East tower!

Raven: Please?

Beast boy: please mama.


The Titans appeared in the Titans East tower, in their living room. No one was there. They were maybe busy.

Raven: Hello?

No one answered.

Cyborg: I think no one's there.

Suddenly, they were attacked by unknown people.

?: Why are you here? What do you want?

Asked a voice.

Raven: We're here because we need your help.

?: With what? And where's Robin by the way?

Cyborg: We're here because of him.

Speedy: What has he done?

Raven: He's been abducted.

Bumblebee: What?! Do you know who's kidnapped him?

Star Fire: Yes, your teammate.

Speedy: Aqualad! Where's Robin?! I swear to God if you hurt him I'm going to kill you!

Aqualad: Chill! It's not me!

Speedy: Bumblebee!

Bumblebee: Not me.

Speedy: Más y Menos!



(Sorry, I don't speak Spanish...)

Speedy: Kid Flash?!

Beast boy: Yeah man!

Speedy: That Bastard!

Raven: Are you going to help us or not?

Speedy: Sure we are!

Aqualad: Anything for you my love.

Beast boy: Hey! Stay away from her! She's my girlfriend!

Cyborg: Yeah Stay away from my best friend's girlfriend!

Speedy: Focus.

Bumblebee: Do you have a plan? Do you know where he is? Do you know why Kid Flash kidnapped him?

Raven: No, we don't have a pan, we don't know where he is, and yes we know why kid Flash kidnapped Robin.

Bumblebee: Why?

Speedy and Aqualad: He's in love with him.

Starfire: How did you know?

Speedy: Wally told us a year ago.

Raven: What do we do know?

Speedy: We find where Kid Flash brought Robin.

Beast Boy: How?

Speedy: Bumblebee could you look for his tracker, please?

Bumblebee: I'm on it.

Speedy: Now we have to think of a plan. Do you have any ideas?

XOXO This_writter.

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