chapter fourteen

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Robin in pajamas 🥹

Kid flash: 😌👍


Kid Flash and Robin

Robin: What about the truth?

Kid Flash: Okay, I'm a Vilain now but I did it for you. So you'll love me. Is it working? Do you love me now?

Robin: Wally I... I don't know what to say...

Kid Flash: It's alright if you don't like me back... I can't control your feelings...

Robin: I didn't say I don't like you. It's just... It's complicated.

Kid Flash: What's complicated?

Robin: I love you, for a long time I guess. But I can't be with you.

Kid Flash: What? Why?

Robin: Because you're a Vilain now and I'm a hero. I can't be with the enemy.

Kid Flash: What about you becoming a Vilain, just like me? We could be partenaires in crime like when we were just little children.

Robin: I have a team Wally. I can't abandon them.

Kid Flash: But they're mean to you, they bully you.

Robin: Not Raven, I can't abandon her, she's my best friend.

Kid Flash: I understand... But we can be in a secret relationship, please...

Robin: I don't know...

Wally's POV:

I don't understand, Dick loves me. Why doesn't he want to be in a relationship with me? Why does he want to be with those wankers? They used to bully him and I'm fairly sure they're going to do it again.

I need to protect him, I have to do something to keep him by my side but how am I going to do it?
I have an idea!

Titans West and East POV:

The two teams have found a plan, they know where their friend is, thanks to the tracker Batman put in Robin's leg when he was younger.
The plan was simple, They were going to infiltrate the H.I.V.E tower at night and "kidnap" Robin then bring him back to the Titan's West Tower.

Speedy: Okay guys, you're ready to go?

All: Yes!

Speedy: Then we can go to save Robin.

The hero arrived at the H.I.V.E. tower and stopped at the door.

Speedy: Okay guys, remember, Kid Flash has lost his mind, he's deeply in love with Robin and if he thinks you're gonna take Robin away from him he's going to feel threatened and will attack you.

Starfire: Then I will kick his arse!

Bumblebee: Our goal here is to take back Robin not hurt Kid Flash he's still our friend.

Beast Boy: Robin's our friend, not Kid Flash.

Aqualad: Well he's our friend so if you try to hurt him then we will have to protect him.

Cyborg: We'll see about that.

Kid Flash's POV:

I was wondering how I was going to implement my plan when I heard voices coming from outside.
I went to see who it was but before I opened the door I recognized who the voices belonged to.
Titans East and West.

So they teamed up to stop me and take Robin back? How ironic it is.

I listened to their really interesting conversation.

Speedy: If he thinks you're gonna take Robin away from him he's going to feel threatened and will attack you.

Starfire: Then I will kick his arse!

Bumblebee: Our goal here is to take back Robin not hurt Kid Flash he's still our friend.

Beast Boy: Robin's our friend, not Kid Flash.

Aqualad: Well he's our friend so if you try to hurt him then we will have to protect him.

Cyborg: We'll see about that.

New plan.

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