chapter nine

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KidFlash's Pov

I was chilling at the Tower regretting what I did when I heard noises from the living room.
I saw Dick and the four other wanker.
I felt my cheeks getting heated up when I saw his face.
Okay act Wally, act!

Kidflash: You guy? Whatever this is about, I don't have time for it. Somebody flushed some wet wipers and backed up the toilet.

Speedy: The package said they were flushable!

Victor: you stole this month's home and clogged the plumbing?

Star Fire: Our leader Robin has the something to say to the you.

Why is she saying "the" where she doesn't need to? Anyway, it must be an alien thing...

Robin: I do..? Oh yes! I just wanted to apologize for trespassing.

Come on Dick take your tower back! Please show me the real you!

Beast boy: yeah that's right flash-in-a-pan. We callings you out fool!

Robin: No, we're not.

Starfire: Robin has had the enough of your push-arounds.

Robin: No, I haven't.

Raven: And he's no longer the wimp he used to be.

Robin: Yes, I am!

Challenge I love it!

KidFlash: This sounds like a challenge.

Victor: Your team versus our team!

Starfire: The winner gets the tower.

Beast boy: And the loser hots to leave Jump City, yo!

Robin: I do not agree with that!

KidFlash: Oh that is so deal!

Our faces are so close! I really want to kiss him right now.

KidFlash: Say goodbye to Jump City losers.

I ran away and went to my room.

KidFlash: Oh god, this isn't good. I don't want him to leave Jump City!

Bumblebee: Hey KidFlash you're alright? I heard about the news. Don't worry we're going to kick their arses.

KidFlash: Hum yeah I know.

I really need to go to the bathroom now.
But when I reached the bathroom, the doors locked.

KidFlash: Hey get out of my bathroom!

Victor: This isn't your bathroom.

Beast boy: You best be doing a pee-pee dance, wanker. Because you're going to hold it for a minute.

Goodness, I really need to use the bathroom!

Kid flash: New clothes won't make him a leader. Nothing will. Now, get out so I can pee!

The next day, we met outside and I can't lie to myself, his new look makes him hotter.

Kidflash: Hi thanks for coming. Okay. So like the try-out, this challenge will consist of Combat problem-solving and if we need a tie-breaker, speed.

Victor: Ooh, he stole your try-outs too?

Kidflash: Yes, but like everything else, I made them better. So let's start with combat. This isn't your usual combat dummy. This one fights back

Everyone fought but the robot bit all of us. Crap! Dick's hurt! Is he okay?
He looks like he's alright. Good!
Wait! Why is Victor going to fight the robot? Is he crazy?! Well, he's disqualified... All his bones are broken.

Kidflash: Yeah, that's a disqualification.

Robin: no, no. He's not done. We're just gonna pop over to the hospital real quick!

We waited two hours for Birdie and his team.
I was currently putting whipped cream on Aqualad's face who fell asleep while Roy was laughing.

Victor: Hey, chumps.

We all looked at Victor and saw a robot. What the heck?! He's a cyborg now? It's cheating!
Nice, Aqualad woke up...

Cyborg: The name's Cyborg now, 'cause the doctors had to replace my broken body parts with robot parts.

KidFlash: That's cheating!

Robin: Too bad! Time in!

Cyborg won the fight against the robot in no time. Cheaters.
Anyway, the next challenge!

Kid flash: The next challenge is a puzzle. Only if can solve it's

I handed it to Beast Boy who grabbed it.

Beast boy: I got this. It's not like it's gonna explode in my face.

The puzzle actually exploded in his face which was kinda funny. Revenge for Dick when you upset him with your stupid lunch.

Kid flash: That was easy.

Robin: it all comes down to a tiebreaker for the Tower!

Kid flash: which, unfortunately for you, is the speed challenge. A foot race around the world.

Robin: No problem.

Is he serious?

Kidflash: Are you serious? Is he serious? Oh but...

I couldn't help but laugh.

Kidflash: Oh he's serious. Okay. Oh, you'll just so never beat me.

Robin: We'll see about that, Kid Trash.

Beast boy: In your face!

KidFlash: Oh birdie huh I mean boy. It will be fun.

I laughed nervously.

I circled the world in seconds and returned to the tower, I knew he was going to lock himself in there. He's not stupid.
And I was right. I saw him and his friend barricade the lift with wooden planks.

Kidflash: Nice try.

Raven: You are fast.

Kidflash: Told you, I couldn't be beat.

Robin: I guess not... And while the old me would have conceded the tower to you like a gentleman, this is the new me!

He pulled out his weapon and hit my knee with it, paralyzing me. Ouch! It hurts!!! I yelled in pain.

Robin: Titans, take out the trash.

The Titans threw me out the window.

Robin: Now get out of here and never come back!

Roy: Wow. What a ruthless leader.

Yeah, I love Dick's new version even if he hurts a lot...

Kidflash: Come on guys. We're going to the East Coast.

End of Flashback

Every time I think about that story I can't help but smile. He was so cute.

XOXO This_writter

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