Chapter Five

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Robin was standing there, in front of the tower, naked.
The young hero was embarrassed of course.
There were a lot of girls, taking pictures of him, remembering him of a moment he was stuck outside, naked because of beast boy and cyborg's prank.

Robin: Oh god no...

Robin tried to enter the tower even though obviously, Kidflash had changed the facial recognition settings, preventing the computer from recognizing the leader and letting him in.
That action pissed off the black-haired bird so much. He wanted to kick Kidflash's arse in front of everyone so he could show the world that he deserved to be the leader of the Teen Titans even if he didn't have any power.

Raven: Hey. What are u doing outside naked?

Robin: One name, Kid Flash.

Raven: I don't know why but I hate him.

Robin: You hate everyone, Raven...

Raven: Yeah but... No, you're right I hate everyone. Anyway, we don't care about who I hate and who I like.

Robin: If you want to...

Raven: Now you're going to come back and tell Kid Flash to go away.

Robin: No...

Raven: What no?

Robin: The Titans love him meanwhile they hate me.

Raven: First, they don't hate you. Secondly, I don't like him. I think he looks like a wanker with his yellow suit.

Robin: I think he looks good with it. He looks handsome...

Raven: Oh no...

Robin: What?

Raven: Oh God no..

Robin: Raven what's happening?!

Raven: I know why u can't tell him to go away!

Robin: Really?! Why?!

Raven: You're sick.

Robin: What?

Raven: You have a crush on him.

Robin's heart sank at Raven's words. Robin had feelings for Kid Flash. No, it was impossible, Robin didn't want to believe it.

Robin: No, I don't like him. I hate him.

Raven: Really?

Robin: Yes! I hate him! I hate his adorable face, his beautiful eyes, his smooth hair, how he always acts like he doesn't care about everything and everything about him.

Raven: You're in love.

Robin: Could you just teleport us to my room, please? I don't like being naked in front of everyone.

Raven: Hmm... I don't know.

Robin: What?!

Raven: I will do what you asked on one condition.

Robin: Which is?

Raven: Be the leader of the Teen Titans again.

Robin: It's easy to say that when you're not the one who has to do it...

Raven: Well I don't care. I don't want KidFlash to be my leader.

Robin: Why? He's a better leader than me. He has power.

Raven looked at her best friend, Robin was making a list of everything KidFlash could do better than him.
The black-haired boy was starting to annoy her. The young half-demon hated seeing her friends devalue themselves.
She tried to tell him to stop but he didn't listen so this was it, she was going to use the hard way to make her friend shut up.
Raven conjured up some tape and rope. She tied Robin up and gagged him with the tape.

The young hero tried to talk but realized his friend gagged him.

Raven: Now you're going to listen to me, it's not like you had a choice.

Robin: Mmmhh!!

Raven: Robin you're a good leader a better leader than KidFlash. You may not have any power but you have convictions and you need that to be a great leader. KidFlash doesn't have any convictions he will never be a leader like you.


The little bird looked at the floor, he knew Raven was right but how was he supposed to get his team back now?
Kid Flash kicked him out in a second! How was he going to beat him?
He couldn't break his knee again because the speedster would be ready to avoid his move.
He didn't have any chance against him.

XOXO This_writter

That's enough - BirdflashOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora