Chapter 35: Really Don't Care

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A love that dares [not] to speak its name.

It's kind of poetic, don't you think?

It's from Oscar Wilde. In his time, our kind of love couldn't be spoken of because it was illegal. In fact, he went to jail for it.

Correction. The original poem is by Lord Alfred Douglas, made famous by Oscar Wilde because of his trial. He was tried for being gay.

Owen used it to show Jalensky why his relationship with my boyfriend was doomed from the start.

Though I'm not going to waste my time speaking about them together, the valuable lesson Owen tried to teach him is very important.

Our love deserves to be seen and heard.

I don't necessarily understand why Jalensky was so deep in the closet, but it's not about him. Not really.

(Straight) People often ask the LGBT+ community why there is a need for pride parades in this day and age.

The answer to that is very simple. We don't do it to show ourselves up - though in some cases we have to do it in protest. When it's actually necessary. Many times, unfortunately.

But for the most part, we just want to show that we're proud of who we are. That's what pride really is about. Being proud and showing it off.

Because for too long we've been told we had to hide. We were told we're less than the others. We fought for our right to exist, to display our love in public - which you still can't do in dozens of countries - and to get married.

For too long our people have lived in the shadows, the fringe of society. In many countries, that is still a reality. But that's why we do PRIDE, to show our existence and demonstrate we have nothing to hide. We never had, as a matter of fact.

To demonstrate that we are valid, we are worthy. Worthy of being seen and loved.

This is why I fought my father so hard. He kept trying to erase my sexuality, to diminish my existence into what he felt was comfortable FOR HIM. It gives me chills to even think about it.

With respect, fuck that! I wasn't born to live according to someone else's rules. I'm gonna live my life according to my own accord.

And honestly, I could not feel more pride than now. I really mean it. Our picture together posted on Jude's Instagram account has been blowing up with comments and likes.

Students have been congratulating us for the handsome couple we make. Our mothers are happy about it. We are overjoyed with happiness. Things are going great between us. Not even Jalensky and his inappropriate comments can rattle my cage anymore.


Today is Tuesday morning and my boyfriend is gonna be mated away from me at midnight of next Saturday. If our kind can count on something is the mate bond. It's an inexplicable force that one can only truly know by experiencing it.

I know my mother took a toll by distancing herself from her mate. This is not lost on me.

But her son has to come first. Her words, not mine. No man can come between a mother and their pup. Not her mate. Not even my own father. It is a fact of life. At least, it should be.

I can honestly say though my father keeps trying to call me, I don't miss him. Like I said before, I lost the last shred of respect I had for him when he had a wolf attack me. Though I'm healed of that physically, the psychological abuse remains vivid in my brain.

Anyway, I have no time to waste by talking about anything else other than my boyfriend. The clock is ticking. And it doesn't play in my favor.

My mother greets me as we meet up to have breakfast in the guest dining hall of the pack house. I inquired about her job and she tells me it's going great and the entire faculty is mesmerized by how she gets well with the children.

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