Chapter 61: Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word

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I was having lunch with Jude and Layla inside the school cafeteria when a wave of sadness hit me like a tsunami.

I couldn't eat anymore, all I could think of was my mate and what was happening to him.

I knew it wasn't a physical pain, but still... it ached me as if it were.

I had no choice, I had to get up from the table and go check on my other mate.

What I could not imagine is that I would find him to be so devastated, surrendered to hurting.

I had no idea he was in this much pain and it gives me no pleasure seeing him like this.

That's not how the mate bond works. Not by a long shot. Not at all.

I really did not expect to see him kneeling before me, so I lifted him up right away. I don't want to see my mate like this. I can't have him hurting because it hurts me too. I feel so bad for him, for us.

This is not what I thought was going to happen between us, but then again no one has ever lived through the same situation as mine. As ours. I do feel genuinely bad and hope I was able to give him some north.

Oh, I wasn't aware what I had ignited in him that day.

On Tuesday, Quentin surprised me with a bouquet of roses as I entered the school. It was a sight to be seen the Alpha boy handing me flowers as I entered the yard holding his brother's hand. Did anybody say #awkward?

No, that wasn't awkward at all.

Not compared to the box of chocolates, the serenade - he had the school band play a song inside the gym during P.E. just for me.


Not so much if you consider the other things he did.

"I'm deeply sorry for all the times I called you a freak. You're just as much a werewolf as the rest of us. You always were and I had no place bullying you for an event out of your control. I'm really sorry. Please know that you are missed by your teammates." - Quentin apologized to Layla in front of everyone inside the classroom.

"I'm also sorry for the incident that got you suspended. Please know that wasn't your fault and your reaction was appropriate considering what I did. If I had any say in the matter, your suspension would be lifted." - He continued, remorsefully.

Layla was taken aback by this, shocked by this act of contrition.

"It's fine, Quentin. Thanks for doing this." - She replied, a bit uncomfortable.

"It's the least I could do." - He smiled at her sheepishly.

"I'm sorry for all the times I called you 'peasant', Kingsley. You deserved better and I apologize. I'm happy you got mated to my best friend. He deserved someone like you and I hope you two are very happy together, though judging by his face he already is." - Quentin spoke to my cousin, who was blown away by this.

"Thank you, Quentin." - He replied, smiling at his mate from the corner of his eyes.

"I'm beyond sorry for making you feel like you couldn't go after the person you wanted. I know I already said this before, but I genuinely mean that. No one should be precluded from going after their loved one and I feel horrible it may have cost you happiness by her side." - He told Owen, who promptly excused him.

Quentin apologized to everybody he has ever done wrong, bullied or belittled. It was a long round of 'sorrys'. Eventually, he apologized to his brother for his belligerent manner, treating him poorly concerning his sexuality.

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