Chapter 59: You Found Me

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I'm still reeling from my father's visit.

We talked for a long time. Him, my mother and me. It didn't heal all wounds, he didn't apologize for the breeding partner talk, but at least it was a start.

I mean, he did apologize for the way he made me feel. He also apologized for setting a wolf on me back when I was training. He was mad at me, but that is no excuse. Not ever.

Truth is he was really shaken by my mother and I's departure.

He took it really hard. Not only was it a disgrace before our entire tribe - people don't usually abandon mates, especially within the native american werewolf community. But it was a deadly blow to him.

To his self esteem as a man, his value as a partner and his role as a father.

Of course, all these things reflected on his image as Chief of the tribe. No one usually interferes in one's parenting or partnership - save from an abuse situation, of course - but when word spread throughout the tribe that his mate left the reservation with their son it looked really bad for him.

The warriors who trained with me knew something about what really went through between us, but that's just a small fraction of the tribe. Now it's splattered all over for whoever wants to see. The Chief managed to chase his son and mate away from him.

As we know by now, his wolf felt the separation the hardest. Without his wolf spirit, my father wasted away until he fell ill. That's when my mother was called. And now he 's here.

No matter how mad I am of him, he's still my father. He'll always be my dad. I can't turn away from my family, at least not when they're right in front of me. But with time, he seemed less frightening.

The truth is I'm not the same person I was when I left my tribe. I'm stronger now.

Not only do I have an Alpha mate by my side, I feel stronger now that my wolf spirit was 'released' and we are one. What scared me before doesn't scare me anymore. I am my own man now, mated and marked.

After a lengthy talk, my parents and I went to her cousin's house for lunch. Since Jude was waiting for me the entire morning, he went along. It seemed unfair to ditch him after he waited for longer than I had anticipated, not that he complained about it.

We arrived at the Hudson's residence in two separate cars. Mom's and Jude's.

I had already texted Kingsley to inform him I was coming with Jude to his house. I had told him last Friday I'd have lunch with him after Thanksgiving, so the promise was kept.

We greeted the Hudsons: Kingsley, his mother, father and sister. They were surprised to see my father present, but mom had already informed her cousin he was coming, of course.

It was a family affair, the most relatives I've seen reunited since I left the reservation. Despite the odds, it felt nice to be among family. I really mean that.

And it's always nice to see my cousin, who looked radiant. Now that he's mated, his semblance is different. No longer the once lonely boy, even his cheeks have a different tone.

He seems fulfilled, even without the mate mark he's yet to bear. We got to talking and...

"What?!" - I gasped in shock, staring at him incredulously.

"Yes, my mate took me on a date this past weekend." - He confirmed, smiling wide at me.

"Yeah, cousin. I got that part, just repeat back to me where the date was." - I said, looking wide-eyed at him.

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