Chapter 89: If You're Not Here

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It's funny how life works sometimes, isn't it?

If I had never accompanied my mate to the trip back to his reservation for the holidays, Beck wouldn't have gone on a wolf run with Jude and me, consequently he wouldn't have been struck by heat which means he and I wouldn't have completed the bond.

Yes, one little trip made the entire difference in our lives, but mainly in mine. After all, Jude has already completed the bond three months ago. He is fine. He is not the one looked at with pity by our peers and occasionally our parents.

One apparent small decision made an impactful difference in my life and I am a better man because of it. Or at least a mated and marked man, which was the whole point. I needed to have that and I'd never be fulfilled if I hadn't.

Another impactful consequence of that trip: the late great Mrs. Becker. Yeah, I'm talking about Beck's grandmother by way of his father. She made a big difference in our lives.

If it wasn't for her, Beck would still be carrying my brother's twins. Yeah, she may have gotten him the wrong tea - to no fault of her own, of course - but it did its intended job in the end and that's what really matters.

I'm sure one could judge me for feeling relieved that my mate had to suffer an abortion, but I'm not. It's a travesty that he had to go through that and fortunately it was his decision, no one pressured him one way or the other.

But no, ladies and gentlemen, I'm not sorry that Beck is no longer carrying my nephews, nieces or both. Not even remotely. I'm feeling relieved and thankful for the late great Mrs. Becker. That's the absolute truth.

Funny how life works sometimes, isn't it?

If it weren't for her, Beck wouldn't have access to the proper health care that he needed at the time. If it weren't for her, we could be under the misconception that Beck would be carrying my baby only to find out later that it was Jude's all along.

Also, it was twins y'all. TWINS! It's too much for us high school teenagers to deal with now. So, sorry not sorry. Not even a little bit. Being an uncle shouldn't be in the cards for me when sharing a mate with my brother.

Of course, I would have loved if Jude and I were mated to separate people and our children would grow up together eventually. That's a lovely idea, but the point is beyond moot. That's not real to me anymore, if ever was one could say.

Now, back to reality, I do appreciate his grandmother for the fantastic woman that she was and I was fortunate enough to have gotten the chance to know her personally. It was only for one day but it was unforgettable, for more reasons than one.

It's January fifth, Beck left Ruckerford Falls with his mother to attend her funeral. Jude and I were unable to go with him this time because I got in my head that my father would do something against Beck for the way he behaved when we returned from the trip.

My father pretended to ban our mate from the pack and when he was about to leave our house, feeling destroyed, devastated, he walked back his statement which Beck took as the ruse it was intended all along.

Furious, Beck used his Enygma power to silence my dad, then he passed out. It was a very eventful day, so when my dad called Beck to his office yesterday I freaked out and got my brother and I into this mess we are now.

Why would I ever think my father, a 38 years old Alpha, would do anything to cause harm to our mate? What the hell was I thinking? Beck only acted in self defense, of sorts. He doesn't have a mean bone in his body and is not a threat to anybody, much less my dad.

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