Chapter 72: Fight

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I'm not having it.

Try as I may, my father can't reconcile with the fact that I'm mated to two boys.

I mean, he disguises it well for the most part. But the truth is he never wanted a queer son, especially one with two male mates. That is a mind boggling fact all on its own, it's true. Especially considering I'm not even an omega. But let's not dwell on that for now.

I had to psych myself up to come back home with my mom. I'm trying to make it all about her and her needs, but I'm happy to be home again. It's my father who makes it difficult for me. I don't know why he's so hellbent on ignoring the fact that I'm also mated to Quentin.

I understand I rejected him and rejected mates don't usually orbit around each other. I'm well aware of that, but I cannot ignore my growing need to have him by my side. I could barely keep myself from completing the bond last time we were alone together and it was one of the most intense love making sessions I had yet to experience.

Maybe if we had a horrible time, things would be easier for me but he was nothing but a gentleman the whole trip. And he has done everything I asked him to do before I would even consider him as my mate, properly.

I love Jude with all my heart, that hasn't changed nor it ever will. But my heart is crying out for Quentin and so is my wolf spirit. It craves its mate as if I wasn't already marked. It's difficult to explain to anyone outside of the situation but to paraphrase Owen, the Goddess doesn't play to lose.

If the mate bond has the power to transform the once straight boy Quentin into someone who could love me, I'm powerless to resist it all the same. I played a good game, but now it's just a question of time.

I don't mean to sound thirsty, but I'm already about to blow. I can only hope nobody stands too close to me when I do because I don't want anyone to get caught by the blast. But if my father thinks he can bully or belittle me, he'll have another thing coming.

I'm not even remotely close to being the person who left this reservation. I'm done taking any bullshit from him or anyone, for that matter. Truth is I don't need him anymore. I'd still like to have a father, don't get me wrong. I'm only 17 years old.

But I can make other arrangements if he's not up to the part. Just saying...

After we arrived at the reservation, my father surprised us with lunch ready for us to eat. He's not much of a cook, but he can roast meat like nobody's business. My mom loves his pot roast, so he did it for her - but enough so that all of us could eat it as well, naturally.

I spent the afternoon with both of my mates showing the place off. We walked the neighborhood, showed him my aunt's home - my mom's sister - and the beautiful prairie up north of the land.

Everything here is kind of a long distance walking, but I'm already used to it since I grew up here. My mates, though athletes in their own right, were not such a fan of the marathon, but didn't complain about it.

It was a nice afternoon and it was good for us to burn off all that amazing lunch we had eaten.

In the evening, we returned home to shower and rest. My mom was cooking dinner when the three of us took turns using the bathroom. Jude was in the living room waiting for his turn to shower when his brother left the bathroom wrapped in a towel, as usual. I was already clean since I was the first one to bathe.

While Jude entered the bathroom next, I was waiting for my second mate inside the guest bedroom. Quentin was surprised to see me inside, but he closed the door and inquired me:

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