Chapter 67: Killing Me Softly

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I'm not gonna lie, the first thing I did when my brother walked past the door on Sunday afternoon was to take a big inhale of his scent.

As we say time and time again, a fresh mate mark can be scented half a mile away by any werewolf. So, even if we don't see the neck wound, we can still scent it. It's winter now, so my nose is all I have.

Immediately, I breathed out a relieved sigh.

I know their bond completion is coming at some point soon, but the furthest they are from having sex the better it works for me. I'm so jealous of their bonding trip. I know I took Beck away mere days ago, but I can't help the way I feel about my mate.

I want Beck all to myself, I can't help the way I feel. We're not meant to share a mate, us werewolves. I feel the Goddess would be better served to mate one of us to a barren person. At the same time, whichever person she would choose it'd feel like discrimination for the other one.

You know, what? Forget I said anything. It was an impossible situation and she did the best she could with the material she had available for her. Anyway, I'm just glad to be the only person marked by Beck. For now, at least.

Now, can we talk about Layla and Owen's pairing?

Oh. My. Goddess.

What a match made in heaven!

You couldn't find a happier person inside the classroom last Friday than my best friend. She was positively beaming with joy. Owen too looked happy, but he was worried about Elaine's reaction. She was devastated by their pairing.

Sorry, girl. You know the deal. You can't fight the moonlight.

Teenagers are not supposed to date before mated for this exact reason. Now do we listen? No, we don't. By the time he was sixteen, Jalensky had already 'sampled' a third of the female classmates.

Yes, that is before he sampled me. And stuck with me for longer than a year.

Blaine was also devastated by this pairing. It was horrible seeing him crying after they said the acceptance speech to each other. I'm talking about a grown boy bawling his eyes out to the romantic scene.

Fortunately, his friends consoled him and offered him some comfort. I guess it's a good thing that he has his teammates, his bros. Straight jocks united. Well, for the most part straight.

Later that evening, I was overjoyed to see her reunited with her mom. I know how much she missed her and the fact that she came to Ruckerford Falls means a lot to my best friend. Especially on her 18th birthday, though her human mother doesn't know she got mated earlier, obviously.

Still, it was so good to see her happy. Finally, she has the man she wanted and is happy to be seeing her mother throughout the weekend. I'm sure she has great dates ahead of her with Owen now that we're on winter break from school.

On Saturday, I saw a small window on her busy schedule and went to her house to talk. I was miserable missing my mate while he was away in Dallas with my brother. I love my parents to death, but they're not good comfort right now since they're so happily mated.

Of course, Layla is also mated now but it's too soon to count. I needed someone who I wouldn't feel like a third wheel to. She was great to talk to, as always. And I was happy to speak freely about her mating to Owen since we couldn't do that at the restaurant with her mother present.

Her face lit up when she spoke about him, it was wonderful to see. I really wish them the best, despite the trail of broken hearts they left behind. I guess it's part of high school. Someone will always be left out until they get paired themselves.

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