Short Part 2

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They didn't fight, not there, not in front of crowds of witnesses. Anita knew she had to be on her best behaviour in public. They couldn't have people afraid of Guardians again.

"Robert Conwell has been dead for 10 years," Meriam argued, clutching Diaxel tight against her chest.

"There's no statute of limitations on crimes committed by Guardians, especially when we have a recording of one admitting to it," one of the guards said, his voice calm.

Meriam clenched her teeth, he was right, they hadn't gotten to that point yet in giving Guardians rights, it hadn't been a priority.

Anita glanced at Meriam, who shook her head. "We're cooperating," Anita said, raising her hands slowly. "There's no need for anyone to get hurt."

"On your knees, with your hands behind your head," someone shouted.

Anita complied, resisting every urge in her body to fight, to protect her family. As she sat on her knees, she shot one more look at Meriam. "Call Powell, have him help you find Teagan. I love you."

Meriam nodded, tears in her eyes, but she knew as well as Anita did that there was nothing they could do here. The most important thing was ensuring Diaxel had someone to take care of him, that wouldn't happen if they got into a fight they couldn't win.

The guards cuffed Anita's hands together and pulled her to her feet. They formed a loose circle around her, and escorted her out of the store, into a dark SUV with tinted windows. Well this is certainly familiar, she thought, as they shoved her inside.


"It doesn't look good," Powell remarked to Meriam, flipping through a folder. "Someone leaked Anita's entire history on the internet, including the tape of her interrogation where she admitted to killing Robert. The public is outraged that a Guardian got off the hook for murder, when we offer the death penalty to humans who do the same."

Meriam froze, the mug she was holding shattered in her hands. "They're pushing for the death penalty?" Hot coffee dripped down her fingers, and she swore. Powell leapt out of his seat to help clean up the mess.

"Yes," he said as he swept up broken glass. "They want her dead, and the HCU is perfectly willing to go ahead with that, since it makes it easier for them to take Diaxel."

Meriam smashed her bloodied fist on the counter, then held her head in her hands. "Fuck. We should have run when we had the chance."

Powell put a comforting hand on her back. "We'll figure something out. She still has to have a trial. Why did Anita tell you to find the Keeper Teagan? Keepers are the last people I would expect Anita to want at her trial."

"Anita said Teagan was opposed to the abuse, so she tried to stop it. I guess she might have proof of how they treated her? Would that help?"

Powell shrugged. "It's the court of public opinion, get the right jury and highlight how much the Guardians suffered at the compounds and maybe you'll sway them enough to vote it was self defense? You only need 3 jurors opposed to avoid the death penalty now. They stopped re-trying these cases since the appeals dragged on so long, but if they vote in favour... they usually carry out the sentence within days."

Meriam sighed, she wasn't a criminal defense lawyer, but she spent enough time in courtrooms to know that many people were out for blood nowadays, and no amount of information would sway them. 3 jurors, and Anita would be safe.


"You're awfully calm considering the circumstances." Anita didn't look up at the voice. She stayed seated in the center of her cell, focusing on her breathing. She wasn't calm, she was absolutely furious, but that wouldn't help anyone.

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