Chapter 3: Send Me off Ma, Send Me Off

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I wake up to my alarm clock, the sharp, loud, notes almost injuring my ears. Today is my last day home. My family wants to have a nice dinner to send me off in good spirits. I've already done all the tests and the Marine Corps says "You'll make a great Marine kid.". I don't believe it one bit, hell I'll crumble under all the pressure. But what am I to do? I just lay in bed I try to mentally prepare myself for today and all the tomorrows after this. As I walk out of my room I see my mom washing dishes, "Estas seguro que esto es lo que quieres hacer...", 'Are you sure this is what you want to do...", she asks. "Si, ma, estoy seguro.", 'Yes ma, I'm sure.', I respond, feeling pride wash over me a bit. "Si es lo que tú quieres...", 'If it's what you want...', my mom responds. We don't talk after this until about 8:00 PM.

"Ya estás listo?", 'Are you ready now?', my mom asks at my door. I quickly put on my nicest outfit, a pair of black slacks, black dress shoes, a white dress shirt, and a black vest. "Si, estoy listo", 'Yes, I'm ready', I tell her.

After a long and quiet car ride, we arrive to the nicest restaurant in town, from what I've heard, they've served celebrities and other famous people here. We walk in, I feel sharper than a razor. My hair is done very well, I made sure I had my suit on and perfect-looking, I put some of my best cologne, the single bottle costed $99.99. We ordered, and we ordered BIG, filet mignon, ribeye, lobster, and more of the nicest food they had. "Me vas a pagar cuando regresas, verdad?", 'You're going to pay me back when you come back, right.', my mom asks. "Si, cuando regreso, te pago el dinero", 'Yes, when I return, I'll pay you the money', I respond.

We come back home, I take a shower, looking down at the drain the whole time. I still can't comprehend that tomorrow, is the day I start training. I get on my knees, the warm water still beating on my back and head. I let a few tears out but I don't let out a peep. There's no use crying anymore, I tell myself in my mind. I hope that training goes well. Once again. Thanks Lyndon B.

[Chapter 3, End]

(Thank you if you're someone other than me who is reading this, if you're reading and you aren't me, thank you. Love to all,)

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