Preview Of A Story To Come (Late 2024)

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My head is slammed against my locker, I look back to see who did it, it was Ashley Thompson and her friends who pushed me. I look at them, Ashley has her hair cut halfway down to her neck, her hair is dark brown and fades to blonde at the tips. I squint my eyes and walk off, I wish I could fight back but the school will side with her and her friends over me any day of the week, likely because her family is a big donator to the school. I look left and right and see people walking around, some of them are just hanging out on the floors waiting for lunch to be over, others are in the dining hall a little ways forward and to the left, and some, like me, are still making our way over to the dining hall to get our lunch. I go into the room and walk over to an empty table and put my backpack and my laptop case down on a chair. And I head over to the lunch line. I remember how good those times were, I look down and to the right, green, lush grass that lines the area around me. I rub my horse's head and look him up and down. His hair is gray with and his mane and tail are a bit lighter than his skin. I lightly hit him three times and he starts running. I keep my composure as he runs through the grass. I look at the revolver on my hip, the frame is that of a Smith & Wesson M1917. I put my hand on it and softly hit my horse once, making him slowly stop. I hop off of him and pull the revolver out of its holster. I look around and see a man on horseback. I hop back onto my horse and I hit him four times lightly and tell him,
He runs off faster than before and we chase after him quickly. The other guy looks back at me and yells,
I look at him, his face has a high cheekbones and he has a short but still noticeable beard. His hair is cut short with a top that swayed to the right. He could've probably been a male model if he didn't come all this way for some land.
I mutter something that I didn't even recognize and aim my revolver's notch sights at his horse's leg. I pull the trigger and the .45 ACP round comes flying out with a POW, followed by a red hot tracer trail coming out from behind it. The bullet flies through the sky, turning as the man tries to dodge it. When it lands I see how it tore the flesh of the horse. It stops and falls down, which gives me time to ride next to the guy and fire the remaining 5 rounds at him. POW-POW-POW-POW-POW 2 hit his left and right leg, another two do the same for his hands, and the last round hits his head. I hit my horse softly once and I fish out the expanded hollow point round it expanded and looks like a bloomed flower, only this one has blood on it. I put the casings of the bullets into a pouch I put on my belt's left side.
"First six shots I've fired.", I tell my horse, Steel.
"Remember Steel, these bullets and this here gun are both special, so don't go in front of a bullet shot out of it, okay?", I tell Steel, he nods his head in agreement and I pat his head after I get on him. I remember the first time I shot this gun. The target was moving left and right and then I fired it and the bullet traveled, changing direction with the target, strafing left and right. It felt like each bullet had a mind of its own. And I remember seeing how it left the paper target, the area of impact was precisely where I aimed the gun. I still don't understand what technology allowed for these kinds of thing to happen, all I know is that the gun makes any bullet chase after the target and the bullets have a special poison inside of it, right behind the hollow point.
"Alright Steel, let's go.", I tell Steel as I hit him three times softly. We ride off into the woods to have good cover just in case.


I look left and right once we are in a little clearing with a lake, berry bushes, and some oak trees. I reload my M1917 revolver as I walk over to a berry bush. I pick off a berry and cut it open, i smell it and it smells somewhat sweet. I eat one half and give the other half to Steel. I cut a branch from the bush with my knife, and see no white sap, finally, I grab one more to eat and I eat it in its entirety. It sweet and floral.
"Blueberries, safe to eat. I should wait for a bit though.". I grab a bucket that I had in the small wagon Steel and I were taking. I walk over to the pond and see clear water. I fill the bucket with water and set up a fire using dry grass and a dead bush to keep it lit. I boil the water atop the fire and set it aside to cool. I feel nothing so fill a basket with the berries from the bush and put it in the wagon. I see a little rabbit hop around the lake. I stand up, look at it, wait for it to take a sip of water, and shoot it in the head to make sure he dies instantly. When the shot connects I walk over to the rabbit. I pick up its body and pull out my knife. I cut off its head and throw it aside to let another animal take it. As I walk to the pond, I skin the rabbit. I cut open its belly and pull out its guts and throw them aside. I clean in with the pond water. Once I get back I see Steel taking a rest, I leave him alone as I know how much he needs it. I pour some of the water into a pot that I put on the fire. I add some cut up vegetables and seasonings into the pot before cutting up the rabbit and letting the soon to be stew boil. As I wait I pop some blueberries in my mouth. I feed steel a handful and he seems content with it. Once I think the stew is done I eat it straight from the pot, making sure nothing is left. I rinse it off with some water and put it back in the wagon, I lay next to Steel and fall asleep looking up at the stars that pepper the night sky. I admire the sky's beauty and comforting appearance.

[This story is based off an idea that I've had for a long time. The idea is that the U.S. government gives land to people who make it to Alaska, which is simple. But I plan on making this story sci-fi...ish. You can tell by the bullets that track enemies an all that. I think that it'd be a nice change of pace from history stories. I plan on starting work on this series as soon as "When We're All Used Up" comes to an end. I hope that y'all will enjoy this change]

(This chapter is in NO WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM related to "When We're All Used Up". it's simply a trailer for this idea. If you wish to support my writing, just keep reading)

When We're All Used UpNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ