Chapter 16: Lights

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I open my eyes and see darkness. I swing up and my helmet falls onto my lap. I pick up my M-60 which I laid down next to me and put on my pack which I laid next to my gun. I look around and see set up tents. I stand up and walk around. I reach over to feel around my surroundings. I touch a tree and lean up against it before turning on my flashlight and walking over to the tents. I walk around from them going from the farthest one to the left to the farthest to the right. I look at them inside of them as I pass them. As I pass the third to last tent I see Brooke and Jackson taking and I walk in making sure to not make a sound. I see a cot on the floor, still put up. I grab it and set it up. I prop my M-60 on the cot and set my bag down. I pull out the pack of cigarettes and walk over to Jackson and Brooke.
"Hi guys, y'all want one?", I offer a cigarette as I talk. They each take one and I walk back to pick up my lighter. I reach around my pack and grab it. I light their cigarettes and throw it back onto my cot. Before sitting on the floor next to Brooke and Jackson. I look up at them and ask,
"So, since we're leaving soon, what're you guys doing when we get back home?". They look at me and think.
"Probably go back to school, get my degree and get a job.", Brooke says.
"Interesting, I'm going to make myself a farm and live life slowly there", Jackson says.
"What about you, what are you gonna do?", Brooke asks. I think, what am I going to do. The Marines have been my home so long that I didn't even think about it.
"Probably marry someone, have two or three little children and live out my days in peace", I explain. I look at them and Jackson asks,
"I know it's not my business but how old are you.", I think about it. Eighteen plus one year makes nineteen, plus the two at home, twenty one...and the one here...twenty one...TWENTY THREE?!
"I'm twenty three, I'M A FULL GROWN MAN?!",I yell out, but still making sure to not be too loud. I fall onto my back and feel my soul leave my body. All this war made me lose vital years of my life. I stand up and look up at the tent roof. I feel an urge, a sudden urge to kill something. So I walk out, turn on my flashlight and go looking around for some Charlie boy I can kill to relieve my urges. I turn around, grabbing my M-60 as I forgot to do so. I look around the outside, my flashlight illuminating the way. I walk over to an area with thick foliage, this is the type of area that Charlies liked to hide in. I walk deeper into the jungle, of course no enemy with a working, logical brain would hide right next to American Marines. As I walk in I shine my flashlight onto different places, keeping my eyes trained on what the flashlight shows. I finally find someone, but it's not a man, or woman. It's a girl, a young girl. She's no older than 9 or 10. She holds onto a TT-30 pistol tightly, she aims it at me and my world suddenly goes faster, I jump back as she pulls on the trigger, barely missing her shot. The  bullet rings in the air, my ears hurt from hearing it. I run around, making her unable to land a shot on me while I think. Should I kill her, should I not? It's not until a round grazes my arm and scrapes off some skin when I jump onto her and stab her right in the heart to at least reduce the pain she feels. I look down at her and I fall onto my back with a shivering yell. I look away so I won't need to think about what I've done. I try to think of something else, something good. But it's immediately overrun by the thought of the poor child I killed. I run away, M-60 in hand and I cry to myself while I do so. But I punch myself in the gut to make myself stop when I see the base. I clean my eyes and walk in, looking at Brooke and Jackson. They look at me and I wave. I lay onto my cot and fall asleep.


I wake up to the sound of intense rainfall, something everyone is already accustomed to already. I get down from my cot and my feet fall into water. I walk outside, get to a secluded area, and then take off my clothes to clean my body off from all the dirt, grease, and blood that has accumulated on my skin. I shower well in the rain before I put my clothes back on, which I kept under a poncho to keep it somewhat dry. When I get back I see everyone either getting their stuff together, or people standing around waiting for their friends. I walk over to the tent and pack my stuff. I fold up my cot and tie that to my back. I wait outside for orders and splash some rainwater around. Someone lightly punches my left shoulder and I look over to see who it was, it's Jackson and Brooke. When I see them I punch them back and give them a nuggie on their heads. They return the favor and we wait for command to tell us what to do next. We talk about our lives, our futures, and boring things of that nature, but it's welcome here. It's a shimmer of light in a country of darkness. I open my pack and pull out the cigarettes, giving one to Jackson and Brooke before taking one myself. I pull out the lighter, putting away the cigarettes while I'm at it. I light our cigarettes and we smoke together. A show of camaraderie, at least, that's the more poetic way I come up with.

[Chapter 16, end]

[I apologize for the time to release these chapters, I'm making big plans for my upcoming series coming later this year. I will likely make a shorter series in between. As of now, my main goal is to have a steady audience stream. News flash, not many people are willing to read a historic fiction in a place ruled by romances. Might try that, not too sure though, it'd make me feel weird. Anyway, in case you haven't heard this. You are worth more than the earth. Have a good day or night, and see you soon. Love, S.C.]

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