Extra: Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays

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[Note: This part happens after {Extra: Happy Thanksgiving}, both will be used later for story.]

Well, today is the most exciting time of the year. Christmas. Though, being in the southern hemisphere hurts. It's hot, more so than usual, on CHRISTMAS. I look around the barracks. And see our men wrap some presents in bandages. I grab one of my most prized possessions, Action Comics #1, Superman's first comic ever. I have 2 copies from betting on poker and go fish, funnily enough. I put it in a thrown away container of ammunition. I get down from my bunk and put it with the rest of the presents, under a small tree which was dug out and put in a pot to have inside.we decorated that little tree as well as we could. It had lights, ornaments, candy canes, ribbons, and a star.


We all put up our gifts and we begin playing some white elephant. We go one by one, ranking down and down. At this point, Castle got my comic, I really didn't want to lose it, but it's okay. I take a present in a small wooden box. I open it and see a deck of cards, some chips, and a few other miscellaneous card game items. I didn't mind it. I dig through the rest of it and see a snow globe of the Almo with a sticky note on the bottom, it says, [To our Texican brother, from Napoleon.].
"Nice english writing Napoleon, what's next, gonna start actually speaking it.", I tease. I look at castle and say,
"Hey, man, like the comic?".
"It's okay, I guess. No clue why everyone was hooting and hollering when I got it though.", Castle says. I guess he's not a comic book guy. I lay on my bunk and sleep the day off. Not a care in the world, at least compared to everyone else. I slowly drift off, I feel myself becoming weightless and free from my wartime worries.


[I love every last one of you who might be reading this, but I say with a heavy heart that "When We're All Used Up" is going on hiatus until early 2024-mid 2024. I am a one man team, and I have life stuff on top of that stress, and I just need a break. I plan to be back in business by March 13, probably a bit sooner though, if you still want something similar to this while you wait, I recommend the Vietnam series by Chris Lynch. That book series was my main inspiration to write this. Again, I'm sorry, but don't forget, I love you all]

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