Chapter 5: Grasshopper

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(Note: this chapter happens 1 year after chapter 4)

Today marks my first mission in this whole war. We have been called to bring some supplies from Saigon back to the battlefield. "Private Grasshopper, make sure your equipment is good to go" Sargent says to me. "Yes sir", I respond. 'Grasshopper' is my new nickname. Around here, nicknames are easy to come by. My squad consists of 9 soldiers including our Sargent , Private 'Shadow', the black soldier that was ridiculed last night, Private 'Napoleon', given that name because he can't stop talking in French. Private 'Pop', given the nickname because he's the oldest, Private First Class 'John Doe', given the name due to being so average, Private 'Castle' , given that name because he's an absolute beast of a man, he's also Mexican, so that make me feel better, Private 'Ray', a play on Ray Cist, which is a play on racist, he was given that name because he seems to hate me, Shadow, and Castle, Private 'Kitty', given the name for being a small, scaredy cat, type, and finally, Private 'Grasshopper', me. We're all commanded by Sargent 'Nails' because he is as tough as them. I grab my M-14, my bandolier, M1 helmet, and first aid kit. "Dude, don't even bother, man, when the gooks shoot you once with their AKs, you're long gone.", Ray says, Ray is the same guy who corrected my magazine use yesterday. We leave out barracks and get to the Huey Helicopter which will take us to Saigon soon, it's also coming over for some light repairs. Until we reach Saigon, I fall asleep.

"WAKE THE HELL UP GRASSHOPPER!", Nails tell me. I look at him as I wake up. He jokingly, at least I think it's jokingly, holds his M1911 pistol aimed at my head. "OKAY, OKAY" I say as I stand up, slinging my M-14 over my shoulder, the sling holding it up. "That could've been Charlie you fucking dumb head.". "Charlie? Who the fuck is Charlie? Never heard of the guy", I say cluelessly. "THE FUCKING VIETCONG, VICTOR CHARLIE, CHARLIE, VC, WHATEVER YOU WANT TO CALL THEM!", Nails says like a screaming toddler. "Okay, okay. Where'd you learn to yell like that Nails.", I say calmly and teasingly. "ONLY MY MEN CALL ME NAILS. AND AS FAR AS I KNOW, YOU ARE NOT ONE SO FAR. OKAY GRASSHOPPER?", Nails, or Sargent Carell says. "I'm sorry sir, this will never happen again.", I say as seriously as a brain aneurysm.

I walk with Carell and the squad over to a Marines camp near the north end of Saigon, that's where the supplies are and that's where we are walking back up to our camp. Honestly, this is stupid. Why not party it up with the men and ladies of Saigon for a bit while we wait for the Huey to get fixed up and then the thing lands us up there while it's at it.

We get the supplies, everyone has at least one ammo can of 7.62, and we understand that it is weighing us down. A LOT. "Let's stop here for tonight boys." Nails says. We set up our little tent-like forts. And before the sun goes down and we start getting food prepared, thanks to Kitty, the VC starts shooting down at us from their trees, bushes, and tunnels in the ground. THANK YOU LYNDON B!


(I'd like to thank you for reading, your reading of this series show that you have a genuine interest in my work. I'm likely going to take a little break because to be honest, I'm running out of ideas. Anyway, I wish you all a good day and I love you all)

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