Chapter 17

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Yoongi's POV :" 

Jimin :" you did what ?? " 

Yoongi :" shit " 

Fuck fuck fuck .. he heard us 

I ran to him 

Jimin :" what are you talking about hyung , did you met my uncle  , did he hurt you , did he do anything to you , did he knew where we live , we need to leave here , he can't find us , he will hurt you hyung , please I can't loose you , please don't let him take me again I can't " jimin is totally panicked 

I hold his face in my hands 

Yoongi :" baby baby look at me , nothing bad will happen, everything is okay , you are safe , and we are safe , and we are stronger than you can imagine so calm down "

He shook his head

Jimin :" noo you don't understand, he is evil , he can do anything believe me please hyung "

Taehyung came to jimin and hugged him from his back 

Taehyung:" little one , the evil guy is already tied up, he is too weak now , we are all overpowered him , and we made him taste some of the pain he made you go through one day " jimin broke the hug and turned to look at Taehyung 

Jimin :" what do you mean , what did you do ?"

Jungkook:" the basement you were trying to open , we kidnaped him there and beat him up for good 👍 " Jungkook winked to Jimin 

Jimin :" he is here ? " jimin face went pale and looking like he will faint anytime soon 

Yoongi :" yes baby " I hold his hand it's ice cold 

He jumped on me holding me like his life depends on it

Jimin :" he is going to take me hyung please don't let him , I beg you " he put his head on my neck trying to hide 

I carried him to his room and locked the door sitting on the bed still holding him 

Yoongi:" can you look at me baby " he is not letting me and crying so hard

Jimin :" no he is going to take me from you , I can't " 

Yoongi :" the door is locked, and I'm here with you , your hyungs is guarding the basement door , so how he will take you , nothing will happen my angel , look at me "

Jimin slowly started to loosen his grasp on Yoongi's neck  and looked in his eyes

Yoogie :" I know what you went through is soo hard , but now we are here , i'm here for you , no one can hurt you while I'm with you , so don't be scared when you are with me , okay "

Jimin :" but .. but he can " 

Yoongi:" he can't do anything, he is there for 2 weeks can't even freeing him self , so he is as weak as you were when he caged you in his house "

Jimin :" so he will not take me from you "

Yoongi :" no one will babe , now what do you want to do with him , beat him , starve him , what do you want "

Jimin :" no I don't want anything this is wrong doing , I just don't want him to do this to me again , or anyone else "

Yoongi :" you are not gonna take your revenge "

Jimin :" you are all keep talking about this revenge and I can't understand what does it mean , I just now understand if you are powerful enough to beat him so just ask him to not do bad things , why we do bad things too " I can't believe him 

Yoongi:" jimin this guy deserves  the worst punishment , what he did with you is not something we can ignore"

Jimin :" if I beat him and starved him , is it going to give me my old self , am I going to be the innocent kid again, no right , so what the point ?!!"

Yoongi:" the point is he will suffer as much as you do "

Jimin :" increasing the number of the people who suffers will not change a thing .. what ever happens to this guy I can't forgive him "

Yoongi :" so you don't want him to apologize?"

Jimin :" nothing will change , I will still be the dirty kid who I'm now"

Yoongi:" yaaaah you are not dirty , don't talk like this about your self"

Jimin :" sorry hyung " 

Yoongi:" okay but despite your golden heart we already hurt him , the fingers he touched you by , we broke it , and we cut his dick "


Yoongi:" yes "

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