Chapter 56

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Jimin's POV : 

They came for me. I can't forgive myself for doubting them. They've never given me a reason to doubt, yet I still did. Yoongi hyung lies there weakly because of me, and yet I doubted him. The moment he broke into my nightmare and saved me, the urge to call him dad screamed out loud within me. Because he is my dad now. He paid a high price for it, risking his life to save me. What more could any father do for his own son?

In the beginning, I was grateful to them for providing me shelter and food. But now, Yoongi hyung has given me the chance to experience unconditional love. And IU Noona, the woman who witnessed her love in this status cause of me, still has the heart to hold me and reassure me that everything will be okay. Even when I'm completely broken, she wants me with all my sadness and heavy heart. She is trying to mend my shattered pieces. What more could I ask for in a mother?

I'm here, settled in my own mother's lap, beside my dad's hospital bed where he remains unconscious, waiting for him to wake up. After insisting to mommy that we come here to see him, I can't wait any longer. But the doctors say it's just a matter of time, and he will wake up soon.

his eye's ball started to move

Jimin : "Mommy, look, he's moving his eyes," I exclaimed, clutching her hand tightly as we both peered at my dad, hoping it was true.

She stood up, her hands caressing his head gently. 

IU : "Love, can you hear me?" she whispered, her voice filled with hope. But he didn't move. I held his hand, silently pleading for him to respond.

Jimin : "Daddy, I'm here too. Please open your eyes," I urged, my voice trembling. His hand weakly pressed against mine, a faint sign of acknowledgment.

Jimin : "You can, right?! Try to open your eyes. Mommy and I are here," I continued, my voice quivering with anticipation. After what felt like an eternity, his eyelids fluttered open. My heart raced, and tears streamed down my face uncontrollably.

IU  : "Love..." she cried, her voice filled with relief and joy. she rushed out to call the doctors, leaving me alone with my dad. 

Yoongi : "," he managed to say weakly, his gaze fixed on me. My tears kept falling, and I struggled to speak through my sobs.

Jimin : "I'm here, Daddy. How do you feel? I'm sorry for what happened to you. It's all my fault," I choked out, burying my head in his palm, overwhelmed with guilt.

Yoongi : "Shhh...don't say that. Come here," he insisted, trying to pull me closer. But I resisted, fearing that I would cause him more pain.

Jimin : "No, don't. You're in pain. I don't want to hurt you more," I protested, my voice filled with concern. He smiled softly at me, his warmth bringing comfort to my shattered heart.

Yoonig : "You're hurting me now by not letting me hold you. I'll hold you with my healthy shoulder, not my injured one. So don't argue with your sick dad. Come here," he gently urged. His words melted my heart, and without hesitation, I moved to lie beside him, resting my head on his shoulder as tears continued to flow.

Yoongi : "'re safe now. No one will ever hurt you again. I'm sorry I failed to protect you. I'll try my best this time," he whispered, his voice filled with remorse.

Jimin : "No, you didn't fail. It's just my fate. I'm the one who needs to apologize. I thought you would never come for me... I thought you forgot me. I'm sorry for doubting you, Daddy," I confessed, my voice choked with emotion.

Yoongi : "You're already forgiven. Every thought that invaded your mind in that dark room is not your fault. We should have been faster. Tell me, did he hurt you?" he asked, his concern evident in his voice. I tightened my hold on his waist, memories of the agonizing pain flooding my mind. I couldn't bring myself to speak, so I simply nodded.

Yoongi : "What did he do, baby? Look at me," he pleaded, his voice filled with anguish. My entire body trembled in response to his question. I couldn't find the words to express the horrors I had endured. I wanted to forget, just like I had tried to forget my entire childhood.

In the midst of my overwhelming emotions, I found solace in my father's embrace. He held me tightly, silently assuring me that he was there for me now. And as I lay there, pouring out my heartache and fears, he listened, promising to protect me and vowing to make things right. Together, we faced the darkness of my past, knowing that healing would come with time and love.


Yoongi's POV : 

I can't believe he's in my arms. I still feel weak and unable to move, but the surge of power that fills my body when he calls me Dad is indescribable.

He's not telling me what that monster did to him, but the visible evidence of the bondage on his wrists and his frail body, along with the fear in his eyes when I ask him what happened, speaks volumes. He must have gone through hell. I want to heal quickly; I won't spare that monster this time.

The door swung open, revealing my love and the doctor. The doctor examined me and checked my shoulder.

Doctor : "You're fine now, just need to rest and take your medicine on time," the doctor reassured me.

Yoongi : "When can I be discharged, doctor?" I asked anxiously.

The doctor chuckled.

Doctor :  "Wow... relax, champ. You'll be entertaining us for at least a week to ensure you're fully recovered."

Yoongi : "Fuck. WHAT ?! " I couldn't help but exclaim, instantly regretting it as a sharp pain shot through my shoulder.

Jimin : "Daddy, don't shout. You'll hurt yourself," Jimin pleaded, concern etched on his face.

IU : "Love... I know you don't like hospitals, but we need to stay. Please, you need to heal," IU added, her voice filled with gentle persuasion.

Yoonig : "But..." I started to protest, but Jin entered the room at that moment, interrupting me .

Jin : "No 'buts.' You need to follow the doctor's instructions to heal. So stop with your nonsense now," Jin said coldly, surprising me with his stern tone. What's wrong with him?

Yoongi : "Hyung!" I called out, taken aback by his sudden harshness.

The tension in the room escalated, leaving me torn between my desire to leave the hospital and the realization that I needed to prioritize my recovery. added the confusion of Jin hyung harshness , what happen ??!! 

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