Chapter 94

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IU's POV : 

Why am I so deeply in love with this unromantic man? He fails to understand that all I desire is a simple ring and a single flower. He shows no effort in asking me to marry him. I long to become his wife before welcoming our precious baby into this world. But No, he continues to wandering around, flirting with every girl he encounters.

Oh, my baby... What am I to do? I sit here, consuming food like a lost soul. Does he believe it's easy to carry a child? It's not my fault that I've grown so large; he is the one who placed you within me. It's unfair to let me suffer alone.

Yooni, I hate you, or perhaps not that much. Yet, I wish for you to experience a taste of suffering, just a fraction. Or Should I forgive him? After all, he is the father of my precious babies. He possesses a captivating handsomeness and deserves to be loved. Or maybe I get the strength to apologize for my outburst this morning? I was cruel to him. It's not his fault that he was born with an unromantic soul.

Could I be the one to propose to him? Or perhaps we can marry without a proposal?

IU : " ARRRRRRGGGGG , why it's too hard to decide if i'm made with him or in love with him , he is the reason why i'm so confused "

Jimin : " Mom !! are you talking with your self " 

Author's POV : 

Jimin just came home after school to find her in the living room lost on her own world 

IU : " Jiminie !! when did you come ?? " Jimin kissed her forehead sitting beside her

Jimin : " A while , i was calling you but you didn't hear me , are you okay now , are you still mad with dad ?? " Jimin caressed her shoulder to give her solace after what he saw last night 

IU : "I'm fine , I'm sorry for what you witness last night , I didn't mean to involve you in our mess , we are fine " 

Jimin : " Are you sure Mom , I'm not kid anymore , you can relay on me , I can talk to dad if you want too " she hold his hand 

IU : " No baby , your dad is the most caring person in this life , it was just a misunderstanding " IU don't want to make Jimin feel that his comfort zone in not stable , her and Yoongi's relationship is unbreakable , so no need for Jimin to be scared 

Jimin : " I love you Mom , don't be sad please , I don't like it " she hugged him smiling softly 

IU : " how can i be sad when i have you in my life , and I love you too , I prepared your lunch just reheat it , i'm too lazy to getup " her dizziness is in it's peak so she just avoid making it worse 

Jimin : " Sure Mom , but you will eat with me " she nodded .


9:00 P.M ...

IU's phone turned off

IU : " Hi, Namjoon"

Namjoon :  " Nonaa , I need you for something , can you get dressed and wait me in front of the house ?? " 

IU : " No , I'm not going out this late , Jimin is studying and will need to sleep in an hour , plus Yooni is not home yet , he will be hungry when he come home " 

Namjoon : " Nonaa please I really need your help just one hour and you will be home again " 

IU : " What's wrong with you , what do you need this late , is something happened in the Café !! "

Namjoon : " No everything is fine , I just need to talk with you , can't you come with me for a while ?? "  IU was confused Namjoon was not a person who will got emotional suffocated and he used to go to Jin when he needs to talk .

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