Chapter 77

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Author's POV : 

Flashback 3 months earlier ..

Taehyung : " Kookie what's wrong why are you here this early in the morning ?! " Jungkook broke in Taehyung's room 6 AM as he couldn't sleep after what he saw last night

Jungkook : " did you see jin hyung last night ?? " Taehyung was just up by the sound Jungkook made when he got in the room so he couldn't process

Taehyung : "  No Kookie i came home late and i didn't found anyone so i just headed to sleep , what's with him ?? "

Jungkook : " i swear something is happening with him and he is hiding it from us "  Taehyung broke the eye contact with Jungkook don't like the point that this talk leading to.

Taehyung : " did he jumped in your dream Kookie , it's just 6 am , go let me sleep " he tried to pull his cover over his head but Jungkook pulled it back

Jungkook : " did you know ?? you did right ? look at me hyung " Taehyung looked to him sadly

Taehyung : " he is hiding this from the three of us Jungkook , me , you and Jimin . we can't just invade his privacy without his permission , if he is not okay with us to know so we can't force him "

 Jungkook : " hyung , he is hurting him self , he almost died , and he is still doing it , okay not the same scale but he is doing it , he needs us , how can he push us away like this " Taehyung pulled Jungkook and hold his face on his palms 

Taehyung : " baby , he is our hyung , he will never be okay to show up as this weak , and there our hyungs there for him , he is not alone , if he is not okay with us to know , we will not let him know that we found out , let his mind rest Kookie , hmmm , i know how much concern you hold for him but what you need to do now is to give him what he ask , his image in your eyes , can you do this ? "

Jungkook eyes filled with tears but he nodded in agreement , he looked down afraid to go farther in this conversation 

Jungkook :" when .. when did you get to know ?" Tae wiped Jungkook's tears gently 

Taehyung:" since the day he came back from the hospital " Jungkook stepped back from Taehyung's touch frown his eyebrows 

Jungkook:" how ?" 

Taehyung:" i went home late that day and Nonaa with Yoongi hyung was talking about  what happened with each other and that he is not okay with us to know about this , the days went by and the cuts in his arms will show accidentally or i can check him when he is a sleep to make sure he is okay , some times the cut will be fresh,One of your hyungs will spend the night with him after that , I choose to respect his decision and let him think that I don't know anything " 

Jungkook hesitate looking to Tae don't want to hear the answer for his next question but he need to be sure 

Jungkook:" you .. you are not .. you are not doing this too hyung right " Jungkook pulled Taehyung's arm terrifiedfrom the answerTae will utter

Tae smiled soflty pullinghis sleeves up to show his wrist

Taehyung:" No I'mnot Kookie, don't worry, if you want to check my full body you can , but i can assureyou i never thoughtto hurt my self " Jungkook hugged Taehyungto his chest thankful that he is safe and he don't have to worry for two of his hyungs


Jimin's school...

Taemin:" is your dad going to keep that Camera for so long , I can't sleep in the classes anymore " Taemin and Jimin is having thier lunch in the cafeteria at the lunch break while Taemin is stumping his foot bothered by the stalking Yoongi doing with them

Jimin :" it's better you need to focus on your lessons " Jimin was digging in his food not bothered at all , he already stopped skipping his classes and he is the smartest student in his class so the more he had to praise himself in front of his parents " 

Taemin :" Yaah it's because of you I couldn't sit for a week my poor bumbum , my mother didn't let it tell it burn in red while you fell sick and got all the pamper from your lovely Dad , and he just kept the punishment that will worsen my life and not you at all " Jimin chuckled at his grumpy friend who never stop complaining about the punishment he received cause of thier class skipping 

Jimin :" okay okay I said I'm sorry hundreds times, can you stop complaining I will not ask dad to remove it , I don't want him to be angry with me again, if he want to track my moves I will let him okay , he knows the best " 

When they was arguing a girl came to the cafeteria passing by them but her bag strap pulled the back of the chair making her slip and pour all the content on the boy's table 

Taemin:" what's wrong with you " Taemin who was soaked in his soda shouted angrily 

Jimin :" hey are you okay " jimin crouch down to help the girl who looked like she was about to cry any time soon 

The girl :" i'm sorry " she looked down embarrassed 

Jimin :" it's okay , nothing happened , give me your hand " he pulled her hand to pull her up 

Taemin:" i'm the one who in soaking in Soda Jimin , why are helping her and not me " 

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