Chapter 89

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Author's POV : 

Meeting Room ...

Yoongi gathered all the brothers in the meeting room, preparing them for the task at hand.

Yoongi: "Okay, guys, we need to stay focused. You all have the requirements we're looking for. I'll be the main interviewer, but each of you can observe the candidate and ask anything I might miss. Understood?"

IU : " Can someone please tell me why I'm even here?!?!! " 

Jungkook spoke up, trying to justify their decision.

Jungkook: "Nonna, as a woman, you can sense if any of them have ill intentions."

IU rolled her eyes, clearly exasperated.

IU: "Don't you think you're going a bit overboard? Who in the world brings five guys and a woman to check out potential secretaries? Two of you could have managed this. You're going to terrify those poor girls."

Namjoon interjected, emphasizing the importance of their thoroughness.

Namjoon: "We can't afford to take any risks, Nonna. We need to be absolutely sure."

Jin added his perspective, understanding the gravity of the situation.

Jin: "If we mess this up, Tae will be in a much worse state. We can't underestimate the severity of the situation."

IU, frustrated, came up with a sarcastic suggestion.

IU: "Why don't we bring an electric machine to shock the ones we suspect have bad thoughts about your precious brother?" J-Hope couldn't help but chuckle at IU's annoyed expression.

J-Hope: "Let it go, Nonna. Don't worry, we'll handle this without causing harm. But remember, this is about Tae, so we can't afford to take it lightly."

IU knew exactly what Tae went through and know they need to be carefully when it comes to bring someone to be near Tae , but it doesn't mean to hurt the others to protect him , right ? 

IU sighed, understanding the gravity of the situation. and how they all worried for him , so she just let it go.

IU: "Okay, but we need to hurry. Jimin will be home this afternoon, and I want to be there before him."

There was more 10 girls so they started right away , Tae was on his Office trying to calm him self down to not break down , knowing he is about to face something he ran away of it all his life .


The girls, one after another, kept getting rejected for reasons that seemed trivial to IU.

Jungkook spoke up, trying to defend one candidate.

Jungkook: "No, this one is tall and looks strong."

Yoongi added his reasoning.

Yoongi: "And this one speaks confidently. She might say something that bothers him."

Jin contributed his observation.

Jin: "This one also has a background in taekwondo."

IU was on the verge of losing her patience. All the girls were qualified enough for the job, yet they kept nitpicking minor details about their strength or abilities.

They called in the sixth girl, and as soon as she entered the room, everyone was struck with surprise.

Her height didn't even reach 150 cm, and her innocent face beamed with a cute smile.

Yoongi motioned for her to take a seat, and she shyly bowed, thanking him before sitting in front of them.

Yoongi: "Please introduce yourself."

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