Chapter 47

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Author's POV:

RM office..

RM :" we shouldn't give him the full trust Hyung, Yoongi hyung was right we need to watch him , we don't know what he will do next " 

Jin :" you are overreacting RM look at his eyes he already guilty and the pressure of Yoongi has a girlfriend now confused his thoughts, he deserves our trust , I know what happen was terrifying but I know he will not do it again, one of us need to be his friend not the one who will punish hi. When he make a mistake, we need to know how to make him trust us , not taking our trust back "

RM :" hyung , okay you had a point but , what of he did it again , what if something worse than that happen , I can't take it " RM was terrified by his thoughts, the idea of Jimin getting hurt killing him

Jin approach him and engulfed him in his arms 

Jin :" what happen is enough to enlight him and make him know the consequences for his actions, so don't worry and I will call the school my self to know how they this stupid for a student to run out without there knowledge "


Jungkook carried Jimin to his room as it was late and he need to rest 

Jimin :" kookie .. " Jungkook caressed his cheek

Jungkook:" yes baby "

Jimin :" Taehyung hyung is not talking to me .. tell him I'm sorry " Taehyung still didn't utter a word but still didn't leave Jimin side till Jungkook carried him , he stayed in the living room.

Jungkook:" he is just tired, sleep now and tomorrow everything will be okay " Jungkook kissed his forehead and tugged him under the cover

The door opened revealing Yoongi and IU 

IU headed to Jimin kissing his forehead and whispered to Jimin

IU:" I talked to him , don't be scared baby nothing will happen " and she patted his head

Jimin :" thank you for your support" 

IU :" anything baby " she kissed his cheek and all of them left leaving Jimin with Yoongi who was looking to Jimin's eyes and the poor kid was avoiding eye contact 

Jimin Lying on his bed, looking remorseful

 Yoongi Sits down on a nearby chair, his expression a mixture of concern and frustration

Yoongi:"Jimin, I can't believe you put yourself in such a dangerous situation. Do you have any idea how worried I was when I found out?"

Jimin Sighs heavily

Jimin :" I know, hyung. I messed up big time, and I'm really sorry. I didn't think about the consequences, and I regret it now."

Yoongi leaning forward, his voice tinged with worry

Yoongi :Jimin, you're just 14 years old with a terrific past , You shouldn't be getting involved in dangerous situations like that. I'm supposed to protect you, and I feel like I failed.

Jimin Sits up, looking earnestly at Yoongi Hyung , he know now that he didn't just broke his hyung trust but he make his hyung feel like he ia not protecting him right.

Jimin :"it's not your fault. I made the decision to go there, and I take full responsibility for it. I should have considered the potential dangers, but I was foolish."

Yoongi Runs a hand through his hair, visibly upset

Yoongi : "I can't bear the thought of something happening to you, Jimin. You mean the world to me, and I can't stand seeing you in harm's way." Everytime Yoongi calling Jjmin by his name he felt a bang in his heart , he didn't use to this cold treatment 

Jimin Tears welling up in his eyes

Jimjn: " I'm really sorry for making you feel like that, Yoongi hyung. I never wanted to cause you so much pain. I promise I'll be more careful from now on."

Yoongi Softens his tone, moving closer to Jimin

Yoongi:" Jimin, I want you to understand how much I care about you. You're like a son to me, and I'll always worry about your safety. I need you to promise me that you'll think twice before putting yourself in danger again.

Jimin Nods, wiping away tears 

Jimin :"I promise, hyung. I've learned my lesson, and I won't make the same mistake twice. I'll be more responsible and considerate of your concerns."

Yoongi Places a hand on Jimin's cheek, offering reassurance

Yoongi :" Thank you for understanding, Jimin. Just remember that I'm here for you. If you ever feel lost or tempted to make a reckless decision, come to me. We'll figure things out together."

Jimin: (Sniffles) "Thank you, Yoongi hyung. I'm grateful to have you looking out for me. I'm sorry for causing you so much worry, and I'll do my best to regain your trust."

Yoongi: (Smiles softly)" I believe in you, Jimin. We all make mistakes, but it's how we learn from them that truly matters".

Jimin :" soo .. when will you forgive me " 

Jimin looked to him hopefully 

yoongi :" what makes you feel i didn't?"

Jimin :" you are calling me by my name " 

jimin looked down sadly 

Yoongi :" mmmm , okay what if i did now , will you make me regret my decision? You need to promise me you will never do rhis again "

Jimin:" i promise hyung, never again"

Yoongi:" okay baby just for the sake of your smile " 

Jimin: (Smiles gratefully) "Thank you, Yoongi hyung. I'm lucky to have you as my father "

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