Chapter 8: Apprentice (2/2)

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"Devan, please! Where are you?!"

It's been about an hour or so since the disappearance of Devan, and almost immediately were our remaining Titans on the move in search of their friend.

Raven: (Over communicator) Starfire, enough. You've been calling for forty-five minutes.

Starfire: Perhaps if I just try one more--

Beast Boy: (Also over comm.) Come on, Star! If he's gonna pick up, he'd have done it by now. 'Sides, you're kinda giving me a headache...

Starfire: But why does he not respond? Where could he be??

Down in the sewer, Vic inspected the chamber in which the golem was once fought in, now littered with craters and melting ice.

Cyborg: Dev and Cinderblock definitely went a few rounds, but I can't tell who won. Or where they went...

We find our fourth Titan at the Tower, she is at a console in the operations center of the room.

Raven: His locator is still offline. I've been monitoring all the frequencies, but he hasn't checked in.

Starfire: Oh, we are bad friends! We should never have left Devan to do battle alone!

Beast Boy, as a monkey, jumps onto a roof and takes human form.

Beast Boy: Yeah, especially since Slade's big doodad was a dud.

Raven: The Chronoton Detonator wasn't a dud, it was a decoy to lure us away from Devan, and we fell for it.

Hearing this, Cyborg groans loudly and slams a fist against the wall of the sewer tunnel.

Cyborg: Dang, I shoulda known that thing was a fake!

Starfire: But why? Why did Slade wish to separate us from Devan?

Beast Boy: And if the detonator was a decoy...

Raven: ...what was Slade's real plan?

Maverick: Alert! Criminal activity detected!

Hearing Devan's robot felt a bit odd without him, but nevertheless it displayed a private laboratory. A tall figure could be seen landing on the roof via a jetpack, and with the use of a back mounted laser, he effortlessly cut a large hole through the glass.

(??? POV)

Entering the building was no issue, now onto the main event, I guess...

The target was in a large and dim chamber, guarded by four men armed with automatic rifles. they stood around a square, glass display case, and inside was a gold and red, cylindrical device. Without much else in the way of options of advancement, I leaped from my vantage point to meet the guards.

Almost immediately, the first man held his rifle up high.

Guard 1: H-Hey! This is a restricted area-urk!

A swift jab to the gut put the man down, and his buddies cocked their guns at me. It was so simple to duck and dodge their bullets, and with a single strike I made sure to knock them unconscious. Once the final guard was dispatched, I approached the glass, and with a little red laser beam I cut a tiny opening, snatching the component and taking flight back where I had entered.

"Hold it!"

That voice, I couldn't mistake it for anyone else, and as I pocketed the item and turned to face him, I was at the receiving end of a sonic blaster. And it looks like the others were close behind...

(No POV)

Cyborg: So, got any tricks up your sleeve?

LevenLeven: ...

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