Chapter 3

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"Minoru....?" you mumbled, tears pooling in your eyes as you covered the bottom half of your face with your hands.

He smiled nervously, waving at you before noticing your legs start to wobble, his eyes narrowed.

'She definitely used too much magical energy during her fight with Alpha.'

Just as your knees gave out, Minoru slipped an arm around you, holding you up before deciding it'd be better to let you rest.

"Take it easy, (Name). Did you expend that much magical energy?"

Your breathing became shallow as he lowered you to the ground, kneeling right in front of you to provide some form of stability.

"I'm.... F-fine" you muttered, grabbing onto the lapels of his cloak as the cold of the night suddenly began to permeate your skin.

Rolling his eyes, Minoru began rubbing your arms through your robe, trying to warm you up; he hugged you, letting magical energy gradually flow into your body as gloved hands rubbed your back over your clothes, the sensation making your face warm.

"Fine, my ass. You're cold, freezing even. Even if you used 70% of your magic, it shouldn't be affecting you this much." he scolded you, letting go when you pushed at him, your body warmer than usual as you took a deep breath and leaned forward, slapping him soundly across the face.

Your eyes darted over to one of the girls in the corner who looked like she was restraining herself from lunging at you, light blue tresses peeking out from under her hood as some of the members of the seven gasped.

Paying no attention to her, you grabbed Minoru by the collar, getting to your feet and preparing to deliver another slap to his face before shoving him away, your arms crossed.

"I leave you alone for a couple of years and you form a damned cult? Then you send your..... Your goons or whatever these girls are to kidnap me and that little bitch shattered a window pane on my face and they bring me here for you to say hey????? If you don't start explaining, I will fuck your shit up so bad-"

Raising his hands in a gesture of surrender, Minoru took a few cautious steps closer to you, his left cheek bearing the mark of your palm print as he tried to explain.

"There's no need to get so violent, (Name). Of course I'll explain, but you need to be open minded about this, okay?" he tried to negotiate, stopping when you jabbed a fingernail into his chest, your eyes narrowed.

"Stand there and talk." you snapped at him, spinning your staff before facing the enchanted top at him.

"You barely have enough magical energy, so please don't try to attack me-"

You bit back a snicker, a hand covering your mouth "And what is up with that voice? Puberty hit someone a little too hard, huh?"

Feeling himself redden, Minoru scowled at you "Since when did you care about what I sound like? Besides, you look as small as ever, only a bit....."

You smirked at him as you noticed his hood reform and flop over his head, your arms crossing. "A bit what?"

"You're.... Curvy...."

You doubled over, slapping at your knee as tears of laughter started to slide down your cheeks, your voice echoing in the room as you cackled at his comment.

"What the hell...? That was so funny~"

Rolling his eyes, Minoru stared blankly at you before repeating himself, adamant on making himself clear.

"But you are. Your hips look rounder and everything-" his reply nearly made you stumble back in shock, your eyes crinkling as your grin widened.

"Minoru Kageno, are you checking me out??? That is absolutely insane." you mused, almost dropping to the floor in another bout of giggles at the look of shame in his eyes, your expression softening before you attempted to tackle him, your arms twining around his nape as you hugged the boy; his eyes showing some form of anxiety and unease as his gloved hands ghosted over your back, not touching you.

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