Chapter 8

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[TW : This chapter contains torture, physical abuse and intentions of SA. If these subjects trigger you, do not read. Scroll away and wait for the next chapter. You have been warned. This chapter is also long af??? I really don't know what happened???]

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Sitting in a golden armchair in the middle of his dorm room, Shadow sipped red wine from the glass he had in his hand, swishing the red liquid to and fro while waiting for a member of the seven to reach him.

It had been a long two days of waiting and tonight, he would finally rescue you from the cult of Diabolos.

Oh, and Alexia too.

However, the teen's eyes flitted over to the balcony for a brief moment, as if expecting one of the Seven to appear immediately.

Sighing, he refilled his glass and took another sip of wine, swirling it around while waiting; his other hand absentmindedly drumming a tune into the arm of the chair showing just how jittery he was, excitement swimming in his blood.

‘I can't wait to find the bastard that took (Name). He's gonna wish he was never born by the time I'm done with him.’

Hearing gentle footsteps, Shadow's eyes immediately focused on the direction of the sound, the snowy haired elf stepping out of the shadows and into his room made him smirk, training his gaze ahead once again.

Beta. You've arrived.” he called out to her, her blue eyes shining in admiration as she stepped closer to his seat.

“Of course, Lord Shadow. The show is about to begin, we hope we can please you with this operation.” she answered, reverence in her voice as she dropped to a knee.

Rise.” Seemingly satisfied with her behavior, Shadow asked the elf to stand, holding a letter out to her over his shoulder.


Getting to his feet, Shadow walked towards the balcony of the room, turning to the side to answer Beta's unfinished query. “My apologies to Alpha but I will be taking the prelude instead. Tonight, the world is going to know us!

Beta clasped her hands over her heart, staring at the spot he stood in awe, her cheeks flushed a bright red even though her master had left the room. “Of course, Lord Shadow.....”

Forcing your eyes to stay open, your legs trembled from the effort of holding your weight for hours on end, the Magus tattoo on your back exposed to view by the halter top you had on underneath your school uniform that was nowhere to be found.

The skin of your wrists were rubbed raw by the magic restricting cuffs hanging from the ceiling that had held a minimal portion of your weight the past few days. The green gems embedded into the cuffs kept you weak and unable to heal fully from all the stab wounds you had received during your stay in the dungeons under this hideout.

“For the last time......” your interrogator spoke, walking around you to stand in front of you, a syringe full of mercury in his hand as he grabbed your face in his hand, holding eye contact with you.

“How do you read arcane magic and use runes?” he asked, squeezing your jaw harder to incite some form of a response from you.

Sighing, you remained silent up until he released your jaw from his grasp, spitting right in his face as you lifted your head to glare at him. “I'd rather you torture me for the next millennium than tell you that”

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