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[A/N : I'm aware I'm a little late with a chapter, but this isn't an official chapter, hence the lack of a ‘Chapter’ tag and more of a title. Anywhoooo, this is just a little part I wrote to make sure you guys didn't go unfed because school has been kicking my ass for a week or two. Enjoy!]

Sitting by your conjuring corner, you held a grimoire open, tracing along the edges of the drawing on the page with mana and extending your hand towards the chunk of obsidian inside the glyph you painted on the floor, a white fluff ball appearing in the glyph and purring at you.

“Robin...” you mumbled, frowning at the cat and flicking the page, your fingers moving swiftly over the next page, a robin appearing in place of the white cat and making you quirk an eyebrow.

“Hmm.... Maybe a raven would be better?” you pondered aloud, snapping your fingers and morphing the robin into a raven, a small smile on your face as you extended your arm out to the bird.

Crouching down on the ground, you let the bird hop onto your arm before yelping when it tried to peck your eye. “You nasty little- Phoenix!”

A large red bird that was almost three times the raven's weight appeared on your arm, its golden eyes locked on your face in curiosity while you stared back at it, wondering what the hell it was doing.

Clutching onto its neck, you stopped it from attacking you and sighed as you flung it aside, rather unhappy with your progress.

“Old lady Rory said this would be easy. I should've known better.”

Your attention was caught by the sound of footsteps on the stairs, a groan of frustration escaping you; you slammed the grimoire you were holding shut just as your boyfriend came into the room, his voice loud.

“(Name). Where are you?? I've been looking for you for over 20 minutes, come out.” You rolled your eyes upon hearing the pout in his voice, calling out to him to stop him from bursting into tears because he happened to have done that at least twice this week.

You sighed, raising your hand to signal to him your whereabouts “Minoru, I'm over here.” However, you instantly regretted it, screeching and trying to clamber backwards onto your feet when he jumped over the coffee table in the middle of the room and tackled you, your head hitting the hardwood floor with a loud thump.

“Ugh. What is wrong with you???” you groaned in pain and struggled to sit up, shoving at the boy on top of you.

“What are you up to?” Cid held up his weight with his arms on either side of your head, the rest of his body ramrod straight as if he was-

You blinked up at him, an eyebrow quirked. “Are you seriously planking on top of me right now?”

“If I don't stay in shape how else am I going to keep you interested in me, I'm not exactly your usual attractive guy. My hair is plain and my eyes are just.... black. Isn't that weird?”

Staring at him incredulously, you mumbled. “Are you seriously revealing your insecurities while planking on top of me?”

“Not insecurities, they're facts. Now get up, we have stuff to do.” he sighed, slowly kipping into a handstand and giving you gentle headbutt.

Rolling your eyes, you sat up and began flipping through your grimoire again, glaring at him when he snatched it. “We as in Shadow Garden, right? I'm not a part of Shadow Garden-”

“No. I mean we as in me and you. Let's go do mundane things adventurers do in those weird video games.” Cid responded, tracing his finger over some of the sigils in the book, flipping through the pages in intrigue.

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