Chapter 9

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[TW : Gore and blood. Lots and lots of blood. Cid nearly has a mental breakdown (poor boy). Anyway, have fun reading this chapter because I probably had a lot of fun writing it.]


Seething with rage, Cid glared straight at Olaf, his red eyes narrowed as he walked slowly over to the much larger man who was slicing at Sara like he was trying to carve a thanksgiving turkey.

Punching straight through his spine, Cid grabbed the wailing male by his head and raised him off the floor, his fingers pressing into the skin, his slime suit doubling around his hand to prevent it from being stained with blood.

How dare you...... Hurt my soldier like that? And where is the mage, huh? Where the hell is my woman??!” Squeezing tighter on Olaf's head, Cid continued to glare him down, hoping he'd answer before he squashed his skull.

“Lord..... Lord Shadow, Lady (Name) is stuck here.” Sara called out to him softly, her pupils nearly dilated as her breaths heaved, shaky even after every second she chose to draw breath.

Diverting his attention to the elf, he dropped Olaf to the floor and stepped on the side of his head before kicking him in the neck.

Fucking bastard. Gamma! Epsilon! Both of you come here and skin this fucker right now...!” Shadow yelled for them to come down to the torture chamber, turning his attention back to Sara to examine her wounds, pulling her off the rubble gently and placing a hand on her forehead, magical energy stitching her injuries closed.

Dropping into a squat, his eyes widening in shock at the sight of your limp hand. Cid instantly raised the piece of debris off you, flinging it aside as if it weighed nothing; a pained gasp escaping his lips as he knelt by your unmoving body, his arms wrapping around you and pulling you off the ground so he could bury his face into your neck, tears of relief pooling in his eyes when he felt your pulse thrumming weakly against his lips.

“(Name)...... I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I got here so late..... I.... I want to save you” Cid sniffled, pulling back to look you over, concern written boldly on his face since he couldn't distinguish where all the blood on your body was coming from, his jaw clenched in rage.

How could anyone treat you like this.....?

“(Name).... I'm so sorry. Thank God I'm not too late... You're still breathing.”

Flowing mana into your body, his eyes narrowed when he noticed that your injuries weren't closing, his voice raised. “Beta! Alpha! Something's wrong, come!! She's not responding to my magical energy! Her wounds aren't closing and I...

Trailing off, Cid began to clutch at his neck, his breathing erratic as his heart rate skyrocketed, the elves examining you and flowing magical energy into your body to affirm their leader's words, the nervewracked teen staring at you with tears sliding down his cheeks, his hands going to grip at his hair.

“Not again. No. I will never watch you die again. You're not dying, (Name). I will never let you get this badly hurt again. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry...”

Frowning, Beta looked up at Alpha, determined to catch her eye, but the blond just spilled her guts instead, determined to let Cid know what the problem was as soon as possible.

“There's a toxin blocking her magic from spreading through her body. It's also intercepting any mana that comes into contact with her skin, I believe it's been injected straight into her system to weaken her organs first.”

My everything (Cid Kagenō x f! reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum