Chapter 11

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[A/N : It's official, guys. Cid and Aria make me sick and I can't stand them being puddles of goo around each other. Skip the singing part, I know it's cringe I just can't help but think they're kinda cute like this even if Cid has nearly ripped his hair out from exasperation more times than I can count. There's no action in this chapter, it's just a brief pause before the next part of the events of season 1 take place. Enjoy the chapter!]

Sighing, you looked Cid in the eyes, your voice almost a whisper as you asked. “Minoru, why did you kiss me?”

“I wanted to get the mercury out of your system without making you lose too much blood. It was the safest method and-”

You smiled softly at him, your eyes averted. “But you knew I didn't want to be saved. So why did you?”

At that moment, he blinked at you before frowning. “Was it your mana stopping me from extracting the mercury?”

You gave a slight nod, your gaze focused on the large IV bottle laying on the bedside drawer.

You nibbled on your bottom lip, wondering why you told him that when his voice cracked “Why would you say that?? You know what happened before, so why would you-”

“You also died on that day. We both died.... So let's not make this just about me.” you mumbled, attempting to pull back from him.

“If I had a choice, I would've chosen to die alone-”

“That's why I wanted to do that last week. If any of us deserved to live, it definitely should be you, Minoru. You bring so much good into the world even if you claim you're just trying to get stronger.” you cut him short, not expecting him to let go of you immediately.

“Who do you think I started doing that for?” he asked, running his hands through his hair as he sighed.

You stiffened, staring at him in confusion. “What are you saying, Minoru.....?”

“…… Nothing. I'm not saying anything at all. I just really wanted to save you. I promised you that I always would from here on out and I don't intend to fail anytime soon.” he swallowed the word vomit building up in his throat and forced himself to relax.

Ruining your friendship wouldn't be worth it if you refused to admit your feelings.

“I just… I need you to be honest with me-”

I can't.” the dark haired boy sighed, his voice tinged with a rough timbre that nearly made you take off.

It pained you to see him like this, keeping things from you. Or did he.... “Why? Is there something you can't tell me? I thought we told each other everything. Hmm? I-”

“I'm in love with you, very much so. I've always been in love with you but I didn't want to freak you out and I'm sorry I've been acting really weird, I just couldn't find a way to get the words out.

He knew he couldn't say that. You'd just run off and leave him alone.

“Nothing to say…? Huh?” you sighed, making to get up from the bed, only for Cid to grab you by the wrist, pulling you back towards him, his lips pressed into a thin line as he stared at you with a somber expression.

“Stay. Please…?”

You pulled your hand free from his grasp, shuffling a ways back from him before getting off the bed, sporting an upsidedown smile. “You should get some rest, okay? I'll come back to see you later when you're not so-”

I'm fine, okay?? Just… Please, just stay with me. I haven't talked to you in over a week and I just want to be around you.”

“Minoru, I-” you started, looking away from him.

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