Chapter 13

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[A/N : The chapter is kinda long but my fingers ran away with this one, I swear. It wasn't my fault. Try and enjoy because the next chapter is gonna be real cringe. I mean, it's a romance book, what did you expect?]


Walking straight into his dorm room, Cid glanced at the balcony, the curtains being rustled by the breeze before he caught sight of blonde hair.

"Oh, Alpha. What are you doing here?"

"Progress report. Epsilon still can't find the rift and it's getting rather dark. I asked her to return to the base and try again tomorrow morning." the elf sighed, walking over to the bed to take off Cid's shoes.

Laying back on the soft sheets, the black haired male responded, his eyes shut as Alpha removed his shoes slowly, slime warping into a bubble that covered her and vanished the next second, the blue eyed woman now sporting her signature gold-adorned slime suit.

"What did you have for dinner?"

Peeking at her with one eye, Cid yawned, shutting his eye again as she placed a sandwich and a glass of water by his bedside, complete with a bottle of juice. "I thought Beta was the one supposed to be doing this today."

"She's rather busy trying to assist Epsilon. Her and Gamma, I believe. Honestly, I wonder what she was thinking when she asked for Epsilon and not myself or Zeta to widen the rift."

Cid finished the sandwich, barely taking time to savor the tender ham slices or the mild heat from its spice before chugging the glass of water like he'd had none of it before, the crumpled wrapper hitting the rim of the waste bin and falling onto the floor when he threw it.

'That was a circus shot. If I made that, I may as well go back to the normal world and join the NBA. I'd make enough money to cater for (Name).'

"What she decides to do is none of your business unless she actually calls your name. She requested Epsilon for a reason best known to her, so let's be a bit more respectful towards her. She's not a child or a novice mage, so give her-"

The blonde interjected, leaning over on the bed to undo Cid's top buttons. "I'm not being disrespectful. I was the first of the Seven and I'm probably also the strongest. As for her mode of selection, it doesn't really matter to me who she chooses; it's inconvenient for every one of us if an important member is missing during meetings or crucial discussions."

"It's almost like you can't fill them in later. Interesting, isn't it?" The teen nearly sighed at her nagging, flinching slightly when her nails dragged over his chest, his eyes opening to catch sight of her brushing a few strands of hair behind her ear.

She shook her head, her tone carrying a teasing lilt. "It's almost like you've forgotten why you created Shadow Garden and gave us power."

It seemed like Alpha took it too far because Cid's nonchalant stare instantly turned to a frown, onyx eyes locking with Alpha's as he sat up. "Are you saying I'm going soft?? Is that it, Alpha? So what do you suggest I do? Overthrow Iris Midgar??"

"I never said that you were going soft. If it sounded like that to you, I offer my sincerest apologies, Lord Shadow. However..... That is a splendid idea. I'll continue to find more leads on any Knights or connections from the Royal family to the Cult of Diabolos." she smiled as she straddled his thighs, digging her thumbs into his shoulders and trying to massage them.

The boy instantly blinked at her response, wondering how she mistook his sarcasm for actual speaking. He was about to clarify what he meant but paused and gave it thought. If he beat Iris in a fight, what would that mean for him....?

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