Chapter 5

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"I have to go home with Alexia" Cid sighed, getting to his feet to leave, but you grabbed onto his wrist, stopping him as you blocked his way.

"You're leaving me alone??? You can't do that! Not after telling me a damn cult is after me!" you hissed, jabbing your nail into his chest.

"She'll start looking for me and our agreement was that I always be with her so she can convince her fiancé to leave-"

You sighed, crossing your arms. "And what about me?? I can't win a sword fight and I don't even have a sword! All I can use is my staff and the end isn't sharp enough to draw blood-"

"Do you actually need my help or do you just want a bodyguard?" Minoru asked, scrutinizing your mana levels.

'It's high enough for her to win a serious fight'  he noted, blinking in surprise at the pout on your face.

"Don't leave me all alone right now, you!" you stomped your foot, pouting as you pointed the enchanted top of your staff into his face.

Minoru almost turned red at how cute you were, but he shook his head, laughing at you. "Are you actually scared of them?? You???"

Sighing, you retracted your staff and directed your gaze away. "That's not it. I just..... I want to spend some more time with you"

Unable to contain himself, he pulled you into a tight hug, inhaling your comforting scent as he splayed his palms on your back, taking in how soft and warm you were to the touch. "We'll spend time together tomorrow, okay? I promised Alexia I'd go with her, so I'll spend the entire day with you tomorrow-"

"Why are you dating her? Do you even like her??" you asked, pushing him away to stare at him curiously, the boy scratching his head as he tried to explain. "It's...... It's complicated"

"Define complicated" you sighed, crossing your arms and looking up at him, your brows quirked. "I thought she was going to reject me and I didn't want anyone suspecting that I was Shadow, so I tried to blend into the majority of boys that asked her out and got rejected and-"

"And instead, she agreed. That's kind of sad honestly, but you're stupid for trying to do that without finding out her type. Me and Alexia share a few things in common, but the most important one is that Alexia loves cute boys. She likes them very forward and blunt, she also doesn't mind snarky boys which is why she must've been even more interested in you"

Minoru blinked, almost turning red. "You think I'm cute?"

You smiled, poking at his cheek. "Most of the time when you're not being a weirdo or being mouthy"

Nodding slowly, he stared down at you, his eyes softening as he grabbed your hand. "What else do you think of me?"

"You're strong, ridiculously strong. You've always been strong." You focused your gaze on his hand that grabbed yours, not wanting to meet his eyes.

"What else? Am I reliable?" Minoru asked, fixing his gaze on yours as you nodded, his finger crooking under your chin to redirect your eyes back to his.

You felt yourself stiffen as you grasped your staff tighter, your voice a whisper. "Alexia is waiting for you, Minoru"

"Answer me and I'll leave" he stated clearly, leaving no room for argument as his eyes remained locked on yours.

You cleared your throat, grabbing onto his wrist to pry his hand off your face to no avail. "You don't need to stand so close to ask that-"

"Answer me." he reiterated, quickly swiping his tongue over his bottom lip as he waited patiently for your response. You averted your eyes, sighing softly "Yes. You're very reliable and I would happily leave my life in your able hands. If you want me to."

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