Chapter 10

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[A/N : Alpha is tired of being second best so she has decided to take matters into her own hands and seduce Cid. However Cid is not having any of it and plots his confession while trying to recuperate. Hopefully, no one throws any wrenches in his plans. Enjoy the chapter!]


Blinking owlishly at Alpha, you asked “Could you say that again? One more time?”

The elf sighed, crossing her arms as she urged you to sit back down on the bed you were recovering on. “Lord Shadow doesn't wish to see you at the moment, so continue your recovery here until you're permitted by Eta to leave.”

You stared at her like she had suddenly grown three heads, confusion apparent on your face. “Are you crazy....? What do you mean he doesn't want to see me? He would never say that.”

“Those were the words he spoke. Do not fault me if the master does not enjoy your prese- ack!”

Staring at her as you lifted a hand in front of her, the magus tattoo on your back pulsing with pent up magical energy waiting to be released, the blonde being lifted a few feet off the ground as she fought against the invisible grasp on her neck.

You sighed before releasing her, opening up her airways and letting her drop to the floor, your hand falling back to your side when you asked her why she did what she did. “Why did you say that?”

“You have no idea how much he actually spoils you. That girl nearly died because of her desire to protect you. We lost a few soldiers three days ago, yet you insist on making everything about you.”

Your eyes widened as you remembered the elf with snowy white hair. “Sara.... Where is she now? Is she okay? And I know you seriously don't think I've been self-centered this whole time. Besides, where the hell is that dunce? I haven't seen him in a while....”

Alpha shot you a disapproving look as she got back to her feet, her arms crossed as she sighed, continuing. “Sara has been discharged from the infirmary since the day after your rescue and has gone back to her duties and Lord Shadow has been isolated for the past week and has refused treatment for-”

“Treatment?!! He got hurt? Or is he sick??” you instantly got to your feet, wincing when you felt a sharp pain in your abdomen and deciding to sit back down for now.

Alpha smiled softly, remembering the reason he gave the seven for his actions. “He drank the mercury from your body and claimed that he would get used to it so in case a similar situation occurred, he would use his blood as an antidote for you.”

You felt your face heat up, your eyes averted from hers. “That idiot.... He's going to kill himself if he doesn't get anyone to heal him.”

“Lord Shadow has refused healing and instead gave Gamma a formula to make some strange water he's been supplying through a tube into his system to hydrate himself. It's working for the most part because his fevers have stopped and he's no longer unable to stand. He's even been working out the past few days because he had nothing better to do in that room.”

You frowned at her words, crossing your arms.

‘He taught Gamma how to make and administer an IV?? What is that dunce thinking?’

You shook the thoughts away and apologized for attacking Alpha earlier, the elf rolling her eyes in response, a smirk on her face. “I'll get you back once you're better. If you drop your guard too much, you're dead.”

You felt your blood run cold at her playful words, her eyes not holding the seemingly playful light. “I already apologized, Alpha.... Cut me some slack.”

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