Chapter 3

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Mail's pov

Mila and Quinn had been back in Vancouver for about 5 weeks. Mila was now 11 weeks pregnant (or 2 months) and was currently on her way to another ultra sound appointment.

Quinn couldn't come to this one although he wanted to he had to prepare fro the up coming session so he was at the Rink with the team.

Ellen and gemma had helped Mila find a doctor in Vancouver. As Mila was sitting in the chair while Doctor Shelly was moving around the stick.

"Everything looks good with the ba-Oh wait" Shelly said making Mila quickly look over to the doctor. "Oh is something wrong it's and isn't it oh god it is." Mila started to ramble.

"Well it depends on how you look at it, you could find it as good or bad news" doctor Shelly said with a warm smile. "Congratulation Mila your having twins it was harder to tell one of the baby's is in a wired position but it is completely fine" doctor Shelly continued.

Mila was surprise as Doctor Shelly delivered the unexpected news. "Twins? Are you serious?" Mila asked her eyes widening with a shock.

Doctor Shelly nodded, "Absolutely. It seems you have double the trouble on the way. Two healthy little ones." Mila couldn't believe it; the idea of twins brought a mix of emotions.

At home

Mila took a deep breath as Quinn walked through the door, his eyes searching hers for any hint of news from the appointment.

"How'd it go?" Quinn asked, when Quinn couldn't go to the appointment it was the first thing he would ask his girlfriend when he got home.

Mila glanced at him, a mixture of emotions in her eyes. "Sit down, Quinny. I've got something to tell you, and I need you not to freak out."

Quinn furrowed his brow but took a seat, trying to think about what she had to say. Mila couldn't contain her grin as she shared, "We're having twins, Two little ones on the way."

Quinn's eyes widened surprise across his face. "Twins? Seriously?"

Mila nodded, "Yes, seriously. Doctor Shelly said they're both healthy, but one is in a bit of a wired position but nothing to worry about though."

Quinn's shock transformed into a wide smile. "Twins... wow. That's wow." He moved to sit closer, placing a hand gently on her stomach, already imagining the adventure ahead.

Mila laughed, relieved that Quinn was taking the news well. "Double trouble, right?"

Quinn chuckled with a smile "Double the baby's means double the kids to teach hockey."

Time skip
(18 weeks/4 months)

As Mila and Quinn enjoyed their lazy day at home, Quinn continued his habit of talking to the twins. He lounged on the couch, telling stories from hockey.

"You're going to be the hockey fans before you even arrive," Quinn whispered.
Mila smiled, feeling a sudden flutter. She gasped, and Quinn, worried asked, "Everything alright, love?"

"Yeah," Mila grinned, "I think one of them just kicked or moved. Want to feel?"

Quinn's eyes lit up with excitement, and he eagerly placed his hand on Mila's stomach. They both waited and soon enough, a subtle kick made Quinn's eyes widen. "Did you feel that?" Mila asked.

Quinn nodded, "Their going to be hockey players" he said with a grin.

As they continued feeling for more movements, Quinn kept talking to their unborn childre. Mila couldn't help but join in, adding her own thoughts and laughter to the conversation.

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