Chapter 17

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"I'm here mils" Quinn's voice came through the phone softly.

"He...asked wh..why we aren't friends an...anymore" The girl sobbed through the phone. "Who asked Mila?" Quinn asked his heart aching as he heard her cry.

"Charlie, a...and Lacy always asks why aren't home anymore...and I don't want them to have go through this" Mila waited for Quinn's response but she was meet with a dead line.

"Mils you still awake?"


"Hey Mils" Quinn whispered as he stood at her...

Their bedroom door...

Mila jumped out of her bed (she basically fall) slowly making her way over to the Brunette.

As her arms wrapped around his torso her tears started falling again. "It's okay Mils I'm here" Quinn whispered into her hair.

Mila's sobs quieten as she clung to Quinn, her heart still aching from the unresolved tension between them. Quinn held her tightly feeling the weight of their fight.

"I'm sorry," Mila whispered her voice muffled against Quinn's shirt "I didn't mean to push you away."

Quinn gently lifted her chin making her look into his eyes. "I know Mils, we both said things we didn't mean, I'm sorry too."

They stood there in silence for a moment. Quinn brushed away a tear from Mila's cheek kissing her forehead.

"Let's get you to bed" he said softly guiding the girl to her side of the bed.

"I'll go grab you some water" Quinn said as he went to leave  the room. "In my cup?" Mila asked with puppy dog eyes. "Your cup which one?" Quinn asked.

"The finger print one" she tiredly said. Some may think a cup couldn't be that important but to Mila it was one of the most important thing she owned it had Lacy and Charles finger parents along with her selves and Quinn's.

Once Mila was laying down in bed with t water and Advil by her side Quinn went to leave.

"Quinn I...there's something I..." Mila tried saying before Quinn cut her off.

"Tell me tomorrow Mils get some sleep" Quinn said as he left the room.

"I love you" Mila quietly said but it was loud enough for Quinn to hear.

"I love you two Mils."

But tonight Quinn didn't leave their appointment.

He went to the spear room down just down the hall.


Did I make you guys wait 2 days on purpose?

Yes 😇☺️

Sorry not sorry 😚

And yes this is a short chapter

But don't worry I won't make you wait two days this time 😉

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